Are Armed Robots the Future of Modern Warfare?

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In summary: Gameboy-style controller and virtual-reality goggles. It sounds like the military is just trying to find a way to use technology that they know people are using anyway. I don't see how this is going to make anyone safer.In summary, the US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq. These robots are controlled in real-time by humans, just like the flying predator drones. Although ethically questionable and downright scary, it is important to note that they are controlled in real-time by humans, like the flying predator drones. The army of the future
  • #1
the number 42
Physics news on
  • #2
Although these are ethically questionable and downright scary, it is important to note that they are controlled in real-time by humans, like the flying predator drones.
  • #3
Scary it is ...

Mr Quinn says there are plans to replace the computer screen, joysticks and keypad in the remote-control unit with a Gameboy-style controller and virtual-reality goggles.

... and they seem to be quite efficient in harvesting existing technology...
  • #4
The army of the future will consist of fat video game addicts, and military uniforms will consist of baggy gym pants and a poncho.
  • #5
Finally, the precision hand-eye coordination I learned from countless hours playing video games is coming full circle! And society said I was wasting my time! pshh

military uniforms will consist of baggy gym pants and a poncho.

Haha, General Issue equipment hopefully...
  • #6
These (flying predator drones, ground robots) are very good for gathering information.

The idea of allowing robots to fire weapons in urban environments is 'interesting'. I wonder how they provide a good situational awareness to the robot operator. Recreating all the senses humans rely on to make on the spot decisions seems pretty difficult. But, then, human decisions under the stress of battlefield conditions are hardly infallible, either (as we've seen through the magic of videos provided by embedded reporters). Decisions made while safely removed from the threat of death may be better even with less information than would be available live-on-the-spot.

If the operator can reliably make life and death decisions from the information provided, this would be an improvement for all involved. Less risk for military personnel; more accurate targeting and less inadvertant killing of innocent civilians.
  • #7
What are we going to do in 50 to 100 years from now when all of these countries have robots? Are we going to have robot battles, or are we going to go back to fighting with humans, or something else... ?
  • #8
mattmns said:
What are we going to do in 50 to 100 years from now when all of these countries have robots? Are we going to have robot battles, or are we going to go back to fighting with humans, or something else... ?

lol interesting question. i guess you have to think about what it means to win a war.
  • #9
mattmns said:
What are we going to do in 50 to 100 years from now when all of these countries have robots? Are we going to have robot battles, or are we going to go back to fighting with humans, or something else... ?

in 50 to 100 years it will be a one world government with a one world army of robots of which we will not be able to escape...
  • #10
I'd like to see some of those "insurgent" barbaric schitbags try to behead one of these robots on video.
  • #11
It's nice to see the American's aren't getting overly emotional towards the people they're invading.
  • #12
mattmns said:
What are we going to do in 50 to 100 years from now when all of these countries have robots? Are we going to have robot battles, or are we going to go back to fighting with humans, or something else... ?
It's called EMP. We'll all be running around with EMP lasers shooting at robots.

Or Nano-Combat-Bots. THAT would be cool!
  • #13

we will use EMP grenades to wipe out the robots!
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  • #14
So basically we're going to have the Matrix. Robots, EMP, Neo, etc. etc. :smile:
  • #15
Curious3141 said:
So basically we're going to have the Matrix. Robots, EMP, Neo, etc. etc. :smile:

“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”

“The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”
  • #16
BobG said:
If the operator can reliably make life and death decisions from the information provided, this would be an improvement for all involved. Less risk for military personnel; more accurate targeting and less inadvertant killing of innocent civilians.

Hmm. I'm not sure it will work. Operating a robot from afar can make one very reckless instead of being a cautious soldier. Also, it is easier to inadvertently make a bad decision (clicking a mouse to fire instead of pulling a trigger). It might create an ethical dilemma, it wouldn't really feel like one has killed someone through the robot..
  • #17
Good point motai, I do hope these Operators are very highly trained and conditioned.
  • #18
A new potential for a flagrant display of social [class] division.
  • #19
I think they are on the whole a good idea. However it won't be too long before someone "hacks" one and turns it against its operators.
  • #20
motai said:
It might create an ethical dilemma, it wouldn't really feel like one has killed someone through the robot..

On the other hand, consider this :

Intel says that a big insurgent group is holed out in XYZ building. As you approach the area (the rest of your team vectoring in radially from different points) an audible alarm is raised by some locals; the insurgents are alerted but in the area. You're in a strange, hostile area and you've lost the element of surprise. The enemy knows you're approaching, so one screw up will cost you your life. You pass and alley and immediately, in your peripheral vision your see movement. You swing your gun around and ...

1) a burst in the direction of the movement.

2) the ZOOM button to identify the nature of the disturbance. From the safety of your perch - you know your life is not directly threatened - you can make a more informed determination of friend or foe.

Sure there are drawbacks. But there are advantages.
  • #21
The good : they make snipers obsolete.

The bad : WMD potential.

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The plot of "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" follows a group of scientists who have created a new technology that can prevent the creation of time-traveling Terminators. However, things take a turn when a rogue Terminator from the future appears, creating a dilemma for the scientists who must decide whether to use their technology to save humanity or risk altering the timeline.

2. Is Arnold Schwarzenegger returning for "Terminator IV: draft problem solved"?

At this time, it is unclear if Arnold Schwarzenegger will be reprising his role as the iconic Terminator in "Terminator IV: draft problem solved". The studio has not made any announcements regarding the cast, but it is possible that Schwarzenegger could make a cameo appearance.

3. When will "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" be released?

The release date for "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" has not been officially announced yet. Production for the film is still in the early stages, and it is expected to take a few years before it is ready for release. Keep an eye out for updates from the studio for a potential release date.

4. Will "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" be a reboot or a continuation of the original series?

Based on the information currently available, "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" will be a continuation of the original series. The film will address the events of the previous films and continue the story from there.

5. Who is directing "Terminator IV: draft problem solved"?

The director for "Terminator IV: draft problem solved" has not been officially announced yet. However, there have been rumors that James Cameron, the director of the first two Terminator films, may return to the franchise for this new installment.

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