A linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of diagonalization in quantum mechanics and how it applies to the Hamiltonian matrix. The speaker is unsure about the meaning of "those states" mentioned by the other person and asks for clarification. They are then informed that the states mentioned are the basis states used to represent the Hamiltonian and that the matrix should be diagonalized to obtain orthogonal eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The concept of diagonalization is clarified as applying to operators, such as the Hamiltonian in this case, rather than states.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Show that the linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamilton of the hydrogen molecule are given by $$\mid \pm \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pm 2 \langle 1 \mid 2 \rangle}}\left( \mid 1 \rangle \pm \mid 2 \rangle \right)$$
Verify these states are properly normalized and the corresponding energy expectation values are given by $$E_{\pm} = \frac{1}{1 \pm \langle 1 \mid 2 \rangle}\left( H_{11} \pm H_{12} \right)$$
Relevant Equations
We obviously have the states $$\mid \pm \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pm 2 \langle 1 \mid 2 \rangle}}\left( \mid 1 \rangle \pm \mid 2 \rangle \right)$$
Now, we are given a couple of elements of a 2x2 Hamiltonian matrix, namely
$$ \begin{pmatrix}
H_{11} & H_{12} \\
H_{21} & H_{22}
These are pretty long and messy- they involve an energy minus an integral. After talking with my professor, it sounds like I do not need to do these integrals out.
Also relevant is the equation to diagonalize a matrix $$ S^{-1} \hat H S$$
He told me I "need to show that the Hamiltonian matrix elements you get by using those states have nonzero elements only on the diagonal."
I understand what and how a diagonal matrix works, but what I don't understand is what those states are. Are they states I put in my "quantum mechanical sandwhich," that is like ⟨+∣H^∣+⟩ and so on, or are these somehow the states I multiply the 2x2 Hamiltonian with to get eigenvectors, which form the S matrix? Or am I thinking about this completely wrong? What does it mean for a state to diagonalize it?
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  • #2
Your matrix is representing the Hamiltonian in the basis ##|1 \rangle##, ##|2 \rangle##. Now diagonalize this matrix to get the eigenvectors, which are orthogonal and can be normalized, and the eigenvalues. You don't diagonalize a state but an operator, in this case the Hamiltonian (as acting in the 2D subspace under consideration).

FAQ: A linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian

1. What is a linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian?

A linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian is a mathematical concept used in quantum mechanics to describe the energy levels of a system. It involves combining different quantum states in a specific way to create a new set of states that have well-defined and distinct energy values.

2. Why is it important to diagonalize the Hamiltonian?

Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian allows us to simplify the mathematical description of a quantum system and make it easier to analyze. It also helps us to identify the energy levels and corresponding eigenstates of the system, which are important for understanding its behavior and making predictions.

3. How is a linear combination of states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian calculated?

The process of diagonalizing the Hamiltonian involves solving a mathematical equation known as the Schrödinger equation. This equation takes into account the potential energy of the system and the wave function of the particles involved to determine the energy levels and eigenstates of the system.

4. Can any set of states be used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian?

No, not all sets of states can be used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian. The states must be linearly independent, meaning that they cannot be expressed as a combination of other states. This ensures that the resulting eigenstates are unique and well-defined.

5. How does diagonalizing the Hamiltonian relate to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian allows us to determine the energy levels and eigenstates of a system, which in turn gives us information about the momentum of the particles. This relationship helps to explain the limitations of our knowledge about the behavior of quantum systems.

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