Android- Gyro Sensor drift and Correct angle Estimation

In summary, the conversation discusses using an LG Optimus 2x smartphone with gyroscope and accelerometer sensors for positioning. The question is raised about measuring and removing drift in the gyro sensor and obtaining accurate rotation angles. It is suggested to use 3 gyro sensors and 3 accelerometers, and to combine sensor data using a Kalman Filter. The quality of the sensors is also mentioned, with potential for using inertial sensors for motion detection and gyro bias estimation.
  • #1
I am using LG Optimus 2x smartphone(Gyroscope and Accelerometer sensor) for positioning. I want to get correct rotation angles from gyroscope that can be used later on for body to Earth coordinate transformation. My question is that 1- How I can measure and remove the drift in gyro sensor. The one way is to take the average of gyro samples (when mobile is in static condition) for some time and subtracting from current sample, which is not good way. When the mobile is in rotation/motion how to get the drift free angles?
regards navigator
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  • #2
How many gyro and accelerometer sensors does the phone have? You most likely need 3 (orthogonal) gyros and another 3 accelerometers to do what you want to do. Also, not all sensors are created equal. To detect motion, you can use pretty low-cost sensors. To navigate accurately, the sensors have to be much better.
  • #3
if you combine accelerometers, gyro and GPS data using Kalman Filter, you should be able to estimate gyro bias values "in-motion". LG Optimus 2x have "not bad" sensors so I think everything is possible. You can use inertial sensors for motion detection, and when you detect "no motion" you can start gyro bias estimation.
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FAQ: Android- Gyro Sensor drift and Correct angle Estimation

1. What is a gyro sensor and how does it work?

A gyro sensor is a device that measures angular velocity or rotation. It works by using the principles of angular momentum and Coriolis effect to detect changes in orientation. It typically consists of a spinning mass that is mounted on a set of three axes, and as the gyroscope rotates, it produces a voltage that is proportional to the rate of rotation around each axis.

2. What is gyro sensor drift and how does it affect Android devices?

Gyro sensor drift is a phenomenon where the measured angular velocity of the gyroscope deviates from the actual angular velocity due to various external factors such as temperature changes, vibrations, and manufacturing imperfections. This can affect Android devices by causing errors in the estimation of the device's orientation, leading to incorrect angle readings and inaccurate motion tracking.

3. How does Android correct for gyro sensor drift?

Android uses a combination of software and hardware techniques to correct for gyro sensor drift. One method is through sensor fusion, where data from multiple sensors such as the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer are combined to improve the accuracy of orientation estimation. Another method is through the use of Kalman filters, which can predict and correct for sensor drift in real-time.

4. What are some common challenges in accurately estimating the correct angle using gyro sensors?

Some common challenges in accurately estimating the correct angle using gyro sensors include sensor drift, noise in sensor data, and the orientation of the device. Since gyroscope measurements are relative to the device's starting orientation, any movement or changes in the device's position can affect angle estimation. Additionally, gyro sensors can also be affected by external factors such as magnetic fields and temperature changes, which can impact the accuracy of the readings.

5. How can developers optimize the use of gyro sensors for accurate angle estimation in Android apps?

Developers can optimize the use of gyro sensors for accurate angle estimation by implementing sensor fusion techniques, such as combining data from multiple sensors to improve accuracy. They can also apply filters, such as the Kalman filter, to compensate for sensor drift. Additionally, developers should also be aware of the limitations and potential errors of gyro sensors and implement proper calibration techniques to improve accuracy.

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