Recent content by saikyou

  1. S

    Jobs that don't require too much experience, and teach a lot?

    Yes, that's just the kind of job that I would love to get, especially if I could get training and experience in programming (as it is I only have a little). What is a good way to find those kinds of positions - there has to be some better way than cruising I plan to talk...
  2. S

    Jobs that don't require too much experience, and teach a lot?

    I'm not currently working in science but I have a physics degree. So far I've worked in computer tech support, biology research and (currently) teaching English in a foreign country. I'm looking to eventually go back to school and pursue a science career but since most of the deadlines are past...
  3. S

    Re-entering science after a long hiatus. Can't decide what to study.

    I graduated about 5 years ago from a top 10 college in physics. My grades were alright but because of a variety of factors, I decided not to go into a related job. But recently I feel like I've reached a crossroads in my life and I want to challenge myself and give myself an fulfilling (and...