Recent content by Rozenwyn

  1. R

    Medical How does your brain decide what to remember?

    If I remember correctly, the brain basically remembers everything, but the recalling process is affected by the significance of the event in your life. That's why events that affect your emotionally are easier to recall.
  2. R

    Finding V_o and i_o for an Ideal Op Amp Circuit with Multiple Unknowns

    Oh it's my bad. I disregarded ground for a minute and thought the Voltage Sources would create a potential of -10V over there. ( -12 + 2 V ). Meh. Then as technodude says, v0 = v2 and the problem is solved. Thanks all. Sorry to confuse you with a bad diagram.
  3. R

    Finding V_o and i_o for an Ideal Op Amp Circuit with Multiple Unknowns

    Ok I took v_2 = -2 and did the calculations but I still don't get the right answers. The answers given in the textbook are v_o = -30V and i_o=3.5mA Here are my calculations: \frac{12-^-2}{4}= \frac{-2-v_2}{8} \ \longrightarrow 28 = -2-v_2 \ \longrightarrow v_2 = -30V \frac{-2-^-30}{8} +...
  4. R

    Finding V_o and i_o for an Ideal Op Amp Circuit with Multiple Unknowns

    Find V_o and i_o. Assume an ideal op amp. I tried applying KCL at v1 and v2 nodes but then got stuck because I had 2 equations with 3 unknowns. \frac{12-v_1}{4} = \frac{v_1-v_2}{8} and \frac{v_1-v_2}{8}+\frac{-10-v_2}{20}= i_o...
  5. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    Thank you for your help. I should be fine after this.:smile:
  6. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    So can I set up the integral this way ? \int_{-4\sqrt{2}}^{4\sqrt{2}} \ \int_{-\sqrt{16- \frac{(u+4)^2}{2}}}^{\sqrt{16- \frac{(u+4)^2}{2}}} \ \int_{\sqrt{ \left( \frac{u+v}{2} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{u-v}{2} \right)^2}}^{\frac{4-u}{2}} \,dz\,dv\,du P.S. Plz let this be right. Editing the...
  7. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    So from this I get: \frac{16-8u+u^2}{4} = \frac{2u^2+2v^2}{4} 16-8u+u^2=2u^2+2v^2 If I go further: 16 = u^2+8u+v^2 16 + 16 = u^2+8u+16+v^2 32 = (u+4)^2 + v^2 \frac{(u+4)^2}{32} + \frac{v^2}{16} = 1 Now this is an equation of an ellipse but it is not centered along the z axis. Did I...
  8. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    Ok so this is what I did. x = (u+v)/2 & y = (u-v)/2 \frac{4-u}{2} = \sqrt{ \left( \frac{u+v}{2} \right)^2+ \left( \frac{u-v}{2} \right)^2} Am I on the right path ? *edit, yeah u're right. fixed now.
  9. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    I don't see how it helps since I can't define \sqrt{x^2+y^2} in terms of u or v ?
  10. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    That's what I have been trying to do but setting \frac{4-x-y}{2} = \sqrt{x^2+y^2} leads me to a dead end. I get 4-x-y-x+\frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{xy}{4} -y+\frac{xy}{4}+\frac{y^2}{4} = x^2 + y^2 4-2x-2y-2xy = \frac{3}{4}x^2 + \frac{3}{4}y^2 ?
  11. R

    Solving f(x), Slope & Tangent Line: Help Me Find Answers!

    yeah i mean 21, lol sry. Gradient = slope
  12. R

    Solving f(x), Slope & Tangent Line: Help Me Find Answers!

    @3, y = 5 @5, y = 11 Now you have 2 points, P1(3,5) & P2(5,11). What is the gradient of the line that passes through these points ?
  13. R

    Solving f(x), Slope & Tangent Line: Help Me Find Answers!

    For the first one, you find the derivative first. f(x) = 3x^2-1 \ \longrightarrow \ f'(x) = 6x then you substitude for x. That doesn't give 6. Now that you have the slope you can find the tangent line. For the second line, I think that would be the gradient of the secant line through those...
  14. R

    Integrating with Respect to Z: Multivariable Calculus HW Problem

    I got stuck on the 3rd question and now I kinda don't know what to do. Can someone help me a bit ? I drew a graph and shaded the region W. I thought it would be a good idea to integrate...
  15. R

    Calculating Mass of Steel Ball for Ultimate Strength

    Let's say you found the area of the cross-section to be A. Well, if it is \frac{1.1 \times 10^9}{1m^2}, how much is it for \frac{x}{A}. And notice that this is not the final answer. It will give you the maximum force that that specific thickness of steel wire can resist.