Crossing Bridges: Take Our Survey!

In summary: I've never really thought about it. 7) Blue.8) Yes! I would love to see an innovative design!9) Yes, if it's aesthetically pleasing and there's no concerns about it being unsafe. 10) No.
  • #1
bridges anyone?

We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
Answer: The Golden Gate
2. Why?
Answer: It's a famous bridge, and I see it all the time on TV.
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
Answer: I rarely cross bridges by foot. I wouldn't mind looking over the edge, though.
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
Answer: As long as it looks OK (that is, it doesn't look like it's about to fall down :wink: ) I'm happy.
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
Answer: I never really considered that.
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
Answer: I always thought arced bridges look cooler for some reason so, i guess the answer would be arced :rolleyes:
7. What is your favourite colour?
Answer: Green
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
Answer: Sure, why not.
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
Answer: No.
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?
Answer: Nah, I'm not going to spend my day sitting on a bench placed on a bridge :rolleyes:
Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.
According to, I am 531.363.302 seconds old :smile: (Or 16 years, if you like :wink: )
  • #3
1) The kind that goes over water.
2) Because they are very common.
3) Yes
4) I don't mind too much
5) the stuff sidewalks are made of.
6) arched
7) green
8) If it isn't repulsive looking...
9) Yes (If you mean eating lunch or something)
10) No. (They attract unwanted lunch guests)
  • #4
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that comes to your mind? - That bridge that collapsed from wind, I think it was in Colorado?

2. Why? It scares me.

3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge? NO.

4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you? YES.

5. What material surface do you like walking on? Concrete for a bridge.

6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design? I believe arched is sturdier.

7. What is your favourite colour? blue

8. Would you like to see an innovative design? If it looks safe.

9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot? Yes, if there was very little car traffic and nothing over 30 MPH.

10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities? Yes, if there was very little car traffic and nothing over 30 MPH.

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better. :smile: 49
  • #5
Hypercase said:
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better. :smile:

Okay, sure, why not?

1) Golden Gate Bridge
2) Because it's pictured all over the place.
3) Depends if I'm walking or driving. If I'm walking, absolutely! I love to stare down at whatever is below. If I'm driving, and if the bridge is passing over water, I like to look at the water, but don't always look if there's too much traffic, other cars, or guard rails in the way.
4) Unless it's entirely ornamental, yes! I want the bridge to look safe...not that I know exactly what that is, but I guess if things were dangling off it, I might be nervous.
5) Um, I'm not sure what my choices are. Do you mean concrete vs asphalt vs that weird recycled tire rubber stuff, or can I pick grass? Okay, in this order: grass, rubber (bouncy is fun to walk on and nice for the knees), concrete (don't like walking on asphalt).
6) Tough call...flat is easier for walking, but there's something aesthetically appealing about an arch that makes it more fun. Plus, the second half of the walk is a lot easier on an arched design. I guess I'll go with arch.
7) Dark blue!
8) Not sure how innovative of a bridge I really want to see...I'm fond of the old classic suspension bridges.
9) I didn't until they opened the Purple People Bridge! Still don't hang out ON the bridge, but would if they had vendors along it I suppose. Some cities have shops along the bridges, that sounds fun.
10) If it's very long, or if there is an especially scenic view, yes, otherwise I suspect the seats would quickly become populated by vagrants. I wouldn't want to sit if there was just a pedestrian path alongside a highway, but a pedestrian-only, park-like bridge would be nice to have seats on. More important would be a source of shade.

Sigh...alright, I give up, I'll reveal my age...I'm 393 months old (sorry, I've been around a lot of new parents lately...all ages seem to be given in weeks and months).
  • #6
Evo said:
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that comes to your mind? - That bridge that collapsed from wind, I think it was in Colorado?

Tacoma Narrows bridge.

Whoops. Try this one for a video clip.

1. The Cape Creek bridge on the Oregon coast
2. I'm working on it - It is a neat bridge. One of series of bridges built in Oregon that are considered historically significant as bridges go - mainly due to the design and the engineer who built them; I think.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Concrete
6. Arched
7. blue
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes

I try to avoid giving specific personal information on the net. 40's.
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  • #7
Here's the Cape Creek Bridge
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  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
Tacoma Narrows bridge.

