Recent content by mailman123

  1. M

    Reference Frames with Different Origins

    So I should have something like ##x''=\gamma(x-vt)-90ly##? is that right or does the constant need to go somewhere else? Also, does my diagram look correct? I'm not sure I'm interpreting the situation correctly... Does t=t'=t''=0 mean my x'' axis has to pass through event A at the other two...
  2. M

    Reference Frames with Different Origins

    Homework Statement Alex is born in a spaceship and Bill is born on Earth just as Alex’s spaceship passes Earth at 0.90c when t=t’=0 (event A). Planet Z is at rest in Bill’s reference frame (x,ct), where it is 45 light-years (ly) away. Alex, whose spaceship is at rest in the frame (x’,ct’)...
  3. M

    Three Reference Frame Relativity Problem - Velocity Addition or Proper Lengths

    Yeah, upon rereading my post the second part was a little confusing. I actually tried doing the general Lorentz transformation for the second step, but got lazy and decided I'd just do length contraction twice because "length is length! Right?" :rolleyes:. So all this confusion because I was too...
  4. M

    Three Reference Frame Relativity Problem - Velocity Addition or Proper Lengths

    Homework Statement Anna and Bob have identical meter sticks. Anna an observer on Earth, sees Bob traveling in a spaceship at 0.5c away from her. Bob leaves his spaceship in an escape pod, moving away from Earth and the spaceship at 0.1c with respect to the spaceship. How long is Bob's meter...