Function ƒ(x): Continuity & Differentiability

In summary, we discussed the function f defined as ƒ(x)={ lx-1l + 2, for x<1, and ax^2 + bx, for x (greater or equal to) 1, where a and b are constants. We explored its continuity and differentiability for different values of a and b. It was determined that in order for f to be continuous, the left and right-hand limits must be equal at f(1). Additionally, for f to be differentiable, the right and left limits of \frac{f(x)-f(1)}{x-1} must also be equal. Therefore, the values of a and b that satisfy these conditions will make f both continuous and different
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f be the function defined as ƒ(x)={ lx-1l + 2, for x<1, and ax^2 + bx, for x (greater or equal to) 1, where a and b are constants.

Homework Equations

A) If a=2 and b=3, is f continuous for all of x?
B) Describe all the values of a and b for which f is a continuous function?
C) For what values of a and b is f both continuous and differentiable?
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  • #2
It is clear that we only need to question if the function is continuous in 1.

You have probably seen that a function f is continuous in 1 iff

[tex] \lim_{x\rightarrow 1}{f(x)}=f(1) [/tex]

Now, it is also true that a limit exists iff the right-hand and left-hand limits exists and are equal. So you only need to check that

[tex] \lim_{x\rightarrow 1+}{f(x)}=\lim_{x\rightarrow 1-}{f(x)}=f(1)[/tex]

So calculate the left-hand limits and right-limits and see if they are equal to f(1)
  • #3
so would the lim ƒ(x) = 5?
  • #4
What is the limit

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 1}{|x-1|+2} [/tex]

and what is the limit

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 1}{ax^2 + bx} [/tex]

You want those limits to be equal in order for f to be continuous.
  • #5
the limit of abs(x-1)+2 is 2 and the limit of ax^2+bx is 5 so the limit is not continuous right?
  • #6
Oh, in question 1. Yes you are correct. f in question 1 is not continuous in 1.
  • #7
for b) i said if a and b = 1 then lim of x^2+x as x approaches 1 is 2 which would make it a continuous function because the left and right limits are equal at f(1), is that correct? I am a bit confused with left and right hand limits
  • #8
Yes, you are correct. But a=b=1 aren't the only possible values for a and b.

In general, we have that

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 1}{ax^2+bx} =a+b[/tex]

So every a and b such that a+b=2 suffices to make the function f continuous.
  • #9
ah thank you i think I am understanding it now but I am confused about part c.
  • #10
For part c, you will need to calculate the right and left limit of

[tex] \frac{f(x)-f(1)}{x-1}[/tex]

They will need to be equal. This gives you another condition on a and b.

FAQ: Function ƒ(x): Continuity & Differentiability

What is the definition of continuity for a function?

The definition of continuity for a function ƒ(x) is that the function is continuous at a point x = a if and only if the following three conditions are met:

  1. ƒ(a) is defined (the function is defined at the point x = a).
  2. ƒ(x) approaches the same value as x approaches a (the limit of ƒ(x) as x approaches a exists).
  3. The limit of ƒ(x) as x approaches a is equal to ƒ(a) (the function value at x = a).

How do you determine if a function is differentiable at a point?

A function is differentiable at a point x = a if and only if the following two conditions are met:

  1. ƒ'(a) exists (the derivative of the function exists at x = a).
  2. The function is continuous at x = a (this ensures that the derivative is well-defined at x = a).

What is the difference between continuity and differentiability?

The main difference between continuity and differentiability is that continuity only requires that the function is defined and has a limit at a point, while differentiability requires that the function has a defined derivative at that point. In other words, a function can be continuous at a point without being differentiable, but if a function is differentiable at a point, it must also be continuous at that point.

Can a function be differentiable but not continuous?

No, a function cannot be differentiable at a point if it is not continuous at that point. This is because differentiability requires that the function is continuous at the point, as well as having a defined derivative. Therefore, if a function is not continuous at a point, it cannot be differentiable at that point.

How can you determine if a piecewise function is continuous and differentiable?

In order for a piecewise function to be continuous, each piece of the function must be continuous at the point where they meet. To determine if a piecewise function is differentiable, you must check if each piece of the function is differentiable at the point where they meet. If both conditions are met, then the piecewise function is both continuous and differentiable at that point.
