A contradiction of Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

In summary, the conversation discusses the contradiction of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle when an atom is cooled to 0K, where its motion would theoretically cease and its position and velocity could be determined. However, this contradicts the principle, which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and velocity of an object. The conversation also touches on the concept of zero-point energy at absolute zero and the limitations of reaching this state, as well as the behavior of atoms at extremely low temperatures. Further discussion also touches on the spin of particles and the logical fallacy of making statements about situations that have not been experimentally validated.
  • #1
A contradiction of Heisenberg uncertainty principle??

Suppose an atom is cooled to 0 K (Practically impossible). However theoretically, all its motion will cease ; and therefore it will be possible to determine the exact position of the atom and exact velocity (which is zero).Doesn't this contradict the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and velocity of an object.

Please clarify the situation
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  • #2
AlbertEinstein said:
Suppose an atom is cooled to 0 K (Practically impossible). However theoretically, all its motion will cease ; and therefore it will be possible to determine the exact position of the atom and exact velocity (which is zero).Doesn't this contradict the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and velocity of an object.

Please clarify the situation

That may be so in the classical sense.

But at 0K quantum-mechanical systems are really in their ground states with a kinetic energy greater than 0.
  • #3
For further information Einstein, google for "zero point motion":smile:
  • #4
AlbertEinstein said:
Suppose an atom is cooled to 0 K (Practically impossible). However theoretically, all its motion will cease ; and therefore it will be possible to determine the exact position of the atom and exact velocity (which is zero).Doesn't this contradict the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and velocity of an object.

Please clarify the situation

In addition to what Hoot said, there is also a measureable effect called the deBoer effect seen especially in the noble gasses where parameters such as specific heat has to be corrected due to an INCREASE in the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules as temperature DECREASES. So the notion that all motion ceases as T approaches zero is a fallacy.

  • #6
Atoms near 0K don't behave like atoms, they blend or 'smear' together into a Bose-Einstein Condensate. It becomes meaningless to talk about locations of specific particles.
  • #7
DaveC426913 said:
Atoms near 0K don't behave like atoms, they blend or 'smear' together into a Bose-Einstein Condensate. It becomes meaningless to talk about locations of specific particles.

nb. only if those atoms are bosons; some atoms have spin half (eg. silver)
  • #8
At 0 K the mass of the particle is zero. When there is no particle how will you measure its temperature
  • #9
spin_spin said:
At 0 K the mass of the particle is zero. When there is no particle how will you measure its temperature

Um. Particles do not lose mass as they lose thermal energy.
  • #10
AlbertEinstein said:
Suppose an atom is cooled to 0 K (Practically impossible)...
No, not "practically" impossible, just plain impossible--due to this law of physics [http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0861526.html]:

The Third Law of Thermodynamics
"A postulate related to but independent of the second law is that it is impossible to cool a body to absolute zero by any finite process. Although one can approach absolute zero as closely as one desires, one cannot actually reach this limit. The third law of thermodynamics, formulated by Walter Nernst and also known as the Nernst heat theorem, states that if one could reach absolute zero, all bodies would have the same entropy. In other words, a body at absolute zero could exist in only one possible state, which would possesses a definite energy, called the zero-point energy. This state is defined as having zero entropy".

I see no point to the discussion of this thread, e.g. ..." suppose an atom is cooled to absolute zero..." there is just not anything to "suppose". A state of zero-point energy is just plain impossible because it requires a body to reach absolute zero, which is impossible due to the third law of thermodynamics.
  • #11
isnt the question a little ironic, seeing as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle was the first to infer the idea of zero-point energy being the lowest state of a quantum particle since the motion and position cannot be known.
  • #12
masudr said:
nb. only if those atoms are bosons; some atoms have spin half (eg. silver)
Could someone please verify, explain and/or provide a reference for this?
  • #13
I've done the Stern Gerlach experiment. And I used silver atoms in the ground state, and it split into 2 beams (not 3 or 4 etc) thus showing that the values of spin angular momentum it could take were [itex]\pm\mbox{$\frac{1}{2}$}\hbar.[/itex] But you can't really take my word for it.

This is an independent source (but admittedly also the internet, but not very uncredible): http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/Angular_Momentum/Angular_Momentum.html

It mentions that someone did the S-G experiment using Hydrogen atoms in the ground state, and discovered it must also have angular momentum [itex]\pm\mbox{$\frac{1}{2}$}\hbar,[/itex] from which they eventually concluded that it was due to the electron.
  • #14
I remember talking to someone about this and he said pretty much what you guys have said about what happens as you approach absolute zero, the problem was he ascertained what would happen at absolute zero, and that motion would still exist, I had always heard that it could not be reached at least in theory so I pointed out the logical fallacy of stating what would happen at absolute zero as if it was true. It then took me four posts to explain why he was being illogical.

