Recent content by umair20

  1. umair20

    I Force consideration on a gripped object

    Do tangential forces acting on the chuck during turning have any impact on the grip between workpiece and chuck jaws? Also, will we consider the effect of centripetal force on workpiece?
  2. umair20

    I Force consideration on a gripped object

    Well, the system is a lathe machine in which a chuck is holding a shaft and it is being turned at high rpm.
  3. umair20

    I Force consideration on a gripped object

    What about the centripetal force? Would we have to consider it?
  4. umair20

    I Force consideration on a gripped object

    If an object say a cylindrical body is gripped in a frame and that frame is being rotated by some mechanism, what forces should be considered on the gripped object in order to know the necessary force required for a proper grip?
  5. umair20

    Static Pressure: Exploring Its Development & Forces

    In many books & articles that I have read; static pressure has been defined as pressure of a fluid at rest. In some articles, it is said to be the pressure which is applied against frictional forces in a fluid. But I want to know how a fluid develops static pressure & what is basic force in this...
  6. umair20

    Force on Car's Tyres: Turning Right - Left or Right?

    Couldn't understand...
  7. umair20

    Force on Car's Tyres: Turning Right - Left or Right?

    I think it should be right-side but am not able to justify myself with reason...!
  8. umair20

    Force on Car's Tyres: Turning Right - Left or Right?

    I am not so clear about it...
  9. umair20

    Why Does the Steering Wheel Self-Correct?

    Why the steering wheel comes back to its main position automatically to some extent after the car has been turned...??
  10. umair20

    Force on Car's Tyres: Turning Right - Left or Right?

    If a car is turning towards right, at which tyres more force will act i.e. left-side tyres or right-side tyres...??
  11. umair20

    Density of Water: Does Cooling Below 0°C Affect It?

    we know that density of water is maximum at 3.98°C but when it is cooled below 0°C, will its density decrease by decreasing temperature and will there be a temperature at which its will be higher than that at 3.98°C...?
  12. umair20

    How friction is an electromagnetic force?

    how friction is an electromagnetic force?
  13. umair20

    Why Photon Mass is Zero: Proving it with Relativity Theory

    why rest mass of photon is zero? how to prove it by m=m'/√(1-v^2/c^2)?
  14. umair20

    Elementary Particles: Mass, Force & Matter

    what are mass-carrying particles,force-carrying particles and matter particles?what are their differences?