Adaptive step size algorithm in c++ for runge kutta

In summary: In summary, the conversation discusses implementing an adaptive step size function into a 4th order Runge Kutta integrator for basic orbits. The main issues encountered were that the step size was not changing as expected and the orbit did not extend as far as it should in time. Suggestions were made to use a full step instead of separate x and y steps, or to try using an embedded Runge Kutta method for error control. Code examples and a "stiff equation" for testing were also provided.
  • #1
Hey guys,

Attempting to write an adaptive step size function into a 4th order runge kutta integrator for basic orbits.

The problems (so far) are as follows:
1.) The step size does not seem to change as one would expect if the recursive definition of the StepSize function was working properly

2.) When compared with the mathematica solution, it would seem the orbit doesn't extend as far as it should in time, ie the arc length is shorter. It would seem this is due to the coordinates remaining constant after a certain point.

Code can be found here:

Apologies in advance for stupid errors and crappy coding :)

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  • #2
It looks like you're integrating slightly wrong. I wouldn't separate the Runge Kutta integration into x and y steps. You should solve for k1x = f(t, x) and k1y = f(t, y). Then, calculate k2x and k2y, and so forth.

The idea is you want to make a complete approximation going forward. You're stepping the components forward separately, but they're dependent on each other so you're introducing errors. For small enough stepsizes it might not matter, but it's still a bad idea.

Otherwise, for what you're doing, using a full step vs two half steps for error control is reasonable but I'd recommend taking a look into embedded Runge Kutta methods as they have a very easy way to implement error control.

I wrote up a ode integrator before and it's fairly easy to do this:
// Bogacki-Shampine method
void integrate(double &t, double &y, double &h)
	double k1, k2, k3, k4, y1, y2;

	// f(t, y) is our derivative
	k1 = f(t, y)
	k2 = f(t + h * 0.50, y + h * 0.50 * k1);
	k3 = f(t + h * 0.75, y + h * 0.75 * k2);

	// 3rd order accurate solution
	y1 = y + h * (2.0/9.0 * k1 + 1.0/3.0 * k2 + 4.0/9.0 * k3);

	k4 = f(t + h, y1);

	// 2nd order accurate solution
	y2 = y + h1 * (7.0/24.0 * k1 + 1.0/4.0 * k2 + 1.0/3.0 * k3 + 1.0/8.0 * k4);

	y = y2;
	t += h;

	// Define atol (absolute tolerance) and rtol (relative tolerance) somewhere
	// We use the difference between the two solutions as an approximation of the error, scaled by our desired absolute and relative tolerance
	// Both atol and rtol should be non-zero.

	double scale = atol + max(fabs(y1), fabs(y2)) * rtol;
	double error = max(fabs(y2 - y1), 2E-10) / scale;
	h = h * pow(error, -1.0/3.0);

Using something like an embedded method may be easier to do. You'll still want to control the integration and make sure a step doesn't introduce too big of an error (which the above code doesn't account for).

I'll have to look through your code some more and pick it apart to figure out what's wrong, though.
  • #3
Even if you use an iterative method, such as predictor-corrector:

The algorithm may converge to a specific value for each step, but in that wiki example, it's a linear approximation for each step, and the overall error will increase with step size, regardless of convergence at each step. The method you show splits up each step into 4 steps, but it's still a linear weighted average over those 4 steps. You could just reduce step size by a factor of 4 and use a iterative method for more accuracy, but it would take more time. On a modern PC, I doubt CPU time is an issue for most projects.

If you want to vary the step size, it should be some inverse function of the magnitude of the function(s) you're trying to integrate, but this could lead to errors if the magnitude increased rapidly within a step period.

Wiki includes a good example of a "stiff equation" you can use to test your method with, since it's directly solvable:
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FAQ: Adaptive step size algorithm in c++ for runge kutta

1. What is an adaptive step size algorithm in C++ for Runge-Kutta?

An adaptive step size algorithm is a method used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using the Runge-Kutta method in C++. It allows for the step size to be adjusted during computation based on the error tolerance specified by the user, resulting in a more accurate solution.

2. How does an adaptive step size algorithm work?

The algorithm works by first taking a small initial step size and calculating the solution using the Runge-Kutta method. It then compares this solution to a more accurate solution obtained by taking a smaller step size. If the difference between the two solutions is within the specified error tolerance, the step size is increased for the next iteration. However, if the difference is too large, the step size is decreased and the computation is repeated with the smaller step size. This process is repeated until the desired level of accuracy is achieved.

3. What are the advantages of using an adaptive step size algorithm?

One advantage is that it can save computational time by adjusting the step size only when necessary, rather than using a fixed step size for the entire computation. It also allows for a more accurate solution, as the step size can be decreased in regions where the solution is rapidly changing. Additionally, it can handle stiff ODEs, where the solution changes rapidly in some regions and slowly in others.

4. Are there any limitations to using an adaptive step size algorithm?

One limitation is that it may not be suitable for all types of ODEs. It is most effective for non-stiff ODEs and can struggle with highly oscillatory solutions. Additionally, it may require some trial and error to find the appropriate error tolerance for a specific problem.

5. How do I implement an adaptive step size algorithm in C++ for Runge-Kutta?

There are many resources available online that provide code examples and explanations for implementing an adaptive step size algorithm in C++ for Runge-Kutta. Some popular libraries that offer this functionality include Boost and GSL. It is also possible to write your own code using the basic principles of the algorithm. It is important to thoroughly understand the underlying mathematics and programming concepts before attempting to implement the algorithm.

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