How Does a Flat Black Body Radiate Energy into a Hemisphere?

In summary, the conversation discusses the design of a non-contact thermal instrument and the need to estimate the current from a photodiode. The speaker references Planck's law and Stephan's law to calculate the total radiated power based on the temperature of the target. They also mention using a sensitivity curve for the photodiode and discuss the challenges of determining how much of the radiant energy will land on the detector. The expert summarizer provides a detailed explanation of how to calculate this and clarifies that it is not necessary to use ray tracing. The speaker also raises a follow-up question about the difference between a flat spot and a spherical black body in terms of energy radiation.
  • #1
Im working on designing a non contact thermal instrument. Need to estimate how much current I'll get from the photodiode.

First background: I'm working from Planck's law and Stephan's law. The temperature of my target will be between 1250 and 1750K. From Stephan's law I've worked out this will give me a total radiated power of 5.67e-8 * T in W per sq meter of surface area. or 0.138 - .532W/M^2. Now I've built a spread sheet using Planck's law to get spectral distribution. I confirmed that the total under the curves sums to match Stephan's law, so I feel good about that so far. Next I multiplied by the sensitivity curve for my photodiode in A/W vs. wavelength. That gives my a photodiode current if every bit of of radiant energy from a given area of the target landed on the PD, which of course it won't.

Here's where I'm getting confused . . .
My detector will mask off all but a 10mm^2 area of the target and the photodiode active area itself is 0.785mm^2 and will sit 400mm from the target surface, which is flat. How do I work out what portion of the total radiant energy will land on my detector? Does the surface of a black body radiate equally in all directions? Do I assume the total power from the exposed section spreads evenly over a hemisphere of radius 400mm and take the area of my detector as a fraction of the area of that hemisphere? That's the best I can come up with, but I'm not sure.

Any thoughts?
Physics news on
  • #3
jjjtttggg said:
Im working on designing a non contact thermal instrument. Need to estimate how much current I'll get from the photodiode.
Here's where I'm getting confused . . .
My detector will mask off all but a 10mm^2 area of the target and the photodiode active area itself is 0.785mm^2 and will sit 400mm from the target surface, which is flat. How do I work out what portion of the total radiant energy will land on my detector? Does the surface of a black body radiate equally in all directions? Do I assume the total power from the exposed section spreads evenly over a hemisphere of radius 400mm and take the area of my detector as a fraction of the area of that hemisphere? That's the best I can come up with, but I'm not sure.

Any thoughts?

Your analysis is "good enough" for the case you stated. It will work for source sufficiently distant from the receiver.

In general you must integrate over the surface of the source and over the surface of the detector's aperture:

[tex] \Phi = \sigma T^4 \int_{A_s}da \int_{A_{bb}}da' \frac{1}{2\pi r^2} (-\hat{r}\cdot\hat{n} \hat{r}\cdot\hat{n}')[/tex]
Phi is the flux and r the vector between the source da' and detector da element (hatted r is normalized) and you must take into account the angles of the normals to these surface elements with the radial between them.

If the detector is much smaller than the source is also possible to ray-trace from the detector to the source. Imagine a hemisphere of any radius centered at the detector. Take the image of the source as seen from the detector and project it onto this hemisphere. Find the percentage of the total area.

Now if the whole of this hemisphere is coated by black body radiator then the situation is that of a black body cavity and your influx is just the Stephan's law with the aperture of the detector as the radiating area at the given source temperature. Call the influx of energy in this case I.

Work out the percentage of the hemisphere which looks like the black-body radiator and you have that percentage of the influx I described in the previous paragraph.

This "ray-tracing" method is generally quicker and easier than the full blown calculus problem.

You are essentially doing the reverse ray-tracing method using the assumption that the source area is "small enough".Hmmm... let's see:
My detector will mask off all but a 10mm^2 area of the target and the photodiode active area itself is 0.785mm^2 and will sit 400mm from the target surface, which is flat.

