Animal that can swim underwater, run on land, and fly in the air?

In summary, the conversation is about different animals that can swim, run, and fly, with a mention of humans using mechanical assistance. There is also a side conversation about the game of "jinx" and different rules in different places. The conversation ends with a mention of a friend who almost got smacked for jinxing someone.
  • #1
What's an animal that can swim underwater, run on land, and fly in the air?
Mythological or not. Just curious :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
Firestrider said:
What's an animal that can swim underwater, run on land, and fly in the air?
Mythological or not. Just curious :smile:
A duck can. They dive under water.
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  • #3
  • #4
Humans...with mechanical assistance, of course. :wink:
  • #5
There are a few different birds that can dive into the water and swim for short distances after their prey. They can fly, of course, and I suppose all of them could "run" on land, but mostly that would be limited to short sprints.
  • #6
Ivan...jinx, you owe me a Coke! :biggrin:
  • #7
Moonbear said:
Ivan...jinx, you owe me a Coke! :biggrin:

nah uh, you didn't count to ten.

jinx onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten. :-p
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
nah uh, you didn't count to ten.

jinx onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten. :-p
I never heard that one before! I think you're making it up. :-p
  • #9
Moonbear said:
I never heard that one before! I think you're making it up. :-p

WELL! I guess that we used the more sophisticated version. :rolleyes:
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I never heard that one before! I think you're making it up. :-p
psst...! He's right!
  • #11
yomamma said:
psst...! He's right!
Watch it or I'll give you the cooties!
  • #12
yomamma said:
psst...! He's right!

I thought when you jinxed someone they couldn't talk and if they do, then they owe you a coke.
  • #13
Watch it or I'll give you the cooties!

This is a tough decision. It's (probably) Tsu and Ivan vs. Moonbear. Both sides have 1 mentor and 1 sisterhood member...

I'm going neutral
  • #14
yomamma said:
This is a tough decision. It's (probably) Tsu and Ivan vs. Moonbear. Both sides have 1 mentor and 1 sisterhood member...

I'm going neutral
Good choice. You're quite wise for one so young. :approve:
  • #15
JasonRox said:
I thought when you jinxed someone they couldn't talk and if they do, then they owe you a coke.
:rolleyes: I guess I'm playing by New Jersey rules. They must be different from the other coast.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: I guess I'm playing by New Jersey rules. They must be different from the other coast.

I'm from Canada, and last time I jinxed someone they quickly became confused like they never heard of the game. It was an odd situation.
  • #17
Last time someone jinxed me I almost smacked them.

This is that "friend" I'm always whining about BTW

FAQ: Animal that can swim underwater, run on land, and fly in the air?

1. How do animals that can swim, run, and fly move in each environment?

These animals have evolved to have unique adaptations that allow them to move efficiently in each environment. For example, their streamlined bodies and webbed feet help them swim, their strong legs and flexible joints help them run, and their lightweight wings and aerodynamic shape help them fly.

2. What are some examples of animals that can swim, run, and fly?

Some common examples include birds such as ducks, geese, and swans, as well as mammals like dolphins, seals, and otters. Some insects, like dragonflies and water striders, also have the ability to swim, run, and fly.

3. How do these animals breathe in each environment?

Animals that can swim, run, and fly have adapted respiratory systems that allow them to breathe in each environment. For example, aquatic animals have gills to extract oxygen from water, while land animals have lungs to breathe air. Flying animals have a specialized respiratory system that allows them to take in enough oxygen while flying at high altitudes.

4. What are the advantages of being able to swim, run, and fly?

Having the ability to move in multiple environments allows animals to access different food sources and habitats, increasing their chances of survival. It also allows them to escape predators and find mates more easily. Additionally, being able to fly can save energy and help animals cover large distances quickly.

5. Can any animal swim, run, and fly?

No, not all animals have the physical adaptations to be able to swim, run, and fly. These abilities are only found in certain species that have evolved to have these unique adaptations. However, many animals have the ability to move in at least two of these environments, such as land animals that can also swim, or flying animals that can also run.

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