Recent content by MathHelpa

  1. M

    Is Speed the Same as Magnitude of Velocity in Horizontal Projectile Motion?

    This is a horizontal projectile problem off a building. Is the speed of an object equal to: ##v=a*t## or ##v = |v|## (magnitude) Current problem: ##Velocity = √(v_0^2 + g^2(2h/g)) positive below x axis## ##t = √(2h/g)## so is the speed suppose to be ##v = g√(2h/g) m/s## or...
  2. M

    Projectile Motion: velocity and speed

    I came across this one problem that asked for speed and velocity and I was wondering what the speed is suppose to be. I read somewhere that its the magnitude to velocity. So I want to see if I am doing this right. A ball is launched off the top of a building. The initial velocity of the ball...
  3. M

    Ballistic Pendulum initial velocity of bullet

    Homework Statement A ballistic pendulum is used to measure the speed of a bullet fired from a gun. The pendulum consists of a 20.0g block hanging from a string. A bullet, with mass 0.50gg, imbeds itself in the block causing the block to swing up to a height of 5.00cm. Find the speed of the...
  4. M

    Mass dropped onto vertical spring what is the max compression?

    Homework Statement A mass m = 0.5 kg is dropped from a height of 1.5m above the end of an uncompressed vertical spring with k = 500 N/m. What is the maximum compression of the spring? Homework Equations f_sp = -kx W_sp = 1/2 kx^2 W_nc = ΔK + ΔU K = 1/2 mv^2 U = mgh W = Fdcos∅ p =...