Another speed of light question

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of traveling at 0.999999999999999 c on a spaceship and the concept of reference frames. The participants agree that from the observer's perspective, everything would appear normal and there would be no way to detect absolute motion without an external reference frame. They also discuss the misconception that an object's mass increases as it approaches the speed of light, and clarify that it is only the relativistic mass that changes, not the proper mass. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of walking to the front of the ship and the idea of reference frames being specific to the region of space. Overall, the concept of relativity is explored and it is emphasized that the laws of physics are the same in any
  • #36
DaleSpam said:
I think you are mistaken. How would you measure the mass of a moving object? I think the only thing you could measure is the momentum and then you would have to calculate the mass. At that point you can choose if you want to calculate the rest mass or the relativistic mass.

The only ways I can think of to measure mass require an apparatus at rest relative to the mass and therefore measure rest mass.
You can measure momentum, energy, kinetic energy, what you want. The point is that what they call "relativistic mass" has already a name: "energy".

MASS has NOTHING to do with it.
Physics news on
  • #37
lightarrow said:
For which reason should it suggest ftl travels? It doesn't suggest it at all. They've given you the formula:

V = (v1 + v2)/(1 + v1*v2/c^2)

which always gives a value < c, even if you re-iterate it as many times as you like.

This formula is fine(ish) for calculating relative observed speeds but not much use for un-observable speeds.
This following text comes from another post on this forum which I thought illustrates the point I am trying to make.
Don't confuse what can be called the "3rd party separation rate" with relative speed.

Imagine this situation: Spaceship A is 1 light year to the west of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me; Spaceship B is 1 light year to the east of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me. What's their distance apart according to me? 2 light-years. When do they reach me? In about 1 year. So the separation distance decreases at a rate of about 2c according to me.

Of course the relative speed of spaceship B as measured by spaceship A is still less than c.

Now if we go for these two spaceships going passed the Earth and continuing on their way they will not be able to see each other although we still will.

Going back to the original post on this thread. Noone on Earth will see the pilot walking towards the front of the spaceship assuming his 'rate of separation' from us exceeds c. We will see him again when his sits down at the controls.
  • #38
Hello Nickleodeon.


---Now if we go for these two spaceships going passed the Earth and continuing on their way they will not be able to see each other although we still will. ---

This is incorrect.


---Noone on Earth will see the pilot walking towards the front of the spaceship assuming his 'rate of separation' from us exceeds c. We will see him again when his sits down at the controls. ---

This is also incorrect.

The speed of an observer relative to another observer never exceeds c in SR. However their speed of separation, that is the rate of increase of the distance between them, as seen by a third observer, may be up to nearly 2c. But to these two, whose separation distance is increasing at up to 2c, each will measure the other as going at less than c.

  • #39
If we were to look in the porthole of the spaceship as it passed Earth, we would see the pilot moving so slowly that he would appear to be virtually frozen in time - i.e. walking toward the front of the ship extreeeeemely slowly. If we were to measure the pilot's speed relative to us, it would not exceed c for that reason.
  • #40
DaveC426913 said:
If we were to look in the porthole of the spaceship as it passed Earth, we would see the pilot moving so slowly that he would appear to be virtually frozen in time
What we actually see and measure rather than calculate using reference frames is that the pilot is going faster than us when the spaceship approaches us and going slower than us when the spaceship passes us. One can use the relativistic Doppler formula to calculate the exact ratios.
  • #41
matheinste said:
The speed of an observer relative to another observer never exceeds c in SR. However their speed of separation, that is the rate of increase of the distance between them, as seen by a third observer, may be up to nearly 2c. But to these two, whose separation distance is increasing at up to 2c, each will measure the other as going at less than c.


I don't disagree with this except for the fact that after the speed of separation is greater than c the wavelength becomes too great to do any measuring and from an ocular point of view it's definitely not going to have any impact.
  • #42
I really don't know where this "speed of separation greater than c" is coming from. IMO, it has nothing to do with the OP's question and simply confuses the issue.
  • #43
Nickelodeon said:
This formula is fine(ish) for calculating relative observed speeds but not much use for un-observable speeds.
This following text comes from another post on this forum which I thought illustrates the point I am trying to make.
Don't confuse what can be called the "3rd party separation rate" with relative speed.

Imagine this situation: Spaceship A is 1 light year to the west of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me; Spaceship B is 1 light year to the east of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me. What's their distance apart according to me? 2 light-years. When do they reach me? In about 1 year. So the separation distance decreases at a rate of about 2c according to me.

Of course the relative speed of spaceship B as measured by spaceship A is still less than c.
Look, I can make mathematical symbols do what they wants, I can add c as many times as I want, but it doesn't produce a *physical* velocity. Physics IS NOT mathematics. You only have to understand this. If you want to talk about physics, then you have to talk about things which have a physical meaning, not something else, otherwise you can post on the mathematics forum.
  • #44
lightarrow said:
Look, I can make mathematical symbols do what they wants, I can add c as many times as I want, but it doesn't produce a *physical* velocity. Physics IS NOT mathematics. You only have to understand this. If you want to talk about physics, then you have to talk about things which have a physical meaning, not something else, otherwise you can post on the mathematics forum.
What part exactly of what he is saying is physically nonsensical?
  • #45
lightarrow said:
Physics IS NOT mathematics.
This is, on its face, a true statement. However, IF the universe behaves logically THEN the universe can be described in mathematical terms. Math is the language of logic.

