Recent content by RJK

  1. R

    Can I Use a 520A RMS Thyristor for Controlling a 500A DC Motor?

    After considring my options, I think I will just buy a 400A, 120V Curtis EV controller. It costs just over $1000. My MG has 9 12V deep cycle batteries (108v), so this should work well. With gas almost at $4.00/gallon, I think it is a wise investment. If my MG does not perform as desired (my old...
  2. R

    Understanding the Nature of Electricity: Flow of Electrons or Electric Charge?

    4.3mm/sec? But when I flip on a light switch 100 yards away it comes on immediatly. Something isn't right with that.
  3. R

    Can I Use a 520A RMS Thyristor for Controlling a 500A DC Motor?

    A while ago I built a pc board that serves as a 3 channel SS relay. The output thyristors are 25A. This circuit uses a zero cross opto coupler to fire the thyristor and turn it off (DigiKey MOC3042). I've used many of these to control aa AC wash machine motor (on/off). The first question is if I...
  4. R

    Understanding the Nature of Electricity: Flow of Electrons or Electric Charge?

    I've often wondered just how far the electrons (or electric charge) travel per unit of time. Not as fast as light, right. But if the power generating station is say 100 miles away, would one power cycle (60Hz) or 17mSec travel to my homes and back to the generator?
  5. R

    PWM Control for Electric Vehicle

    Thanks for that reply. EV motor controllers of this size cost about $1500 for a name brand. The one I bought from China was $800, but looks to have failed. I figured the challenge of this sort of project would be controlling the SCR or IGBT. I am an electrical engineer, but most of my career has...
  6. R

    PWM Control for Electric Vehicle

    Last year I built an electric car. I converted a 1966 MG to electric using 8 led acid batteries (96V bus), a DC motor coupled to the transmission, and a large motor controller. The vehicle was working fine. Top speeds of 55 mpg, but with many led acid vehicles, only a 20 miles range. The DC...