Recent content by Peter 99

  1. P

    Creating Matter from Photons: Proton-Antiproton Bias?

    Given sufficient energy a proton/antiproton pair can be created from photons in the laboratory. Does the (apparently) slight bias exhibited in the big bang apply to the laboratory? In other words, the universe is seemingly not made of antimatter, only "matter." Pushing this idea further, is...
  2. P

    If there is a big crunch will space collapse with the matter?

    If I understand the standard big bang theory correctly, space is like a balloon and is taking the clumps of matter along for the ride as it is expanding, so to initiate a big crunch would space have to start collapsing, or would matter start collapsing, in effect the air would be let out of the...
  3. P

    If there is a big crunch will space collapse with the matter?

    If there is a big crunch will space collapse with the matter?