Thus far, it appears that the universe is logical, and the mathematical rules that we are describing in this thread are not arbitrary, but are a way of describing the laws of nature clearly and concisely. You cannot dismiss the role of mathematics in physics, without math all of the elegance and logic of physics would be lost.
  • #46
Nickelodeon said:
Now if we go for these two spaceships going passed the Earth and continuing on their way they will not be able to see each other although we still will.
That's wrong. Two space ships moving away from each other, each at .999 C, wrt a 3rd observer, will be able to see each other. Since their speed wrt each other is below C, a light beam sent from one to the other will catch the other, bounce off, and go back to the first ship.

Nor does even going faster than C necessarily prevent an object from being seen - as long as the light isn't coming from you. We see galaxies that appear to be receeding from us at greater than C.
  • #47
Nickelodeon said:
This formula is fine(ish) for calculating relative observed speeds but not much use for un-observable speeds.
What do you mean by unobservable speed? Give an example.
This following text comes from another post on this forum which I thought illustrates the point I am trying to make.
Don't confuse what can be called the "3rd party separation rate" with relative speed.

Imagine this situation: Spaceship A is 1 light year to the west of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me; Spaceship B is 1 light year to the east of me and travels at a speed of 0.9999c towards me. What's their distance apart according to me? 2 light-years. When do they reach me? In about 1 year. So the separation distance decreases at a rate of about 2c according to me.

Of course the relative speed of spaceship B as measured by spaceship A is still less than c.
That brilliant quote about "3rd party separation rate" is from a post of mine. Reread it carefully, especially the last line.
Now if we go for these two spaceships going passed the Earth and continuing on their way they will not be able to see each other although we still will.
Why can't they see each other?
Going back to the original post on this thread. Noone on Earth will see the pilot walking towards the front of the spaceship assuming his 'rate of separation' from us exceeds c. We will see him again when his sits down at the controls.
Ah... I think I see what you're doing. You are misinterpreting that 'rate of separation'. As it would apply to this example, somebody at rest with respect to the ship would observe the Earth moving one way at some speed close to light speed and the pilot moving at some speed in the opposite direction. (For fun, let's have the pilot move through the ship at half the speed of light.) So, according to the stationary observers in the ship (the "third party"), the Earth and the Pilot are separating at a rate of about 1.5 c. So what? With respect to everyone, the pilot still moves at a speed less than the speed of light. In particular, the people on Earth will see the pilot moving at some speed less than c. (Very close to c, since the ship is almost traveling at light speed.)
  • #48
Hello Nickleodeon.


---I don't disagree with this except for the fact that after the speed of separation is greater than c the wavelength becomes too great to do any measuring and from an ocular point of view it's definitely not going to have any impact. ---

Note that although the speed of separation viewed by a third obserrver can approach 2c, each of the two seperating objects sees the other moving at less than c. No-one in SR sees ( measures is a better word in these circumstances as seeing can be mistaken for the visual effect ) anyone else moving at greater than c. Under these circumstances the remark about the wavelength is irrelevant.

I see Doc all beat me too it and put it better than i did.


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  • #49
Doc Al said:
What do you mean by unobservable speed? Give an example.

Just guessing here but dark matter would probably fall into this category as would whatever is going on within the event horizon of a black hole.

That brilliant quote about "3rd party separation rate" is from a post of mine. Reread it carefully, especially the last line.

Yes it was your quote - I do agree it was pretty good
Why can't they see each other?

I think it's red-shifting taken to extreme. After c the wavelength goes infinite. Here again the spaceship has to be going away from the observer not across his line of vision.
  • #50
Nickelodeon said:
Just guessing here but dark matter would probably fall into this category as would whatever is going on within the event horizon of a black hole.
How is that relevant to this thread?
I think it's red-shifting taken to extreme. After c the wavelength goes infinite. Here again the spaceship has to be going away from the observer not across his line of vision.
Again, it seems like you are still thinking that somehow the pilot's speed with respect to the Earth is greater than c. Not so.
  • #51

----I think it's red-shifting taken to extreme. After c the wavelength goes infinite. Here again the spaceship has to be going away from the observer not across his line of vision. -----

There is no after c.

  • #52
matheinste said:

----I think it's red-shifting taken to extreme. After c the wavelength goes infinite. Here again the spaceship has to be going away from the observer not across his line of vision. -----

There is no after c.


Yes there is - you just need some Hubble Flow to help you along
  • #53
Hello nickledoeon


---Yes there is - you just need some Hubble Flow to help you along ---

I believe Hubble flow is to do with recession of objects due to universal expansion. i do not think it involves anything actually moving at greater than c relative to something else.

Just a thought. If you are aware of things such as Hubble flow, how do you not understand the very basics of SR.

  • #54
DaveC426913 said:
What part exactly of what he is saying is physically nonsensical?
Define an object's velocity and you'll have the answer.

That "speed of separation" corresponds to the velocity of which object, in physics?
  • #55
DaveC426913 said:
No. Unless I'm mistaken though, an external observer looking at the craft as it whizzes by would be measuring its relativistic mass.
Relativistic mass doesn't exist. Only invariant mass = mass. If then you want to say that accelerating m from 0 to 1000 m/s requires less energy than accelerating it from 1000 m/s to 2000 m/s, that's another story: F = m*a doesn't hold in relativity.
  • #56
lightarrow said:
Relativistic mass doesn't exist. Only invariant mass = mass. If then you want to say that accelerating m from 0 to 1000 m/s requires less energy than accelerating it from 1000 m/s to 2000 m/s, that's another story: F = m*a doesn't hold in relativity.

Surely relativistic mass = invariant mass plus the mass equivalence of its relative kinetic energy so how can you say it doesn't exist?
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  • #57
Nickelodeon said:
Surely relativistic mass = invariant mass plus the mass equivalence of its relative kinetic energy so how can you say it doesn't exist?
Because it's completely meaningless, unless you call it "Energy". The only meaningful mass is invariant mass, so that's the only mass you should talk about.