Is 0.9~ equal to 1 in mathematical calculations?

  • Thread starter Gara
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of repeating decimals and how they can be represented by fractions. It also explores the idea of limits and how they relate to the concept of infinity. The conversation ends with a question about the equal value of 1 and 0, which is disproven using mathematical principles.
  • #1
Okay so most of us know 0.9~ = 1, correct?

We find this by doing 1 devided by 3. This makes 0.3~

0.3~ * 3 = 0.9~ So 0.9~ = 1. As most of us know.

But would not 0.3~ = 0.4?

Then it would be 0.4 * 3 = 1.2? So 1 / 3 * 3 = 1.2?

¬_` :confused:
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Gara said:
Okay so most of us know 0.9~ = 1, correct?

We find this by doing 1 devided by 3. This makes 0.3~

0.3~ * 3 = 0.9~ So 0.9~ = 1. As most of us know.

But would not 0.3~ = 0.4?

Then it would be 0.4 * 3 = 1.2? So 1 / 3 * 3 = 1.2?

¬_` :confused:

Does 1/3 = 4? No.

You need to learn the concept of a limit.

Consider this: You move half way across the street, then half of the remining distance, and keep going half way...

Wether or not you reach the end of the street isn't certain, BUT I can tell you you will NEVER get PAST the end point of the street.

1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16 ... = 1

The same applies to the infinite 3s:
3/10 + 3/100 + 3/1000 ... = .3 + .03 + .003 ... = 1/3 = .333~

Consider this proof for 1 = .999~

.9 = 1 - 10^-1
.09 = 1 - 10^-2
.999~ = 1 - 10^-infinity
x^-y = 1/(x^y)
.999~ = 1 - 10^-infinity = 1 - 1/(10^infinity) = 1 - 1/infinity = 1 - 0 = 1

There. The difference is 0.
  • #3
Think of it this way [tex].\overline{999}[/tex] is the real number that the series [tex]\sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{9}{10^n}[/tex] converges to. That series converges to 1 (due to a few simple proofs of properties of series of real numbers).

Edit: I just remembered I wrote up a pdf on this a while back. it is.
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  • #4
You could also use the formula for repeating decimals, I suppose. Since [itex].\overline{2}[/itex] is [itex]\frac{2}{9}[/itex], you could say [itex].\overline{9}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{9}{9}[/itex], or 1.

Cogito, shouldn't that infinite sum be this?

[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{9}{10^i}[/tex]
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  • #5
0.4-0.33... > 0.4-0.34 = 0.06

so two allegedly identical real numbers are more than 6 hundredths apart on the real number line?
  • #6
nolachrymose said:
You could also use the formula for repeating decimals, I suppose. Since [itex].\overline{2}[/itex] is [itex]\frac{2}{9}[/itex], you could say [itex].\overline{9}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{9}{9}[/itex], or 1.

Cogito, shouldn't that infinite sum be this?

[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{9}{10^i}[/tex]
yes it should. thank you for being perceptive.
  • #7
  • #8
Now, where's that Math FAQ when you need it ?
  • #9
Alkatran said:
Does 1/3 = 4? No.

You need to learn the concept of a limit.

Consider this: You move half way across the street, then half of the remining distance, and keep going half way...

Wether or not you reach the end of the street isn't certain, BUT I can tell you you will NEVER get PAST the end point of the street.

But in real life, don't we always get past the end point of the street easily??

Alkatran said:
1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16 ... = 1

I have another question:
We can change the above equation to~
Since both equatoins have infinite 1 and -1
Can we say that 1=0?
  • #10
Leaping antalope said:
I have another question:
We can change the above equation to~
Since both equatoins have infinite 1 and -1
Can we say that 1=0?

OK, you went the way as Euler did.
Just look 1-1+1-1+... as a function, and it will always be changing, namely it is actually a variable. Then can you say a variable equals a constant?
  • #11
Leaping antalope said:
I have another question:
We can change the above equation to~
Since both equatoins have infinite 1 and -1
Can we say that 1=0?
The even partial sums of this series equal 0, whereas the odd partial sums equal 1.
A necessary condition for the sum of the infinite series to EXIST, is that ALL sequences composed of partial sums must converge to the SAME NUMBER.
Since one sequence of partial sums is the sequence of even partial sums, and another sequence of partial sums is the sequence of odd partial sums, we see that this condition is not fulfilled.
Hence, we say that the infinite series is divergent (i.e, it doesn't have a sum).
  • #12
Leaping antalope said:
I have another question:
We can change the above equation to~
Since both equatoins have infinite 1 and -1
Can we say that 1=0?

this is a very discrete quesiton...
  • #13
a bit late, but i like this one







FAQ: Is 0.9~ equal to 1 in mathematical calculations?

1. What is the concept behind the "Weird 0.9~ = 1" question?

The concept behind this question is a mathematical paradox known as the "0.999... = 1" or "0.9~ = 1" proof. It states that the repeating decimal 0.999... is actually equal to 1, despite our intuition that they are two separate numbers.

2. How is it possible for 0.9~ to equal 1?

It may seem counterintuitive, but the proof behind 0.9~ = 1 is based on the properties of infinite decimals. In this case, the decimal 0.999... is an infinite decimal that continues on forever, never reaching an end. Through mathematical manipulation and proof, it can be shown that this infinite decimal is in fact equal to the whole number 1.

3. Why is this concept important in mathematics?

The concept of 0.9~ = 1 is important in mathematics because it allows us to understand and manipulate the properties of infinite decimals. It also challenges our intuition and forces us to think critically about the nature of numbers and their representations.

4. How do we know that 0.9~ is not just a very close approximation of 1?

The proof of 0.9~ = 1 does not rely on approximation, but rather on the fundamental properties of infinite decimals. It can be shown through various mathematical techniques such as limits and algebraic manipulation. Additionally, there are many real-world examples and applications that demonstrate the equality of 0.9~ and 1.

5. Are there any potential implications or consequences of 0.9~ = 1 in other fields of science?

Although the concept of 0.9~ = 1 may seem purely mathematical, it has implications in other fields such as physics and engineering. In these fields, precise calculations and measurements are necessary, and the understanding of infinite decimals and their properties is crucial. Additionally, the concept of 0.9~ = 1 can also be applied in other areas of mathematics, such as calculus and number theory.

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