So guys quick question what would happen if we reached absolute zero would there still be motion :wink:

I think that's the problem some times with learning about stuff at degree level as this guy had, people who study further are much more leary of making statements of fact about situations which have never been experimentally validated, but degree students appear more cock sure, maybe it's just the few I've spoken to and I freely admit my understanding of the subject is far from complete, but I do know what constitutes a logical fallacy.:smile: by the way he was backed up two other students from other parts of the globe, so I'm assuming this type of jumping the gun learning, at least in this small case, is widespread. Or that someone knows something that I don't which is as ever always a possibility.

EDIT: I think what is more likely though is that people take what might happen at absolute zero as what will happen, either because the lecturer isn't clear enough or they've jumped to a conclusion.
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  • #15
Schrodinger's Dog said:
So guys quick question what would happen if we reached absolute zero would there still be motion :wink:

I think to assert that there would still be motion at absolute zero is a contradiction in terms. The concept of absolute zero is that the atom has zero thermal energy. Thermal energy is essentially equivalent to kinetic energy. No kinetic energy means no movement (rotational, vibrational, directional). Don't think of absolute zero as a place to be at, but rather a state the atom is in.
  • #16
roundedge said:
I think to assert that there would still be motion at absolute zero is a contradiction in terms. The concept of absolute zero is that the atom has zero thermal energy. Thermal energy is essentially equivalent to kinetic energy. No kinetic energy means no movement (rotational, vibrational, directional). Don't think of absolute zero as a place to be at, but rather a state the atom is in.

It is not true that temperature = 0 means kinetic energy = 0. This is only true in *classical* physics when the hamiltonian depends only in a *quadratic way on the canonical momentum* (the equipartition theorem).

Have also a look at:

Temperature is defined in all generality as (the inverse of) the derivative of the logarithm of the number of allowed states to energy. The logarithm of the number of allowed states is usually called the entropy.
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  • #17
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I remember talking to someone about this and he said pretty much what you guys have said about what happens as you approach absolute zero, the problem was he ascertained what would happen at absolute zero, and that motion would still exist, I had always heard that it could not be reached at least in theory so I pointed out the logical fallacy of stating what would happen at absolute zero as if it was true. It then took me four posts to explain why he was being

Well, you can, in theory, talk about the situation of zero ENTROPY: it is in fact the situation you encounter when studying small systems when you (think you) know the state perfectly. A single simple harmonic oscillator (on the blackboard) in the ground state is a situation of zero entropy, for instance.
Nothing stops you from considering then, the theoretical situation of 10^20 simple harmonic oscillators in the common ground state. That's a zero entropy state too.

The third law of thermodynamics simply states that at zero entropy, temperature is zero too, and a consequence is that you cannot reach, in a finite number of interactions with non-zero entropy systems, the ground state of a system perfectly without some amplitude for the non-ground state. Nobody tells you that you cannot CONSIDER that state, but what is told by the third law of thermodynamics is that a system in a zero entropy state (= ground state) cannot be in interaction with anything else, unless it is ALSO in the ground state. So you cannot interact with a system of zero entropy, without destroying that state somewhat. In how much you destroy it is depending on the system, and it might very well be that for what you want to study, it doesn't make any difference.

However, an *isolated system* can BE in a zero-entropy (ground state) state. But you cannot get a system of non-zero entropy, by a finite number of interactions, into a zero-entropy state, simply because somewhere along the chain, you'll put it in interaction with a non-zero entropy system. But this might still be neglegible for what you want to do.

So guys quick question what would happen if we reached absolute zero would there still be motion :wink:

Depends on what you call "motion". If you mean: "changing expectation values of position with time", then, no of course, because in the ground state, all expectation values are independent of time. If you mean: "zero expectation value for kinetic energy", then the answer is yes, as is the case for a harmonic oscillator already.

The zero-entropy state is simply the quantum-mechanical ground state of the system. So, it is not that it is a non-existent or a forbidden state, it is simply that there is no way to reach is perfectly starting from a non-zero entropy state in a non-zero entropy environment in a finite number of steps.

