Calculating Added Mass: What is the Correct Approach?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of added mass for a sphere accelerating in a fluid. The person mentions their approach and asks for ideas on how to amend it. The other person suggests switching the direction of motion to the z-axis and only considering the positive range of trig functions. They also mention a potential error in the integration range and suggest following the approach used in the source link. The conversation ends with the person thanking the other for their response.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!
I'm calculating the added mass of a sphere accelerating in a fluid, which I found here:
My thought process was slightly different from theirs, but I am not getting the same answer. My thoughts are to take the surface normal element of a sphere, in this case ##\vec{dS} = R^2 \sin \theta \, d\theta \, d\phi \hat{r}## and dot this with the direction of the sphere, say in the direction of the zenith angle, ##\hat{y}##. We know ##\hat{r} = \sin \theta \sin \phi \hat{x} + \sin \theta \sin \phi \hat{y} + r \cos \theta \hat{z}##, which implies ##\hat{r} \cdot \hat{y} = \sin \phi \sin \theta##, which means my surface element in the direction of motion would be ##R^2 \sin^2 \theta \sin \phi d\theta d\phi##. now if we integrate ##\phi## from ##[0,2\pi]## the ##\sin \phi## term takes this to zero. Even if it did give me ##2 \pi## like in the link, I still have an extra sine and lack a cosine.

Any ideas on how to amend my approach, and also why it's not working?

Thanks so much!
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  • #2
I don't have clear in my head what your diagram looks like relating the direction of motion to the coordinates. An obvious switch is to take it to be in the z direction instead. Is suspect you have effectively only considered part of the contributions so the element in direction of motion (e.g., shoild be an x term too).
Wrt integration range, you only want the leading hemisphere, so the positive range of the trig functions.
  • #3
haruspex said:
An obvious switch is to take it to be in the z direction instead. Is suspect you have effectively only considered part of the contributions so the element in direction of motion (e.g., shoild be an x term too).
Oops, right, so what I should have had was ##\hat{r} \cdot \hat{z} = \cos \theta##. This implies the surface element toward the direction of motion is ##R^2 \sin\theta \cos \theta \, d\theta \,d \phi##.
haruspex said:
Wrt integration range, you only want the leading hemisphere, so the positive range of the trig functions.
So the force from added mass is then $$\int_0^{2 \pi} \int_0^{\pi/2} p R^2 \sin\theta \cos \theta \, d\theta \,d \phi$$ But integrate the leading hemisphere implies integrating ##\phi \in [0,\pi/2]## yet they integrate from ##[0,\pi]##. Can you explain the difference here? It also looks like they integrate the cylinder from ##[0,2\pi]## rather than ##[-\pi/2,\pi/2]##.

Thanks a ton for your reply!

FAQ: Calculating Added Mass: What is the Correct Approach?

What is added mass and why is it important in scientific research?

Added mass is the increase in an object's mass due to the presence of a fluid or surrounding medium. It is important in scientific research because it affects the motion and dynamics of objects in fluid environments, such as ships, submarines, and aircrafts.

How does added mass affect the stability of a floating object?

Added mass can significantly affect the stability of a floating object by changing its center of gravity and altering its buoyancy. This can impact the overall control and maneuverability of the object.

What are some factors that can influence the added mass of an object?

The added mass of an object can be influenced by its shape, size, and density, as well as the density and viscosity of the surrounding fluid. The speed and direction of the object's motion can also affect the added mass.

Can added mass be calculated or predicted accurately?

While there are mathematical models and equations that can estimate the added mass of an object, it can be difficult to predict with complete accuracy due to the complex interactions between the object and the surrounding fluid. Experimental data and simulations are often used to improve the accuracy of added mass calculations.

What are some real-world applications of added mass in science and engineering?

Added mass has many practical applications in fields such as naval architecture, aerospace engineering, and oceanography. It is used to design and optimize the performance of ships, submarines, and other marine vessels, as well as aircrafts and other objects moving through fluid environments. It is also important in the study of ocean currents and tides, and in the development of renewable energy technologies such as tidal and wave power.
