Recent content by Rellek

  1. R

    Laplace transform of a piecewise function

    Excuse my reading comprehension, I thought it said f(t) = 1. Corrected.
  2. R

    Laplace transform of a piecewise function

    Alright, let's do this: From 0 to 1 we have one function, and from 1 onward we have another. Split up our integral as so: $$\int_0^1 e^{-st} e^{t}dt + \int_{1}^{\infty} e^{-st}(0)dt \implies \int_0^1 e^{t(1-s)}dt$$
  3. R

    Laplace transform of a piecewise function

    Clarification: Laplace transform or Lagrange Transform...?
  4. R

    Applied Does anyone own Numerical Methods by Laurene Fausett?

    Hi, I'm asking this because I ordered this book today, but there is a 4-day shipping minimum. I have to do a few problems from this book, and if anyone owns this, is it possible to tell me the problem statements? Also, if I'm not allowed to ask for this, please let me know. The problems I...
  5. R

    Probability/Combinatorial Question

    Homework Statement [/B] Now, this problem is not the typical stars and bars problem. I'm actually trying to solve for this: If I had n red marbles and m blue marble, I want the probability that I pick n red marbles and only 1 blue marble. The order is irrelevant, meaning, the only thing that is...
  6. R

    How Do a Car and Truck Meet When Starting at Different Times?

    Well, ok. Judging from your work, it seems as if you wanted to keep the time constant with respect to the first car to start. There's nothing wrong with this. However, if this is the case, your work is saying that the two cars will be meeting each other at different times with respect to the...
  7. R

    Carbon-14 Half-Life: Calculating Decays After 50,000 Years

    Hi, Examining your given data, you are given a time rate of change, a half-life, and you want another time rate of change after a finite amount of time. It looks like your first plan of action should be to find the initial amount of carbon-14 present, since that is a rather integral part of...
  8. R

    How Do a Car and Truck Meet When Starting at Different Times?

    Hey, do you know how this equation is derived? If you work this in the integral form you might see what you did wrong.
  9. R

    Why Does gcd(a+b, a-b) Only Equal 1 or 2?

    Hey there, I think a really important concept that you might be forgetting is the principle of linearity with divisibility. Since your gcd divides both a+b and a-b, it is then also true that your gcd will divide ANY linear combination of these integers (assuming integer weights, of course)...
  10. R

    Find the maximum value of this complex function

    Hi, I think the most convenient way to start is to imagine the triangle inequality for your boundary. As someone has pointed out already, what would the modulus for exp(ix) be? This will help because the largest modulus of z that you can find will also happen to be the largest modulus for...
  11. R

    De Moivre's Theorem: Expressing cos(3θ) and sin(3θ) using n = 3

    $$e^{\jmath3 \theta}= (e^{\jmath \theta})^3$$
  12. R

    How Does Inductance Affect a DC Circuit?

    No, because this new circuit is still factoring in the 330 Ohm resistor that is connected when you are calculating the total resistance.
  13. R

    What is the Optimal Angle for Minimizing Work in Kinetic Friction?

    You would want to differentiate the force equation after you have written in terms of ##\theta##.
  14. R

    How Do Conservation Laws Apply to Colliding Space Shuttles?

    The equations for impulse and momentum are what you want to use. Conservation of Momentum is probably what you meant to say. Using conservation of momentum, you are given information that is pretty crucial, because you are told that the two shuttles are initially linked together. This means...