Let's consider a source with circular area of radius r a distance d from the detector. In your case d=400mm and r=sqrt(10/pi)mm.

The angle from the axis through detector and center of the source circle is:
[tex] \theta = \tan^{-1}\left \frac{r}{d}\right)[/tex]

The area of a spherical section of radius R is:
[tex] A_S = 2\pi R^2(1-\cos(\theta))[/tex]
Recalling that:
[tex] \cos^2(\theta) = \frac{1}{1+\tan^2(\theta)}[/tex]
we get:
[tex] A_S = 2\pi R^2\left(1-\sqrt{\frac{1}{1+r^2/d^2}}\right) =
where [tex]A_{\pi/2}=2\pi R^2[/tex] is the area of a hemisphere.

Let's get this in terms of the area of the source:
[tex] w = 1-\sqrt{\frac{1}{1+A_{src}/\pi d^2}}[/tex]

Let's call the ratio in the denominator of the radicand:
[tex]\epsilon = \frac{A_{src}}{\pi d^2}[/tex]

We can rewrite the radicand:
[tex] w = 1-\sqrt{1 - \frac{\epsilon}{1+\epsilon}}[/tex]
and for small epsilon we get:
[tex] w \approx 1-\sqrt{1 - \epsilon} \approx 1 - (1 - \frac{1}{2}\epsilon) = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon[/tex]

With the number you give this gives:
[tex] w=0.5 \epsilon = \frac{A_{src}}{2\pi d^2} = 0.9947\times 10^{-5}[/tex]

The influx of energy is then w times the area of your detectors aperture times the Stephan factor:
[tex] E = (7.80854\times 10^-6 mm)\times \sigma T^4[/tex]

Note this is the same as the answer you get with your guess. The denominator of the approximated weighting factor I worked out is the area of a hemisphere of radius d. So this ray tracing wasn't even necessary (though instructive).

Now I assumed the source was a circle. It shouldn't matter if it is some other shape.

James Baugh
  • #4
Thanks Jambaugh!

Fantastic answer! Thanks so much. A followup question if I may . . .

Stephan law gives total energy radiated from unit area of black body. My image of this is a simple sphere of unit surface area radiating in all directions. But in my case, I'm working with a small, effectively flat, spot on a much larger body. Clearly, a flat spot can radiate only into a hemisphere. I think it is correct to assume that the spot will radiate the same total energy into the hemisphere above it, that it would radiate in all directions if wrapped around a sphere of the same surface area. It doesn't quite "feel" right, but I can't figure out why. Is it?

Thanks again,

FAQ: How Does a Flat Black Body Radiate Energy into a Hemisphere?

1. What is a black body radiator?

A black body radiator is an idealized object that absorbs all radiation that falls on it, regardless of wavelength or angle. It also emits radiation at all wavelengths, making it an excellent model for studying the properties of thermal radiation.

2. How does a black body radiator work?

A black body radiator works by absorbing all incoming radiation and re-emitting it at all wavelengths. The amount and type of radiation emitted is dependent on the temperature of the black body, with higher temperatures resulting in more intense and shorter wavelength radiation.

3. What is the significance of black body radiation?

Black body radiation is important in understanding the behavior of thermal radiation and the properties of matter at high temperatures. It has also been a crucial concept in the development of quantum mechanics and the understanding of the nature of light and energy.

4. How is black body radiation related to Planck's law?

Planck's law describes the distribution of energy emitted by a black body radiator at a given temperature. It explains the relationship between the wavelength of emitted radiation and the temperature of the black body, and has been crucial in understanding and predicting the behavior of thermal radiation.

5. How is black body radiation used in practical applications?

Black body radiation is used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the design of thermal imaging devices and in the development of efficient lighting sources. It is also used in astronomy to study the properties of stars and other celestial bodies, as well as in the study of climate and weather patterns on Earth.
