Anti-de Sitter spacetime metric and its geodesics

In summary, the n+1-dimensional Anti-de Sitter (from now on AdS_{n+1}) line element is given, in some coordinates, by:-ds^{2}=-(1+\frac{r^{2}}{b^{2}})dt^{2}+\frac{dr^{2}}{1+r^{2}b^{-2}} +r^{2}d\Omega^{2}_{n-1}
  • #1
MManuel Abad
Hello, everybody. I have some doubts I hope you can answer:

I have read that the n+1-dimensional Anti-de Sitter (from now on [itex]AdS_{n+1}[/itex]) line element is given, in some coordinates, by:


This can be written, with the change of coordinates [itex]z=\frac{L^{2}}{r}[/itex] as:


and, with [itex]z=Le^{-y/L}[/itex]:


Nevertheless I have also seen (in page 7 of this paper by Witten: and in Talks 2009/1st day/Charmousis Paper.pdf) another formulation of this spacetime:

[itex]ds^{2}=-(1+\frac{r^{2}}{b^{2}})dt^{2}+\frac{dr^{2}}{1+r^{2}b^{-2}} +r^{2}d\Omega^{2}_{n-1}[/itex]

with [itex]d\Omega^{2}_{n-1}[/itex] the line element for the unit [itex]S^{n-1}[/itex] sphere.

I'd like to know: what transformation relates this last expression of [itex]AdS_{n+1}[/itex] with the former ones? under what circumstances is each one of these formulations used? In the last reference I gave there is some kind of explanation about slicings, but I did not understand. Could you explain it to me, please?

Also, is there any relation between [itex]b[/itex] and [itex]L[/itex]?

Now, I'd really appreciate if you could also give me a link to a reference in which the null and time-like geodesics of this [itex]AdS_{n+1}[/itex] spacetime are obtained (you know, the motion of massless and massive particles), preferrable in the last (Witten's) representation of the metric. I was looking for the reference but I could not find it.

I appreciate your help.
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  • #2
In the last metric, put

[tex]r = b \sinh \rho[/tex]
and see if you can figure it out from there. Hint: AdS_n can be considered as a hyperboloid of one sheet in [itex]R^{n-1, 2}[/itex].

This hint serves to tell you how to find the geodesics as well. The isometries of AdS are the same as the isometries of the ambient [itex]R^{n-1, 2}[/itex], and hence geodesics are intersections between the one-sheeted hyperboloid of AdS and planes through the origin of [itex]R^{n-1, 2}[/itex]. (Similar to how geodesics on the 2-sphere are the intersections between the sphere and planes through the origin of R^3.)
  • #3
Wow, man, that was really useful! I think I understand now how to go from the hyperboloid description to the AdS metric as Witten writes it. Nevertheless I still do not figure out how to go from this (Witten's) metric to one of the former ones.

It took me a while, but now I think I get it:

The AdS space can be considered as an "sphere" on a real space with hyperbolic metric [itex]G_{\mu\nu}=diag(-1,-1,+1,...,+1)[/itex]:


This can be achieved by the parameterization:


[itex]X_{n-1}=b\sinh\rho\sin\phi_{1}\cos\phi_{2}...\sin \phi_{n-2} \cos\phi_{n-1}[/itex]
[itex]X_{n}=b\sinh\rho\sin\phi_{1}\cos\phi_{2}...\sin \phi_{n-2} \sin\phi_{n-1}[/itex]

where capital letter have been used for the representation of the coordinates of points on the hyperboloid (we just used hyper-spherical coordinates)

Then, if one is not lazy (I am, so I just did it for n=1 and 2) one can find that, using the formula for the induced metric:

[itex]g_{ab}=G_{\mu\nu}\frac{\partial X^{\mu}}{\partial\xi^{a}}\frac{\partial X^{\nu}}{\partial\xi^{b}}[/itex]

where [itex]a,b \in \{ 0,1,...n \}[/itex] and [itex]\xi^{0}=\tau,\ \xi^{1}=\rho,\ \xi^{2}=\phi_{1}...\ \xi^{n}=\phi_{n-1}[/itex], that:

[itex]ds^{2}_{AdSn+1}=-b^{2}\cosh^{2}\rho d\tau^{2}+b^{2}d\rho^{2}+b^{2}\sinh^{2}\rho d\Omega_{n-1}^{2}[/itex]

which, under the transformations [itex]t=b\tau[/itex] and [itex]r=b\sinh\rho[/itex], yield the metric as Witten's wrote it.

Nevertheless, as I said before, I still don't know how to get from this (Witten's) metric to those I wrote at the beginning of my post.

Also, I know how to find the geodesics, but I hope you can help me finding some references where it they are obtained. I need these references because I need to cite the (preferably original) work where this geodesics appear.
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  • #5
Wow, thanks, atyy. It appears I did it in another way: in the pdf file you gave me they first obtain the metric in the last form I wrote, and after that in the hyperbolic-functions form. I did it the other way-around :P I can see how they obtain the other forms of the metric, that was really helpful!

Anything about the references with the geodesics?
  • #7
I haven't read what Aty posted, but once you see how to get AdS metrics from the hyperboloid, just try to think of other ways to parametrize the hyperboloid. For example, what happens if you define

t &= X^0/X^{n+1}, \\
x^1 &= X^1/X^{n+1}, \\
& \vdots \\
x^n &= X^n/X^{n+1},
where [itex]X^0, X^{n+1}[/itex] are the two negative-signature coordinates in [itex]R^{n-1,2}[/itex]?

Edit: As for geodesics, if you know how to obtain them from the hyperboloid, then all you have to do is some algebra. I don't think this is something you have to's a simple fact that works in homogeneous spaces.
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  • #8
Yes, Ben Niehoff. Actually, in the atyy's first reference, they begin with that very same parametrization :D Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the book, atyy

FAQ: Anti-de Sitter spacetime metric and its geodesics

1. What is Anti-de Sitter spacetime metric?

Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime metric is a mathematical model used to describe the geometry of a particular type of spacetime. It is characterized by a negative cosmological constant, which results in a hyperbolic geometry. AdS spacetime is often used in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of black holes and string theory.

2. How is AdS spacetime different from other spacetime models?

AdS spacetime is different from other models, such as the Minkowski or de Sitter spacetimes, in that it has a negative cosmological constant. This results in a different curvature and topology, which has important implications for the behavior of particles and light in this spacetime.

3. What are geodesics in the context of AdS spacetime?

Geodesics in AdS spacetime refer to the paths that particles or light take when traveling through this particular type of spacetime. These paths are determined by the curvature of spacetime and can be calculated using the AdS spacetime metric.

4. How are geodesics in AdS spacetime related to black holes?

In AdS spacetime, geodesics play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles and light near black holes. The geodesic equations can be used to calculate the trajectories of particles falling into a black hole, and to study the behavior of Hawking radiation emitted by the black hole.

5. What are some practical applications of studying AdS spacetime and its geodesics?

AdS spacetime and its geodesics have important applications in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of black holes and string theory. They are also used in cosmology and can help us understand the behavior of the universe on large scales. Additionally, the study of AdS spacetime can provide insights into the nature of space and time and advance our understanding of fundamental physics.

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