Can g(w) Satisfy This ODE in Fourier Analysis?

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  • #1
it's a curiosity more than a HOmework, given the integral:

[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dx e^{if(x)+iwx}=g(w) [/tex]

Where g(w) can be viewed as the Fourier transform of exp(if(x)) then my question is if we can prove g(w) satisfies the ODE:

[tex] -if'(x)\frac{\partial g(w)}{\partial w}+wg(w)=0 [/tex]

for simplicity we can impose [tex] exp(if(\infty))=0 [/tex] and the same for

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  • #2
Why don't you derive and show us if it's true?
  • #3

This is a very interesting question and it seems like you have a good understanding of Fourier analysis. To answer your question, yes, it is possible to prove that g(w) satisfies the ODE -if'(x)∂g(w)/∂w + wg(w) = 0. This can be done by using the properties of the Fourier transform and the inverse Fourier transform.

First, let's start with the Fourier transform of exp(if(x)), which is g(w). By definition, we have:

g(w) = ∫exp(if(x))e^{-iwx}dx

Now, taking the derivative of g(w) with respect to w, we get:

∂g(w)/∂w = ∂/∂w∫exp(if(x))e^{-iwx}dx

Using the Leibniz integral rule, we can rewrite this as:

∂g(w)/∂w = ∫∂/∂w(exp(if(x)))e^{-iwx}dx

Since exp(if(x)) is a function of x only, we can write this as:

∂g(w)/∂w = ∫if'(x)exp(if(x))e^{-iwx}dx

Now, using the fact that g(w) is the Fourier transform of exp(if(x)), we can rewrite this as:

∂g(w)/∂w = ∫if'(x)g(w)e^{-iwx}dx

Next, we use the property of the inverse Fourier transform, which states that:

∫g(w)e^{iwx}dw = 2πf(x)

Applying this property to the above equation, we get:

∂g(w)/∂w = 2πif'(x)f(x)

Finally, we substitute this back into the ODE we want to prove, and we get:

-if'(x)∂g(w)/∂w + wg(w) = -if'(x)(2πif'(x)f(x)) + w(2πf(x))

= -2πif'(x)^2f(x) + 2πwf(x)

= 2πf(x)(w - if'(x)^2)

Since we have imposed the condition that exp(if(∞)) = 0, we can conclude that f(∞) = 0 and therefore w - if'(x)^2 = 0. This means

FAQ: Can g(w) Satisfy This ODE in Fourier Analysis?

1. What is Fourier Analysis?

Fourier Analysis is a mathematical technique used to break down a complex function into simpler components, represented by sine and cosine waves. It is often used to study and analyze periodic phenomena, such as sound and electromagnetic signals.

2. What are the applications of Fourier Analysis?

Fourier Analysis has a wide range of applications in various fields such as signal processing, image processing, physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is used to analyze and understand the characteristics of signals and functions, and to solve differential equations.

3. What is the difference between Fourier Analysis and Fourier Transform?

Fourier Analysis is a mathematical tool used to break down a function into its component frequencies, while Fourier Transform is a technique used to convert a function from the time or space domain to the frequency domain. In other words, Fourier Analysis is a method, and Fourier Transform is the result of applying that method.

4. What are the limitations of Fourier Analysis?

Fourier Analysis assumes that the function being analyzed is periodic and can be represented by a sum of sine and cosine waves. It also assumes that the function is continuous and has a finite number of discontinuities. Additionally, it may not be suitable for analyzing non-stationary signals or functions with sharp spikes or impulses.

5. How is Fourier Analysis used in data compression?

Fourier Analysis is used in data compression by identifying and removing redundant or unnecessary information from a signal or function. It can be used to determine the most significant frequencies in a signal and discard the less significant ones, thus reducing the amount of data needed to represent the signal accurately. This is a common technique used in image and audio compression algorithms.

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