The Mystery: Exploring the Link Between Gravity and Magnetism

In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of a relationship between gravity and magnetism, with one participant mentioning a recent experiment where an electromagnet was used to counteract gravity and levitate organic material. The conversation also touched on other related topics such as diamagnetism and the potential for magnetism and gravity to be linked. However, another participant stated that there is currently no known relationship between the two forces and that they are two distinct forces with different causes and effects.
  • #1
Did anyone ever see on TV or read about (I think it was released to the press sometime late last year) the scientists who built that electromagnet that counteracted the force of gravity? They put a couple of different pieces of organic material in it and they started floating, one of which was a live grasshopper. Would that not indicate that gravity and magentism are related? Or am I just ill-informed?
Physics news on
  • #2
It's probably the latter.
  • #3
i don't have the answer to your question but this is somewhat related to the topic...

in my chemistry class, we took liquid Nitrogen and poured it over a strong magnet (making the magnet very cold)

then a superconductor (a little cube - metal? i can't remember) was placed above the center of the (~1 cm diameter) magnet and it was completely levitated.

you could even spin the superconductor and it would simply spin around in the air in the same place.

dont know if levitating is considered "anti-gravity" like what you were talking about

hope that helps
  • #4
Yeah I bet that's the same principle they used to make the "anti-gravity" thingamabob. But I'm assuming levitation and anti-gravity are one in the same. But you know what they say when you assume something... :wink:
  • #5
Originally posted by mouseman
Did anyone ever see on TV or read about (I think it was released to the press sometime late last year) the scientists who built that electromagnet that counteracted the force of gravity? They put a couple of different pieces of organic material in it and they started floating, one of which was a live grasshopper. Would that not indicate that gravity and magentism are related? Or am I just ill-informed?

Got a reference?

At this point there is no known relationship between electromagnetism and gravity. Unless you count that light is affected (bent) by the force of gravity. The fact that one force of nature can be made to act in opposition to another is not evidence of their relationship.
  • #6
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  • #7
Ahh! Thank you sir! That's exactly what I was referring to. But I'm wondering if you can cause something organic to levitate by a magnetic field, wouldn't the converse also be possible? Wouldn't you be able to "suck" something in by reversing the polarity? If so, then why would that be any different than the effect of Earth's gravity on us? Or am I just wacthing too much Star Trek?
  • #8

Originally posted by DrChinese

The fact that one force of nature can be made to act in opposition to another is not evidence of their relationship.

Sorry. Bad choice of words. I meant to imply that magnetism and gravity might be the same thing.
  • #9
Gravity and Magnetism? Of coarse!

I believe that magnetism and gravity are one in the same, and if not one in the same than have great influences on each otehr. I heard about the "antigravity" machine, also. It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult. All things have a charge to them. Almost everything has some sort of metal in it. In answer to ur questoin on whether or not it would be possible to recreate gravity since u can repel something, it makes since to me. a piece of metal getting pulled to a magnet seems to be the same as gravity pulling something. Is that not how old fashioned compasses work? The needle is pulled north because of gravity/magnetism right? i mean tell me if I am wrong.
  • #10
A little more...

Oh and the objects "levitate" because of teh magnetic field which means they are affected by magnets whcih means they have some sort of a charge or metal or something right? Doesnt sound complicated right?
  • #11
Well a compass actually works with the magnetic field the Earth emits. The core has a lot of metal in it. But as far as almost every thing having metal in it, that wasn't what I was meaning. I was referring to magnetism on an sub-atomic scale. All atoms are are particles with magnetic charges. And even though its been stated before that the amount of negative charges of all the atoms on Earth are about the same amount as the positive charges of all those atoms, making the difference between the two neglegable, what I'm wondering is if that little amount of difference is just enough to make an "atomic magnetic field". Which ever that charge may be, positive or negative (I don't know which it is).

I appologize if this doesn't make sense. I'm tired and I've been drinking.
  • #12

Originally posted by ElectrikRipple
Oh and the objects "levitate" because of teh magnetic field which means they are affected by magnets whcih means they have some sort of a charge or metal or something right? Doesnt sound complicated right?

Its called Diamagnetism. Don't know the inner workings of it though.
Janus made a link to a page about it above. ^
  • #13
Good Thoughts

I think i was actually thinking the smae thing as u its just i haven't been drinking so words arent flowing as well as urs...haha but yea that makes since. I think your right. well now that YOUR theory makes since, what about mine?
  • #14
About Your "Its Diamagnetism" thing

I watched the movies and stuff before i posted that.


I see your shwartz is as big as mine.

  • #15
I'm not really stating a theory, I'm just asking if there is a possibility.

well now that YOUR theory makes since, what about mine?

Which theory?
  • #16

the theory on seeing/interacting with yourself in the future
  • #17
I believe that magnetism and gravity are one in the same, and if not one in the same than have great influences on each otehr
No. The gravity and magnetism have different causes and different effects. They are two very different forces. The only relationship is that they both decrease by an inverse square ratio of the distance.
  • #18
see and ur saying this bro because that's what somebody told u or what u read online or in a book...but u can't believe anything...if u ever believe anything ur dead. not literally of coarse but ull go through life without wonders and thoughts...good look buddy
P.J. <<<<tired [zz)]
  • #19
What about this? [?]
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  • #20
Originally posted by malco97
What about this? [?]

I followed this - not exactly a reference in the normal sense.
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FAQ: The Mystery: Exploring the Link Between Gravity and Magnetism

What is the link between gravity and magnetism?

The link between gravity and magnetism is a subject of ongoing research in the field of physics. Scientists have proposed various theories and hypotheses, but a definitive answer has not yet been found. Some theories suggest that gravity and magnetism are two separate forces that interact with each other, while others propose that they are two aspects of a single, unified force.

Why is it important to understand the link between gravity and magnetism?

Understanding the link between gravity and magnetism could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws of physics. It could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in space exploration. Additionally, a better understanding of these forces could help us solve some of the greatest mysteries of the universe, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

What research has been done on the link between gravity and magnetism?

Scientists have been studying the link between gravity and magnetism for decades, and the research is ongoing. Some experiments have shown potential correlations between the two forces, but more research is needed to confirm these findings. Various theories, such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, have also been proposed to explain the relationship between gravity and magnetism.

Can the link between gravity and magnetism be observed in everyday life?

While we may not directly observe the link between gravity and magnetism in our everyday lives, these forces play a critical role in many natural phenomena. For example, the Earth's magnetic field is affected by gravitational forces, and many organisms, such as birds and turtles, use Earth's magnetic field to navigate. Additionally, many technologies, such as MRI machines and compasses, rely on the interaction between gravity and magnetism.

What advancements have been made in understanding the link between gravity and magnetism?

Advancements in technology and theoretical models have allowed scientists to make significant progress in understanding the link between gravity and magnetism. For instance, the discovery of gravitational waves in 2015 provided evidence for Einstein's theory of general relativity, which helps us understand the relationship between gravity and space-time. Additionally, advancements in quantum mechanics have led to new insights into the nature of magnetism and its connection to gravity.

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