Understanding Amplitude and Function Type for Complex Waves

In summary: Maybe someone more experienced with Fourier transforms could help me out. In summary, the amplitude of a pulse wave at w=w0 is found by multiplying the real part of the wave by cos(wt+π/2).
  • #1

Homework Statement


I have a basic question about how to mathematically treat waves.

I've seen many times a guess of a wave of the form [itex]Ae^{iwt}[/itex]
My question is, how do I actually know what is the amplitude in t=t0? Do I take the real value only? The imaginary value only?

For example, here:

How do I know if the wave is an even or an odd function? And how do I know it's amplitude at t=3?
Thank you (:
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  • #2
sapz said:

Homework Statement


I have a basic question about how to mathematically treat waves.

I've seen many times a guess of a wave of the form [itex]Ae^{iwt}[/itex]
My question is, how do I actually know what is the amplitude in t=t0? Do I take the real value only? The imaginary value only?

For example, here:

How do I know if the wave is an even or an odd function? And how do I know it's amplitude at t=3?
Thank you (:

Graph the function ψ. What is the definition of an odd function? Of an even function? So which is ψ?
The convention is to read exp(-iwt) as Re{exp(-iwt)} = cos(-wt) = cos(wt).
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  • #3
So in our case (Heaviside(t+T)−Heaviside(t−T)) is an even function, and the Re{exp(-iwt)} = cos(-wt) = cos(wt) is an even function, so the function of their multiplication is also even?
  • #4
sapz said:
So in our case (Heaviside(t+T)−Heaviside(t−T)) is an even function, and the Re{exp(-iwt)} = cos(-wt) = cos(wt) is an even function, so the function of their multiplication is also even?

Right. U(t+tau) - U(t-tau) is 0 except = 1 from -tau to +tau. So that function is even, and multiplying it by cos(wt) keeps it even: ψ(-t) = ψ(t).

This is a strange question, actually. We are not distinguishing between exp(iwt) and exp(-iwt) here, yet the two are different functions of t. On the other hand, I know of no such thing as even and odd complex functions. So the question seems a bit academic.
  • #5
I'm trying to figure out a solution of a question I saw... So this is where the question comes from.
Let's say I have a Pulse wave that I am given it's frequency spectrum: [itex]B(w) = V_0\frac{Sin[(w-w_0)T]}{(w-w_0)T}[/itex] Where V0, T, w0 are constants.

So I do an inverse Fourier transform to get the actual wave, and I get:
[itex]B(t) = F^{-1}( B(w) ) = \frac{V_0}{T}\sqrt{\frac{\Pi}{2}}e^{-iw_0t}[Heaviside(t+T)-Heaviside(t-T)][/itex]

And now I'm asked, what is the intensity of the pulse for w=w0?
So the solution I've seen, claims that when w=w0, you get:
[itex]B(t)_{w=w_0} = B(w_0)Sin(w_0t)[/itex]

Where B(w0) is when you put w0 in B(w).
(And after you have that, you can find the intensity pretty easily, but its here that I get stuck)

To me, this statement ([itex]B_{w=w_0}(t) = B(w_0)Sin(w_0t)[/itex]) makes sense only if the entire wave B(t) was an odd function, because then it would comprise only of Sin waves.
And then, out of all the continuous values of w I could take only the one I'm interested in, which is w0, and putting it in B(w) would give me the amplitude of that specific wave.

But it seems its an even function? How would you approach this?
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  • #6
Have you had analytic functions and the Hilbert transform?
  • #7
Nope :(
  • #8
OK, I'll try to outline an approach for you:

The first thing that's apparent is that your B(w) is not the Fourier transform of a real function of time. If it were, then the inverse transform of B(w), which you've already done, and done correctly I believe, would be real, but it's not.

Yet you're looking for a real function of time.

My take, and here I must warn you that I'm not an expert in this area & that I'm guessing a bit:

Assume B(w) is a one-sided transform of a new function, call it z(t). z(t) is called analytic because Z(w) = B(w) is one-sided.
By definition, Z(w) = 0 for w < 0.

And that z(t) = your b(t) + jb^(t)
where b^(t) is the Hilbert transform of b(t).

In other words, you have already solved for F-1(Z(w)} = z(t)
so your b(t) is just the real part of z(t). No need to even compute the Hilbert transform.

Try that & see what answer you get. If you don't get additional responses in this forum you might want to re-post on the advanced math forum.

I notice the answer given you is not exactly the same as what you'd get with the above approach. But remember cos(wt) = sin(wt + π/2) and that a spectrum function has no phase information.

BTW don't write B(t) as the inverse FT of B(w). B(t) = B(w) with w replaced by t. Write b(t) instead.

I also looked at F-1(w) = (1/2π)∫ from 0 to ∞ of F(w)exp(iwt) dw since F(w) is assumed one-sided, with w > 0 only, but ran into problems performing that integral.
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  • #9
Thank you rude man

FAQ: Understanding Amplitude and Function Type for Complex Waves

1. What is a wave with complex values?

A wave with complex values is a type of wave that is described by complex numbers, which have both a real and imaginary component. This means that the amplitude and phase of the wave can vary in both magnitude and direction.

2. How is a wave with complex values different from a regular wave?

A regular wave is described by real numbers, which only have a magnitude and no direction. A wave with complex values, on the other hand, can have both a magnitude and a direction, making it a more powerful and versatile tool for studying and understanding waves.

3. What are some real-world applications of waves with complex values?

Waves with complex values are commonly used in the fields of physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are particularly useful for modeling and analyzing wave phenomena such as light, sound, and electromagnetic waves. They are also used in signal processing, quantum mechanics, and image processing, among other applications.

4. How are complex numbers used to represent waves with complex values?

Complex numbers are used to represent the amplitude and phase of a wave with complex values. The real part of the complex number represents the magnitude of the wave, while the imaginary part represents the direction or phase of the wave. Together, these components create a complex number that fully describes the wave's properties.

5. What are the benefits of using waves with complex values?

The use of waves with complex values allows for a more accurate and complete representation of real-world phenomena. They also provide a powerful tool for solving complex problems in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. Additionally, they can help us gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of waves and their behavior.
