A Problem in Discrete Probability

In summary: SummarizerIn summary, a mathematics enthusiast came across a page called "Gems of Discrete Probability" which includes a question about calculating the expected number of empty bins. The question involves using a binomial coefficient, but the expert suggests using the concept of derangements for a more efficient solution. They provide a simplified formula and explain how to use it to solve the problem. They also offer clarifications and suggestions for improvement on the original solution.
  • #1
I recently came across a page named "Gems of Discrete Probability" - http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~sbaswana/Puzzles/Probability/exercises.html

Being a mathematics enthusiast, I tried the first question. Being very rusty in probability, I failed to come up with a satisfying answer: the best I got (for the first question, the expected number of empty bins) was an "open" formula:

n /n\ /n-1\
∑ k * \k/ * \ k /
\ n /
Where the notation \k/ is the binomial coefficient, n!/k!(n-k)! .
Is there any way to get rid of the ∑ here, is my solution wrong, is there any way to solve it that will not result in a sum, or is that the best answer?
Thanks in advance,
Woolly Rhino.
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  • #2

Dear Woolly Rhino,

Thank you for bringing this page to my attention. I took a look at the question and your solution, and I believe your approach is on the right track. However, I would like to offer some suggestions for improvement and clarification.

Firstly, your notation for the binomial coefficient is a bit unclear. It would be more standard to write it as (n choose k) or nCk. Additionally, the use of the summation notation is not necessary in this case as you are only summing over a single term (k=0). Therefore, it would be simpler to write the formula as:

n * (n choose n) * ((n-1) choose n) / ((2n-1) choose n)

This formula can also be simplified further by using the identity (n choose k) = (n choose n-k), which would give:

n * ((n-1) choose n-1) / ((2n-1) choose n)

This formula is equivalent to your original one but does not involve a summation.

However, I do not believe this is the most efficient way to solve the problem. Instead of using the binomial coefficient, we can use the concept of derangements to calculate the expected number of empty bins. A derangement is a permutation of a set where no element remains in its original position. In this problem, we are essentially looking for the number of ways to distribute n balls into 2n bins such that no bin remains empty. This is equivalent to the number of derangements of n elements, which can be calculated using the formula:

n! * (1 - 1/1! + 1/2! - 1/3! + ... + (-1)^n/n!)

Therefore, the expected number of empty bins is:

2n * (1 - 1/1! + 1/2! - 1/3! + ... + (-1)^n/n!)

I hope this helps in your understanding of the problem. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


FAQ: A Problem in Discrete Probability

1. What is Discrete Probability?

Discrete probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of random events or outcomes that have a finite number of possible outcomes. It is different from continuous probability, which deals with random events that can have an infinite number of possible outcomes.

2. What is a "problem in discrete probability"?

A problem in discrete probability is a specific scenario or question that involves applying the principles and formulas of discrete probability to find the likelihood or probability of certain outcomes. These problems can involve situations such as coin flips, dice rolls, or card draws.

3. What are some common techniques for solving problems in discrete probability?

Some common techniques for solving problems in discrete probability include using tree diagrams, permutations, combinations, and the fundamental counting principle. These techniques help to organize and visualize the possible outcomes and calculate their probabilities.

4. Can discrete probability be applied to real-life situations?

Yes, discrete probability can be applied to real-life situations. Many real-world scenarios involve a finite number of possible outcomes, such as drawing a specific card from a deck or flipping a coin. Discrete probability can also be used in fields such as finance, genetics, and computer science.

5. How does discrete probability differ from continuous probability?

Discrete probability deals with random events that have a finite number of possible outcomes, while continuous probability deals with random events that can have an infinite number of possible outcomes. Discrete probability also uses different formulas and techniques compared to continuous probability.

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