That said, there is no problem reaching "effective zero entropy" for a certain set of degrees of freedom, if the spectrum is discrete near the ground state: it is sufficient to lower the entropy enough for the probability for a non-ground state (of these degrees of freedom) to be present to be neglegibly small. Said degrees of freedom are then "frozen out" (like molecular vibrational degrees of freedom, for instance).

So when studying a certain aspect of a physical system, related to a certain set of degrees of freedom, one can always approach as much as one wants, the state that is the ground state for those degrees of freedom - in which case, it wouldn't make any difference if we were really AT 0 K or not.

An example at room temperature: at room temperature, electrons and ions form neutral atoms and molecules: the ionisation degrees of freedom which would turn gases into plasmas are essentially frozen out. So when studying gases at room temperature conditions, one doesn't have to take into account ionisation of the gas (although there IS a very small probability for it ionizing). This won't change anymore significantly if you cool the gas further.
  • #18
The third law of thermodynamics simply states that at zero entropy, temperature is zero too, and a consequence is that you cannot reach, in a finite number of interactions with non-zero entropy systems, the ground state of a system perfectly without some amplitude for the non-ground state. ***

Hmmm, I thought that the third law of thermodynamics stated that for reversible processes the Limit_{T -> 0} dQ/T = 0, implying that at zero temperature isothermal and adiabatic processes are the same. Nobody says the entropy at absolute zero needs to equal 0, S = constant though. Neither does this imply that at absolute zero no classical motion exists since we all know that the classical equipartition principle cannot be consistently upheld. Thanks for the reference, was not aware of that one :-)

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  • #19
Rade said:
I see no point to the discussion of this thread, e.g. ..." suppose an atom is cooled to absolute zero..." there is just not anything to "suppose". A state of zero-point energy is just plain impossible because it requires a body to reach absolute zero, which is impossible due to the third law of thermodynamics.

But you wouldn't object, I guess, to:
"consider an atom in its ground state, blah blah blah".

Nevertheless, the two phrases are equivalent.
If it is cold enough that the relevant degrees of freedom are essentially in their ground state, this is equivalent to the "zero temperature" case concerning these degrees of freedom.
  • #20
Careful said:
Nobody says the entropy at absolute zero needs to equal 0, S = constant though. Neither does this imply that at absolute zero no classical motion exists since we all know that the classical equipartition principle cannot be consistently upheld. Thanks for the reference, was not aware of that one :-)

You are entirely correct (nitpicker !). The constant entropy is given by the logarithm of the number of degenerate ground states that exist.
If the ground state is unique, then S = 0. I wanted to limit the explanation to this case but should have said so.
  • #21
vanesch said:
You are entirely correct (nitpicker !). The constant entropy is given by the logarithm of the number of degenerate ground states that exist.
If the ground state is unique, then S = 0. I wanted to limit the explanation to this case but should have said so.
Sorry o:) o:)
  • #22
vanesch said:
..If it is cold enough that the relevant degrees of freedom are essentially in their ground state, this is equivalent to the "zero temperature" case concerning these degrees of freedom...
Question. How many degrees of freedom exist for an atom "in reality" (not essentially) at absolute zero ?
  • #23
That question is not well formed, for the question contains an impossible proposition.
  • #24
masudr said:
That question is not well formed, for the question contains an impossible proposition.
Yes, exactly my point, this thread topic is based on an "impossible proposition"--a dialectic in reality between Third Law of Thermodynamics and concept of absolute zero.
  • #25
Assuming a particle is cooled to 0K we would actually produce the ultimate uncertainty, the energy of such a singularity would be infinite and the wavefunction would exist through all of infinite space. Where is the particle?
  • #26
Furthermore some of the benchmark theories of physics were either initialised or grounded in assumptions that are impossible such as the ideal gas and reversible processes, a consideration of such a circumstance is no irrelivant.
  • #27
tomh1 said:
Assuming a particle is cooled to 0K we would actually produce the ultimate uncertainty, the energy of such a singularity would be infinite and the wavefunction would exist through all of infinite space. Where is the particle?

Is this that unusual? I mean, look at the first problem one would solve in intro QM classes - the free particle. Look at the wavefunction you get when you solve such a thing and find the value of the average position.

BTW, just so you are aware of it, you're responding to a thread that's more than a year old.

  • #28
yeah but its infuriating
  • #29
tomh1 said:
yeah but its infuriating

Why is it infuriating? That's what Nature gives us.

  • #30
ok infuriationg was the wrong word, counter-intuitive lol. But your right it is simple on analysis

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