Contextuality and Non-Locality

In summary, there is a discussion about the relationship between contextuality and nonlocality. It is argued that every state that is contextual is nonlocal, but the inverse is not necessarily true. It is also noted that nonlocality can be seen as a form of contextuality, but contextuality is a broader concept that includes nonlocality. Finally, it is mentioned that there are examples of states that are nonlocal but not contextual.
  • #1
Every state that is contextual is nonlocal.

...and the inverse, is every state that is nonlocal is contextual ?
Physics news on
  • #2
audioloop said:
Every state that is contextual is nonlocal.
Not true. For example, spin of a single particle is contextual, but not nonlocal.
  • #3
Demystifier said:
Not true. For example, spin of a single particle is , but not nonlocal.

talking about entanglement.the question is really for the second proposition (vinculated), the first is assumed from the beggining...that every state that is contextual with respect to the defined test of contextuality is nonlocal as per the CHSH test, but the converse is not true..non locality like a form of contextuality.
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  • #5
mutually agree.
contextuality is broader, subsumes nonlocality.
same thing in quantum information (nonlocality is a generic feature of non-signaling).Existence of two spin-1/2 states that are non-local yet non-contextual.
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FAQ: Contextuality and Non-Locality

What is contextuality and non-locality?

Contextuality and non-locality are two concepts in quantum mechanics that describe the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. Contextuality refers to the idea that the properties of a particle can only be defined in relation to the measurement being performed on it, rather than existing independently. Non-locality, on the other hand, refers to the phenomenon of particles being able to influence each other instantaneously, regardless of the distance between them.

How are contextuality and non-locality related?

Contextuality and non-locality are closely related because they both challenge our understanding of how particles behave and interact with each other. Non-locality is a consequence of contextuality, as the properties of particles can only be defined in relation to each other, rather than independently. This means that particles can influence each other instantaneously, even if they are separated by large distances.

What is the significance of contextuality and non-locality in quantum mechanics?

Contextuality and non-locality are significant in quantum mechanics because they challenge our classical understanding of how particles behave. These concepts are fundamental to quantum mechanics and have been confirmed through numerous experiments, demonstrating the limitations of our classical understanding of the physical world.

How do contextuality and non-locality impact our understanding of reality?

Contextuality and non-locality have a significant impact on our understanding of reality because they challenge the idea of a fixed and independent reality. These concepts suggest that reality is context-dependent and that particles can influence each other instantaneously, regardless of distance. This challenges our classical understanding of causality and the idea of a single, objective reality.

What are some potential applications of contextuality and non-locality?

There is ongoing research on the potential applications of contextuality and non-locality in areas such as quantum computing, cryptography, and teleportation. These concepts could also have implications for our understanding of consciousness and the role of the observer in shaping reality. However, further research is needed to fully understand and harness the potential of contextuality and non-locality.

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