Recent content by rhz_prog

  1. R

    How will the water surface of this planet looks like ?

    Lets suppose we have a planet made from two half-sphere with the same radius (R) made from matter with different density. The left-half-sphere is made from rocks (5gr/cm3) and the right-half-sphere is made from iron (8gr/cm3). Then we pour water on up to about one-tenth of the sphere...
  2. R

    Is this kind of ship drive possible ?

    I am a member of a hard-science science-fiction group. Many authors in our group are striving to make a realistic science fiction scenario that is physically possible. At the moment we are discussing whether this ship drive idea is possible or not. But few among us are real physicist...
  3. R

    Velocity and proper acceleration

    Do someone have links to resources stating the relationship between IRF velocity function over time v(t) and the proper acceleration function over time a(t) ? IRF=Inertial Reference Frame I had tried to use materials inside Baez FAQ ...
  4. R

    What Is the Name of This Relativistic Proper Velocity Equation?

    v(t) in the question above is the velocity of the object relative to an inertial reference frame as a function over time.
  5. R

    What Is the Name of This Relativistic Proper Velocity Equation?

    Just got some strange equation from relativistic travel problem : {\it PA} \left( t \right) =\lim _{{\it dt}\rightarrow 0} \left( v \left( t \right) -v \left( t-{\it dt} \right) \right) \left( 1-{\frac {v \left( t \right) v \left( t-{\it dt} \right) }{{c}^{2}}} \right) ^{-1}{{\it dt}}^{-1}...
  6. R

    Question about exhaust velocity and terminal velocity

    I think it is inappropriate for me to give the chaotic mws file like the first one I attached. This is the new mws file which have been divided to section. I hope this one is more readable. Thank you
  7. R

    Question about exhaust velocity and terminal velocity

    Oh I just remember that. Guess I will have to learn more English Physics Vocabularies. Btw what I mean is the highest velocity the rocket would reach after using some part of its fuel to accelerate itself, provided that the rocket should have enough fuel to decelerate and arrive at its...
  8. R

    Question about exhaust velocity and terminal velocity

    Yes I used Baez Relativistic Rocket FAQ to make my model. I have to modify the equations though, since what I want is a model with : - constant wattage - constant exhaust velocity relative to the ship (is this the one called proper exhaust velocity) - variable proper acceleration -...
  9. R

    Question about exhaust velocity and terminal velocity

    I had made a model assuming a relativistic rocket accelerating with constant power,variable acceleration,variable total mass the result however is somehow counterintuitive. The less exhaust velocity the rocket have, the higher terminal velocity it will have. Is that means I did something wrong ?
  10. R

    Which expression for Relativistic Kinetic Energy is correct?

    I saw that the Relativistic Kinetic Energy calculation for these two sources, seems to be different : see : Conservation of Energy EK = gamma*m*c^2 While here : see ...
  11. R

    Question about Acceleration and Relativity

    Learned something new. Thank you. I had already got some feeling that there are some missing concepts in my understanding of physics. But didn't know the right word to differentiate between the two kind of acceleration. I had saved the page before I replied. I will study it in detail...
  12. R

    Question about Acceleration and Relativity

    The spaceship is accelerating, so since the observer is inside the spaceship, he should feel something pushing said observer. In the calculation I provide in the link above, the rest mass of the ship decrease as...
  13. R

    Question about Acceleration and Relativity

    I want to clarify something basic, since physics is not really my field of expertise. If an observer is staying in an Inertial Reference Frame, and the other observer is inside a ship already having some relativistic velocity ( relative to the first observer ) and currently accelerating...
  14. R

    Self Study for Basic Programming

    hmm, you are right, although java might be a little harder, since you will need to understand html, or at least that is how I learn java, by download and splicing. There is no need for any compiler though, since the browser itself is can act as the script reader.
  15. R

    Self Study for Basic Programming

    I suggest you to learn Matlab, it have complete chemoinformatics library inside. Most works in programming is learning to understand which part of the program had been made anyway.