Recent content by Maged Saeed

  1. Maged Saeed

    MHB Solve Int. xe^xlnx Difficult Integral

    Can anyone help me Evaluating this integral! $$\int xe^xlnxdx$$
  2. Maged Saeed

    4Sine(4X) = -8Sin(2x) Double angle identity

    I think Mr @Mark44 is true. Can you start solving this equation? The only identity you need is sin(2u)=2sin(u)cos(u) What is the first step now?
  3. Maged Saeed

    Mastering Equation Solving: 3 Ways to Simplify Complex Equations

    It is strange equations.. But I think you can do it by matrices .. Can't you!
  4. Maged Saeed

    Points of destructive interference of sound waves?

    Oh , sorry delta L will be (3-1) =2 So the numer is two. I think I'm right now .
  5. Maged Saeed

    Points of destructive interference of sound waves?

    I think that it is 3 Am I right??
  6. Maged Saeed

    Points of destructive interference of sound waves?

    Sorry, I meant 3 The vertical distance between the two sources.
  7. Maged Saeed

    Points of destructive interference of sound waves?

    The condition says : for a destructive interference, (delta L/wavelength)=n.0.5 But how can I apply it here? The initial value of delta L equals to 1 and the final value equals 1.
  8. Maged Saeed

    Points of destructive interference of sound waves?

    Homework Statement Two speakers (S1,S2), emitting sound waves of frequency 340Hz and separated by a distance of 3 m, are driven by the same oscillator. A listener starts walking from point A to S2 Along the line that joins A and S2> How many points of destructive interference will be observe...
  9. Maged Saeed

    Final velocities from head elastic head on collisions

    If you can put one of the velocities of the balls after the collision in term of the other , you can solve this problem. And the law of conservation of kinetic energy would help you.
  10. Maged Saeed

    Final velocities from head elastic head on collisions

    How did you use the law of conservation of kinetic energy?
  11. Maged Saeed

    Circular motion and work done by non conservative forces

    Yes, Because the loss in mechanical energy is equal to the work done by the non-conservative forces in an isolated systems
  12. Maged Saeed

    Proof A U (A ∩ B) ⊆ A: Understanding x∈A

    This is true because each element in the subset ' A U (A ∩ B) ' must belong to A .
  13. Maged Saeed

    Understanding Relative Velocity: Explained in Simple Terms

    No ,, You can understand it in other way. Imagine that there is someone on truck A that is moving with 70 km/h . so he will see the other truck 'B' , which is moving with 70 km/h , going with 140 km/h . Thus , this is the velocity of the truck B relative to A. v=va-(-vb) On the other hand ...
  14. Maged Saeed

    Calculate Q-Value & Energy Loss in a Mass-Spring System | Rearranging Equations

    I have missed this point ,, it should be there ,,, :)