- #1
Pual Black
- 92
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I have to search for a few solved examples in fortran and understand them so next week i can make a presentation and explain into the other students. It is a homework for everyone and i don't know which programm i should use. there are few homepages which have many examples but they are so complex i don't understand them at all.
like this homepage http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/f77_src.html
this page http://web.stanford.edu/class/me200c/tutorial_77/ has a tutorial for fortran 77 and i understand the expressions to point 12 (Arrays in subprograms)
i would be grateful if you can suggest me a few programms. They should be a little complex with few subroutines,functions, do loops etc.
I have to search for a few solved examples in fortran and understand them so next week i can make a presentation and explain into the other students. It is a homework for everyone and i don't know which programm i should use. there are few homepages which have many examples but they are so complex i don't understand them at all.
like this homepage http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/f77_src.html
this page http://web.stanford.edu/class/me200c/tutorial_77/ has a tutorial for fortran 77 and i understand the expressions to point 12 (Arrays in subprograms)
i would be grateful if you can suggest me a few programms. They should be a little complex with few subroutines,functions, do loops etc.