Exploring the Effects of Light Speed Doubling: A Science Illustrated Perspective

In summary, there is speculation that the speed of light may be changing as the universe expands, which would affect the accuracy of the formula E = mc^2. However, this theory is not widely accepted and violates several conservation laws. Additionally, physical quantities are measured as dimensionless ratios, making claims about changes to dimensionful quantities meaningless.
  • #1
They say it's so in this science illustrated. If it is so and lightspeed doubles in years, will the sun become 4 times as warm (E = mc2) or what would really happen, would everything contain four times as much energy, would wood burn in blue flames? tell me what!
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
E = mc^2 specifically applies to the rest mass energy (the kind of energy that is released in a nuclear reaction).

If light speed is changing, even very slightly over the course of the universe's expansion, then the formula E = mc^2 is not quite right, just an approximation.

Remember conservation of energy, no matter what happens everything can't have "four times as much energy" out of nowhere.

In terms of what noticeable effects would occcur, colors would change. Light moving faster would make everything blue-er (shift away from red). The operation of the sun might be affected, but it would be speculative to guess because our current formulae don't account for a changing speed limit.

Black sholes would shrink, as light could escape from larger and larger masses.

Something like fire wouldn't change because that is a release of chemical potential energy, not rest mass energy.
  • #3
Sariaht said:
They say it's so in this science illustrated. If it is so and lightspeed doubles in years, will the sun become 4 times as warm (E = mc2) or what would really happen, would everything contain four times as much energy, would wood burn in blue flames? tell me what!

Light speed isn't "changing". This is NOT a done deal. In fact, there are more and newer experimental evidence that are throwing doubt into the original J.K. Webb results. So I wouldn't put all my money into this if I were betting.

Because of that, I don't think I want to entertain your "scenario" that clearly violates several conservation laws.


  • #4
Perhaps it's not. But i thought, if m is s/c2 Then the energy is conserved.
Adding to this that G is proportional to c4 (which it also must be in case of conservation of energy) and that h is proportional to 1/c2 (if frequency is proportional to mass) and a is proportional with c2 which leads us to the conclusion that 1/s2 is proportional to c2 and that means that lightspeed wouldn't change at all, cool huh?
  • #5
ZapperZ said:
Light speed isn't "changing". This is NOT a done deal. In fact, there are more and newer experimental evidence that are throwing doubt into the original J.K. Webb results. So I wouldn't put all my money into this if I were betting.

Because of that, I don't think I want to entertain your "scenario" that clearly violates several conservation laws.

there's even a more fundamental reason to reject this pop science snake oil (or cold fusion) even if "They say it's so in this science illustrated."

when we measure anything physical, we are actually measuring dimensionless quantities. when you measure a length with a tape measure or ruler, you are counting tick marks on that ruler. you are measuring the dimensionless ratio of the length you are measuring against the standard of length you are using.

it is true that some physicists have believed that there is a small change in the fine-structure constant, [tex] \alpha = \frac{e^2}{\hbar c 4 \pi \epsilon_0}[/tex] which is a dimensionless constant. for them to say that the speed of light is changing from that is to say that [itex] c [/itex] is changing relative to the standard [tex] \frac{e^2}{\hbar \epsilon_0}[/tex]. but how do you know it is not the standard that has changed? the only meaningful physical quantities are dimensionless.

wikipedia is down right now, but when it comes up, you (i mean Sariaht) should look at the "Variable speed of light" article and the discussion page attached to it. also take a look at the "Planck units" article and the portion about the "Invariant scaling of nature". then follow the links to a couple of papers by Michael Duff about why claiming a change to a dimensionful quantity is not meaningful in and of itself.

r b-j
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FAQ: Exploring the Effects of Light Speed Doubling: A Science Illustrated Perspective

1. What is the concept of light speed doubling?

Light speed doubling is a hypothetical concept in which the speed of light, known as the universal speed limit, is theorized to double in a certain medium or environment. This idea is often explored in science fiction, but has also been studied by scientists in the real world.

2. What are the potential effects of light speed doubling?

The potential effects of light speed doubling are still largely unknown and theoretical. Some theories suggest that it could lead to time dilation, allowing for time travel. Others propose that it could cause distortions in space and time, leading to the creation of wormholes.

3. How is light speed doubling studied and tested?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study and test the concept of light speed doubling. This includes conducting simulations and experiments in controlled environments, as well as using mathematical models and theories to understand the potential effects.

4. What are the implications of light speed doubling for our understanding of physics?

If light speed doubling were to be proven possible, it would have significant implications for our understanding of physics and the laws of the universe. It could potentially challenge some of the fundamental principles of Einstein's theory of relativity, and open up new possibilities for space travel and exploration.

5. Is light speed doubling possible?

At this point in time, light speed doubling is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven to be possible. While some scientists continue to explore the idea, it remains to be seen if it can ever be achieved in reality.
