Recent content by Sam Gallagher

  1. Sam Gallagher

    B Understanding Lewin's Circuit Paradox: Explained Simply and Clearly

    Classical electrodynamics books seem to suffer a bit from whisper-down-the-lane syndrome. Certain ideas are very carefully put in context in older texts (e.g. Maxwell, Jeans, Smythe) but later the context becomes more lax, and derivations which have clear need for more precise meaning are left...
  2. Sam Gallagher

    B Understanding Lewin's Circuit Paradox: Explained Simply and Clearly

    There are two types of confusion in learning: (1) confusion arising from difficult concepts, clever proofs and derivations, unique applications of ideas, intuitive leaps required in problem solving, breaking down of assumptions, etc, and (2) confusion arising from imprecise definitions, lack of...
  3. Sam Gallagher

    B Understanding Lewin's Circuit Paradox: Explained Simply and Clearly

    I agree with the others, and would only add that I asked a question about this in PhysicsSE which lays out the ideas involved very carefully, so everyone can be on the same page about terminology and assumptions. The answer there is the same as here, it's not hard to "fix" KVL by including the...
  4. Sam Gallagher

    Linear Algebra What are good books for a third course in Linear Algebra?

    What subject are you interested in? Ideas might be: * Module theory * Multilinear algebra * Functional analysis * Representation theory * Numerical methods in linear algebra If you've come this far, you'll know the field of 'linear algebra' is really a first-step towards each of the above, and...
  5. Sam Gallagher

    Meaning of "fast on the shaft?"

    Well at long last the modelling is done. I'm new to mechanical assemblies and didn't realize just how involved and detailed you had to be when making things like caps and frames! Here is the model in Creo (my school's unfortunate program of choice): The major outline of it comes directly from...
  6. Sam Gallagher

    Meaning of "fast on the shaft?"

    Hey all, You guys are a huge help to me. Academic exercise is the right word for the whole thing, and I'm building it for a 3D CAD class I'm taking at university. I really appreciate all the help! This is a simple thing to play with that can stay on my desk. I'm crunched for time though, and I'm...
  7. Sam Gallagher

    Meaning of "fast on the shaft?"

    Hello all, I'm trying to put together this little puppy: which is found here: Now, there are a few terms thrown around that I could use help clearing up. The descriptions use the terms "fast on the shaft, F" and "loose on the shaft, F" to describe the position...
  8. Sam Gallagher

    Gift: SPICE Double Balanced Mixer Component

    Due to the forum's policy on .zip files I can no longer post the files, sorry all.
  9. Sam Gallagher

    Gift: SPICE Double Balanced Mixer Component

    << Mentor Note -- ZIP files are a security risk, and the file has been deleted. Please post the individual files instead. Thanks >> I saw a post from 2009 of someone who needed a mixer component to play with. So for learning purposes I zipped a symbol, schematic, and .sub file together for...
  10. Sam Gallagher

    Hi all, I'm going to become an inventor

    I didn't exactly know what to put for a title so I just put it right there haha. My name is Sam, I'm an electrical engineer. I'm 19 years old, I'm going to Drexel in the fall for electrical and computer engineering at the moment. I've studied electronics for the past 3 years on my own time and...