According to our weather person, Fall starts on 9/23/11, How?

In summary, according to our weather person, Fall officially begins on September 23rd, 2011. This date marks the autumnal equinox, when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are of equal length. This transition from summer to fall is determined by astronomical events and signals the start of a new season characterized by cooler temperatures and changing foliage.
  • #1
I assume this is the right forum to ask this question

Based on what I think I know, the Earth completes one full orbit of the Sun in approximately 365.25. Every four years we have a Leap year that adds one day. This I understand. What confuses me is how can Fall begin more than 24 hours after 9/21/11 23:59:59.

I remember after submitting that I didn't taking into account time zones. I live on the East Coast and we our on DST and next year we have a Leap Year
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
The average date of the Fall equinox is Sept 22 or 23, not Sept 21. This is really just a matter of counting days in our calendar months, and equally dividing the year into four quarters.
  • #3
Thanks mesosphereman, I never thought of that
  • #4
It is a little more complicated than dividing the calendar into 4 slices, as the slices are not of equal length or number of days. March equinox to June solstice is around 93 days, the same for June solstice to September equinox. From Sept equuinox to December solstice it is about 90 days, and again the same for december soslice to the March equinox.
The reason being is that the Earth's orbit is an ellipse, and when the Earth is farthest from the sun during the northen hemisphere's summer, it revolves a bit more slowly than during the winter in the northern hemisphere.

A good site that explains the equinox and the solstice is
  • #5
Thanks 256bits

That is a great site. I added to my favorites

I notice that they had some Septermber equinox as late as September 24th in 1931 and that the next time it will be on September 21 is in 2092.

FAQ: According to our weather person, Fall starts on 9/23/11, How?

1. How do scientists determine the start date of fall?

Scientists use a combination of astronomical and meteorological factors to determine the start date of fall. Astronomically, fall begins on the autumnal equinox, which is when the Earth's tilt is at a certain angle in relation to the sun. Meteorologically, fall is determined by changes in temperature and weather patterns.

2. Why does fall start on 9/23/11 specifically?

The start date of fall varies from year to year, but it is typically between September 22nd and 24th. This is due to the Earth's orbit around the sun and the tilt of its axis. 9/23/11 happens to be the date of the autumnal equinox for that specific year.

3. What is the significance of the start of fall?

The start of fall is significant because it marks the transition from summer to winter. It also signifies changes in the weather and the natural world, such as the leaves changing color and temperatures becoming cooler.

4. Is the start of fall the same all over the world?

No, the start of fall varies depending on the location on Earth. The start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere is different from the start of fall in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Earth's tilt and its position in relation to the sun.

5. Can the start date of fall change in the future?

Yes, the start date of fall can change in the future due to factors such as climate change and shifts in the Earth's orbit. However, these changes would be very gradual and would not significantly affect the overall change of seasons.

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