- #1
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Homework Statement
Find the length of the path traced out by a particle moving on a curve according to the given equation during the time interval specified in each case.
r(t) = (c2/a)cos3t i + (c2/b)sin3t j
where i and j are the usual unit vectors, 0 [itex]\leq[/itex] t [itex]\leq[/itex] 2[itex]\pi[/itex], c2 = a2 - b2, and 0 < b < a
Also, r(t) is the position vector-valued function of t. Scalar functions will not be bolded.
Homework Equations
I know that the arc length in this case is the integral of ||r'(t)|| = v(t) from 0 to 2[itex]\pi[/itex].
The Attempt at a Solution
Differentiating gives: r'(t) = (-3c2/a)cos2t sin t i + (3c2/b)sin2t cos t j.
Therefore, v(t) = √{(9c4/a2)cos4t sin2t + (9c4/b2)sin4t cos2t)} = √{(9c4/a2)cos2t(cos2t sin2t) + (9c4/b2)sin2t(sin2t cos2t)} =
√{(9c4/a2)cos2t(0.25sin22t) + (9c4/b2)sin2t(0.25sin22t)} = √{(9c4/a2)cos2t(0.25sin22t) + (9c4/b2)sin2t(0.25sin22t)} =
(3c2/2)(sin2t)*√{(1/a2)cos2t + (1/b2)sin2t} = (3c2/(2ab))(sin2t)*√{(b2)cos2t + (a2)sin2t}
And that is where I get stuck. I'm not sure what the integral of that expression is, nor do I know what I can do to simplify it further. I would say that it has no simple solution, since the argument under the square root looks an awfully lot like an integral for an ellipse, and I have heard one needs something called an "elliptic integral" to solve. However, the answer for this problem is quite simple: (4a3-4b3)/(ab). Will someone please help me with this?
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