Recent content by TopiRinkinen

  1. T

    Does a free falling charge radiate ?

    I should disagree. The Coulomb field external to electron does not carry electrical charge. If you calculate the Gauss integral for the electric field of the electron, such that the electron is not enclosed by integrating surface, the integral is zero Coulombs. On the other hand, if the...
  2. T

    Moving Charges and Magnetic Moments

    Taking a charge on circular path, the moment at the centre of rotation is calculated by \vec m = I*\vec A (A=circular area) And in the case of single charge the current is: I= \frac{dQ}{dt} where t=\frac{2\Pi r}{v} and the moment becomes: \vec m=\frac{\vec r \times \vec v Q}{2}...
  3. T

    Universal motor and the second law of thermodynamics

    Assumptions I can find are: 1. The bandwidth of thermal noise is upto several hundreds of GHz in room temperature. When the wavelength of the current is shorter than the total coil length, the current shall have opposite direction in rotor and stator. But this can be circumvented by band-pass...
  4. T

    Universal motor and the second law of thermodynamics Page 14, last sentence: "If the conductors R1 and R2 are at different temperatures, µ1 and µ2, the net heat °ow should be proportional to the temperature di®erence µ1 ¡ µ2 and thus the power spectrum Sv(!) is proportional...
  5. T

    Universal motor and the second law of thermodynamics

    I don't quite buy that, yet. If you connect a resistor to antenna, the antenna will radiate thermal energy originating from the resistor. Ideally, if you point the antenna towards sky, and insulate everything, the resistor shall cool down to sky temperature. Or if the sky is hotter than the...
  6. T

    Heat pump COP theoretical maximum

    An engineering way to proceed is to try it in practice ;) Years ago, I deviced LTSPICE models of Peltier thermoelements. Can be found from LTspice yahoo groups: Files > tut > Thermal > The TEC allows you to set realistic parameters, and also creating ideal (lossless) models...
  7. T

    Universal motor and the second law of thermodynamics

    Hi, I noticed that universal electric motors have peculiar electrical <=> mechanical transfer function, which seems to break the second law of thermodynamics. Can anyone show where did I do the mistake ? ** Universal motor (series wounded) is a motor where rotor and stator...
  8. T

    Interference and entanglement

    Hi All, I try to understand the outcome of following setup: The idea is that in the middle, a pair of polarization entangled photons are generated (so that the polarization of right-going and left-going are opposites of each other). The setup on left side is deviced so that if the...