Exploring Strings and Branes in Publications & Pre-Publications

In summary, I think it's important to consider these ideas, but I'm not sure how to connect them to the question at hand.
  • #1

I think it's interesting to post here some interesting publications or pre-publication links related to String and Brane.

Title: On Superplanckian Scattering on the Brane
Authors: A.V. Kisselev
3 Transplanckian collision on the brane
In the ADD model, all SM fields live on the (1+3)-dimensional brane embedded in the D-dimensional space-time. Thus, their collisions are also confined
to the brane. In particular, the impact parameter space is two-fold. On the other hand, in the transplanckian region, where the collision energy ps is
much larger than the fundamental gravity scale MD, but a momentum transfert is small, the scattering of 4-dimensional particles is dominated by the
exchange of D-dimensional gravitons. The (elastic) scattering of two (different) massless particles living on the brane in the kinematical region ...

pag 16: To summarize, the presence of the compact extra dimensions do not influence small t behavior of the scattering amplitude, if a collision takes place
on the (1+3)-dimensional brane. This is easy to understand, since, from the point of view of four dimensions, the higher space dimensions supply us with
the KK tower of massive exchange quanta (in our case, massive gravitons). These new massive quanta can not hide the long-range forces originated from
the massless graviton.

Strings between branes (http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0307297)
Koji Hashimoto & Washington Taylor

pag 3: As another example of the methods developed in this paper, we reconsider the ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole. As was discussed in [14], when the Higgs scalar in the Prasad-Sommerfield SU(2) monopole solution [15] is interpreted as a transverse scalar for a two D3-brane configuration, a natural geometric interpretation of this monopole solution arises. We show that in this geometrical picture, the D-string stretching between the two D3-branes is described by a D-string flux moving from one brane to another. This D-string flux leaves the world-volume of the D3-branes, just as the fundamental string does in the other examples we consider. As an application of the methods used here, we discuss the tachyon condensation story [16] in Yang-Mills language. The basic tachyon condensation picture was related to a Yang-Mills description of intersecting branes in [17, 18, 19], where it was shown that the tachyonic mode on the intersecting branes gives rise to a recombination of the branes. Putting electric flux on the D-branes, we find a qualitative description of tachyon condensation where intersecting branes recombine, giving a region of empty space between the branes in which the electric flux is replaced by
fundamental strings stretching through the vacuum. Because we are working in the classical Yang-Mills picture, the fundamental string charge is not quantized and the confinement of these strings is not completely apparent; as the recombined D-branes move apart, we are left with a distribution of stretched strings filling the vacuum. The related configuration in which D3-branes annihilate to give D-strings in the vacuum manifests the brane descent relations suggested by Sen.
pag 14
3. The ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole
In the previous section we have constructed a family of BPS string networks in classical U(N) Yang-Mills theory. A striking feature of these configurations is that they contain fundamental strings which stretch through a region of space not contained in the D-string world-volume, although the fields on the D-strings are used to construct the Yang-Mills theory.
In this section we consider a much more familiar construction: the ’t Hooft- Polyakov monopole. The Prasad-Sommerfield U(2) monopole [15] is a simple solution of U(2) Yang-Mills theory in 3 + 1 dimensions with a scalar field. In supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, this configuration is BPS. In [14], a nice geometric picture of this solution was given, wherein the scalar Higgs field is interpreted as describing the shape of a pair of D3-branes connected by a “tube” which shrinks to a point and reverses orientation halfway between the D3-branes. The monopole solution has magnetic flux, corresponding to D-string charge on the D3-branes. We use the nonabelian current analysis method to study where this D-string current lives, and we show that just as for the string networks of the previous section, part of the D-string flux lives on the D3-branes, while another part passes through the space between the branes.


Quite interesting in general: Gerard 't Hooft (http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0010225 ) on Monopoles, Instantons and Confinement


Please put here links to publications on String and Brane that you consider important and want to share.

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  • #2
Why Iron?



I just wanted to add this for consideration.

Also have a look at Ramanuja12's yahoo connection and his pictures. He might be young and assuredly extremely confident( Powder) and a little bit of a Ego, but there is something here that is important to consider. I tried to make this connection for you yetserday(new computer system being set up), but failed.

I am holding to Jeff's strickness in terms of the physics question, as the ideas have to be amalgamated in order to make sense of. So I see where the interactions and explanation psychologically have be most appropriate, but, do require a greater depth of explanation.

In this we do not differ in how I see what you are doing, as as well as Ramanujan 12. I would like to see if you agree with what I see of his pictures?

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I sent some days ago a private message but it seems you didn't check your user Cp. There you can also activate an email on receipt of a private message.


FAQ: Exploring Strings and Branes in Publications & Pre-Publications

1. What is the significance of exploring strings and branes in publications and pre-publications?

The study of strings and branes is a fundamental aspect of string theory, which is a theoretical framework that aims to unify the four fundamental forces of nature. By exploring strings and branes in publications and pre-publications, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of the underlying principles of the universe and potentially discover new insights into the nature of reality.

2. What are strings and branes and how are they different from particles?

Strings and branes are theoretical objects that are hypothesized to be the building blocks of the universe. They are different from particles in that they have a finite length (for strings) or surface area (for branes) instead of being point-like objects. This allows for the possibility of multiple dimensions and explains some of the phenomena that cannot be accounted for by traditional particle theories.

3. How are strings and branes explored in publications and pre-publications?

Exploring strings and branes in publications and pre-publications involves using mathematical models and theoretical frameworks to analyze and predict the behavior of these objects. This can include studying their interactions with each other, with particles, and with the fabric of space-time. Researchers also conduct experiments and simulations to test these theories and make predictions about the behavior of strings and branes.

4. What are some current developments in the field of exploring strings and branes?

Some current developments in the field of exploring strings and branes include the search for experimental evidence of their existence, the development of new mathematical models and theories, and the application of these concepts to other areas of physics such as cosmology and quantum mechanics. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed for more sophisticated experiments and simulations to be conducted, providing new insights into the nature of strings and branes.

5. Why is it important to continue exploring strings and branes in publications and pre-publications?

Exploring strings and branes in publications and pre-publications is crucial for advancing our understanding of the universe and potentially unlocking the mysteries of the fundamental forces of nature. It also has practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and material science. Furthermore, by continuously exploring and testing these theories, scientists can refine and improve our current understanding of the universe and pave the way for further discoveries and breakthroughs.

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