Apollo Spacecraft Re-entry Program

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of 3 DOF equations to calculate the trajectory of a spacecraft in an Apollo re-entry program. The equations of motion and calculations for drag, lift, density, and gravity are mentioned, along with the constants and inputs used in the simulation. The speaker is looking for a way to check their results and mentions a pdf and MATLAB code that they are using for reference. They also mention their own optimization scheme and question why their plot results are slightly different from the reference trajectory. It is clarified that the air density given is for a reference altitude of 60,000 m, not the surface of the Earth. Overall, the speaker is seeking another way to verify their results.
  • #1
I'm working on an Apollo re-entry program and would like to somehow check my results I got for re-entry. I'm using 3 DOF equations to calculate the trajectory of the spacecraft .Equations of motion:

[itex]\dot{V} = -\frac{D}{m} - g\sin{\theta}[/itex]

[itex]\dot{\phi} = -\frac{V\cos{\theta}}{R+h}[/itex]

[itex]\dot{\theta} = \frac{L}{mV} - \frac{g\cos{\theta}}{V} + cdot{\phi}[/itex]

[itex]\dot{h} = V\sin{\theta}[/itex]

Drag and lift is calculated using Newtonian Theory:

[itex]C_d = 2\sin^3{\alpha}[/itex]

[itex]C_l = 2\sin^2{\alpha}\cos{\alpha}[/itex]

[itex]D = 1/2C_d \rho V^2 S[/itex]

[itex]L = 1/2C_l \rho V^2 S[/itex]

Density and gravity are calculated as follows:

[itex]\rho = \rho_0e^{\frac{h_0-h}{H}}[/itex]

[itex]g = g_0(\frac{R}{R+h})^2[/itex]


S = 12.0687 m2 (surface area of the capsule)
R = 6371 km (radius of the Earth)
g0 = 9.80665 m/s2 (gravity at 60 km)
ρ = 2.7649*10-4 kg/m3 (density at 60 km)
m = 5500 kg (mass of capsule)
h0 = 60 km (end of sensible atmosphere)
H = 7 km (scaled height)


V = 7162.8 m/s (velocity of capsule)
[itex]\phi[/itex] = 10.556° (angular displacement, range)
[itex]\theta[/itex] = -2.0 (flight path angle)
h = 80 km (re-entry altitude)
[itex]\alpha[/itex] = 53° (attack angle)

These are some values that I picked up from a pdf on a similar project I found online. The project goes through the optimization of the initial conditions to avoid overshoot and undershoot. First they picked some initial values and ran the simulation to get the reference trajectory. I am only concerned with the plots to this reference trajectory since I will be utilizing my own optimization scheme later.

On page 7 of the attached pdf shows some plots for the reference trajectory. My plots are close in shape by some of the numbers are off. I'm not sure why.

Is there any other way to check my results? Perhaps with another simulation? Attached is a zip file containing MATLAB code for the simulation as well as the pdf.


  • Re-entry.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 278
  • AM_LQR.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 883
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The report states that the air density of 2.7649*10^-4 kg/m^3 is the figure for the reference altitude of 60,000 m, not the surface of the earth. (See p. 5)
  • #3
My mistake. This has no effect on the programming though.

FAQ: Apollo Spacecraft Re-entry Program

What was the purpose of the Apollo Spacecraft Re-entry Program?

The Apollo Spacecraft Re-entry Program was designed to safely bring astronauts and their spacecraft back to Earth after they completed their mission in space. This was a crucial step in the Apollo missions as it ensured the safe return of the astronauts and their valuable scientific data.

How did the Apollo Spacecraft re-enter the Earth's atmosphere?

The Apollo Spacecraft used a process called atmospheric entry to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. This involved using the spacecraft's heat shield and parachutes to slow down and safely land back on Earth. The heat shield protected the spacecraft from the extreme temperatures caused by friction with the Earth's atmosphere.

What were the major challenges faced during the Apollo Spacecraft re-entry?

One of the major challenges faced during the Apollo Spacecraft re-entry was the high temperatures caused by friction with the Earth's atmosphere. The spacecraft had to withstand temperatures of up to 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Another challenge was the precise timing and trajectory needed to ensure a safe re-entry and landing.

What safety measures were taken during the Apollo Spacecraft re-entry?

To ensure the safety of the astronauts during re-entry, the Apollo Spacecraft was equipped with a heat shield, which protected the spacecraft from the extreme temperatures. The spacecraft also had multiple parachutes to slow down its descent and a flotation device to keep it afloat after landing in the ocean.

How did the Apollo Spacecraft re-entry program contribute to space exploration?

The Apollo Spacecraft re-entry program was a crucial part of the Apollo missions, which helped pave the way for further space exploration. The successful re-entry and safe return of the astronauts demonstrated the capabilities of human spaceflight and provided valuable data for future missions. It also helped scientists and engineers develop new technologies and techniques for spacecraft re-entry and landing.
