Are orbital sun shades to reverse climate change realistic?

In summary: It would probably get you in the right order of magnitude if you calculate the mass of enough mylar balloons to block 1% of the sunlight reaching Earth and multiply by perhaps $5000 / kg to get them where they need to be.It would probably get you in the right order of magnitude if you calculate the mass of enough mylar balloons to block 1% of the sunlight reaching Earth and multiply by perhaps $5000 / kg to get them where they need to be.
  • #1
I'm referring to proposals that suggest putting large reflective surfaces at the L1 Lagrange point.

I've also been thinking of something like capturing a nearby asteroid and turning it into an artificial ring at the equator or dumping lots of small infrared reflecting particles or releasing sulfur gasses in leo.

How cost effective and realistic are these methods? How much would you need to actually impact climate change? Are there any other possible space based solutions?
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  • #2
arusse02 said:
How cost effective and realistic are these methods? How much would you need to actually impact climate change? Are there any other possible space based solutions?
What research have you done on this so far? What have you found out?
  • #3
Back in the 1980s, when NASA still did research on far out issues, they sponsored a series of seminars on 'Radiant Energy Conversion in Space'.
The idea was that solar cells would be much more durable in space, no day/night cycle, no rain or sleet or snow, no wind or structural stresses. That leads to massive solar arrays, eventually perhaps hundreds of square miles, with power transmission emerging as a serious issue.
Even so, compared to the millions of square miles of Earth surface, a rounding error impact, unlikely to reverse any global phenomena.
Imho, the more promising option is to fertilize the southern ocean. It seems iron is a missing trace element there for plankton growth, as demonstrated with smaller scale iron seeding experiments generating massive algae blooms. As one researcher said subsequently: ' Give me a tanker full of iron sulfate and I'll give you an ice age'.
  • #4
arusse02 said:
How much would you need to actually impact climate change? Are there any other possible space based solutions?

Not space based, but Krakatoa eruption reduced global temps by about 1.2C, this had equiv yield of about 200Mt, so one solution to climate change is a limited but decent nuclear exchange. Gives results quickly too!

Probably not the type of thing people are looking for though.
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  • #5
@arusse02 asked about shades to block some solar energy from reaching earth. At least that's what the title says.

@etudiant replied with an idea to use space solar panels tho bring more solar energy to earth.

You can not be further apart.

Let's stick with addressing the OP's question instead of offering alternatives
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  • #6
arusse02 said:
I'm referring to proposals that suggest putting large reflective surfaces at the L1 Lagrange point.
Can you provide a link to one such proposal complete with numbers? It's hard to comment if we don't know what it is.
  • #7
arusse02 said:
How cost effective and realistic are these methods? How much would you need to actually impact climate change? Are there any other possible space based solutions?
It would probably get you in the right order of magnitude if you calculate the mass of enough mylar balloons to block 1% of the sunlight reaching Earth and multiply by perhaps $5000 / kg to get them where they need to be.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
It would probably get you in the right order of magnitude if you calculate the mass of enough mylar balloons to block 1% of the sunlight reaching Earth and multiply by perhaps $5000 / kg to get them where they need to be.
Just for grins, I did a VERY rough calculation based on that assumption. Here are my notes:

Earth radius = 4000 miles x 5000 feet/mile = 2E7 feet
area (simplifying assumption is that the sun is pointing at a flat disk)
= pi * (2E7 feet)^2 = 1.25E15 sqft x 1% => 1.25E13 sqft to cover

16" Mylar balloon, simplified as a 16" square => (16/12)^2 sqft = 1.77 sqft

Amazon has 16" balloons at about 1/4oz each

1.25E13 x 1 balloon/1.77sqft => 7E12 balloons x (1/4)OZ / balloon * 1lb/16oz

=> 1.1E11 lbs x $5K/Kg x .45Kg/lb => $2.48E14

Those figures assume the $5K/Kg includes the cost of the balloons (or Mylar sail or whatever)

So, that's about $240,000,000,000,000 per sail

The GDP of the USA is $19.4 trillion / year = $19,000,000,000,000

240,000,000,000,000 ($/sail) / 19,000,000,000,000 ($/year) => 12.6 years per sail

So the cost is the entire output of the USA for 12.6 years

If you have the entire Earth chipping in it would be the entire output of the Earth for about 3 years.

Doesn't really seem very practical. :smile:
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  • #9
Let's repeat this with a more sensible unit system, and sheets instead of balloons. The area of Earth is pi*(6370 km)2, covering 1% needs ~3*(637 km)2 ~ 1.5*1012 m2.
A 2 micrometer sheet (solar sails use that) with roughly the density of water needs 0.002 kg/m2. Multiply: 3*109 kg.
Multiply again: 1.5*1013 $ or 15 trillion USD. Deployed over 20 years this is 1% of the gross world product.

No one would use existing rockets for that, of course. We would use a few billions to develop proper, reusable rockets to cut launch prices, or maybe even tens of billions to deploy a megastructure like a StarTram or an orbital ring. That would cut further launch costs massively.
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FAQ: Are orbital sun shades to reverse climate change realistic?

1. What are orbital sun shades?

Orbital sun shades, also known as space sunshades or solar radiation management systems, are proposed technology that would involve placing a large array of reflective material in orbit around the Earth. The purpose of these shades would be to reflect some of the sun's incoming radiation, thereby reducing the amount of heat that reaches the Earth's surface.

2. How would orbital sun shades reverse climate change?

The idea behind orbital sun shades is that by reflecting some of the sun's radiation, the Earth's temperature would decrease, potentially offsetting the effects of climate change. The shades could also be adjusted to allow more or less radiation to reach the Earth, providing a way to regulate the planet's temperature.

3. Are orbital sun shades a realistic solution to climate change?

While orbital sun shades may sound like a promising solution, there are many challenges and potential risks associated with this technology. These include the high cost of deployment and maintenance, potential impacts on other Earth systems, and the need for international cooperation and regulation. Additionally, this technology does not address the root causes of climate change and could have unforeseen consequences.

4. Has orbital sun shades technology been tested?

Currently, there have been no large-scale tests of orbital sun shades technology. Some small-scale experiments have been conducted, but more research is needed to fully understand the potential impacts and feasibility of this technology. It is also important to consider the ethical and social implications of manipulating the Earth's climate in this way.

5. What are some alternative solutions to climate change?

There are many potential solutions to climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, implementing renewable energy sources, and improving energy efficiency. Other options include carbon capture and storage, reforestation, and sustainable land management. It is important to consider a combination of solutions and to address the root causes of climate change in order to effectively mitigate its effects.

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