Whoops. Try this one for a video clip.
AGHHHH! YES, that's it! :surprise:

When I lived in upstate NY, I would travel from Sarasota Springs, NY to Vermont and there was this old bridge that I would have to drive across that was in such bad shape that they put up a sign allowing only one car at a time (in either direction) to travel over it because it was doubtful it could support two cars at once. It was very scary. :(
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  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
Here's the Cape Creek Bridge
That is beautiful. It reminds me of Roman aqueducts.

My first husband (a bit odd, but fun) was in Naval Intelligence in Washington D.C. and he would bring home "declassified" *cough* spy photos and teach me how to "PI" (photo interpret) them. Many of the photos were of bridges.

I had to memorize all the bridge types. The one that stands out in my mind is the cantilever truss bridge.

I also learned to PI missile silos, among other things. :wink:
  • #10
Evo said:
I also learned to PI missile silos, among other things. :wink:

Now that's skill that no one should be without! :biggrin:
  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Now that's skill that no one should be without! :biggrin:

Here is a cantilever truss bridge...The Firth of Forth bridge in Scotland.
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  • #12
Evo said:

Here is a cantilever truss bridge...The Firth of Forth bridge in Scotland.

There is bridge like that in Scotland? :surprise: :surprise: How did they manage that one??

The Bob (2004 ©)
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  • #13
1. Golden Gate Bridge
2. The only bridge I know the full name of.
3. Yes.
4. No. So long as structurally it is safe.
5. Well normally metal but wood or glass (novel) will do.
6. No bothered, which ever uses the least materials.
7. Orange.
8. Well surely that is a waste of materials so no.
9. No.
10. If it is a very long bridge.

16 years of age.
  • #14
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind? Tacoma Narrows, over Puget Sound, WA

2. Why? 'Caused it danced the funky chicken

3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge? If I can, YES, definitely.

4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you? No.

5. What material surface do you like walking on? How about sunshine...or the stuff that clouds are made of ? Seriously, it doesn't matter.

6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design? No preference.

7. What is your favourite colour? For a bridge, the color of the water below. So, from above, you can hardly tell there's a bridge.

8. Would you like to see an innovative design? Oh, YES !

9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot? Sure...if it were made hangoutable.

10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities? Yes, especially if it satisfied the previous condition.

Age : 26
  • #15
1. A covered bridge.

2. We had a lot of them around the Cuyahoga Valley, where I grew up.

3. Yes, I look over the edge (even when driving, if I can).

4. Yes, safe looking bridges are important. When a bridge has a rusty little sign saying the weight limit is 2.5 tons and some of the slats are missing, I get a little nervous driving across them, especially if you're driving a pickup truck and if there's actually enough room for someone coming the opposite way to try and cross at the same time - you start wondering how much safety margin they threw in and how old the sign is. (Rope bridges might be exciting, but only once in awhile).

5. Wood surfaces for walking.

6. Arched surfaces for walking or driving.

7. Favorite color for bridges is barn red.

8. Not really that interested in innovative designs.

9. Yes, I would (and did) consider a covered bridge as a good hangout spot.

10. Yes, seats would be nice. (More important is that it have a a nice sign so you can take home a souvenier.

Age - 48.
  • #16
1. Boston's new Zakim Bridge

2. Because it's the most dramatic new bridge near where I live.

3. yes

4. yes

5. freshly washed bath mat...but for a bridge, I'd say concrete or stone

6. arched

7. In general - forest green. For a bridge, white or a light colored stone

8. yes, see #1

9. no

10. yes, for a small bridge over water, but no for any bridge over a roadway

age - 30something
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  • #17
1. New England Covered Bridges.
2. Free association.
3. Sometimes.
4. Yes.
5. Wood.
6. Flat.
7. Dunno.
8. Sure.
9. Actually, we used to do this with covered bridges in New England. Remove some of the boards over the center of the river and jump from the bridge into the water on hot summer days. We didn't actually hang out on the bridge, just near it.
10. Not if there were car traffic on it.
11. 49
  • #18
1. The Golden Gate
2. Cuz I used to live there and had a view of it from my apartment.
3. Absolutely!
4. Yes
5. Concrete (although I like to DRIVE across the ones with steel grating - would probably enjoy walking across that, too, but I haven't seen one with walkable steel grating. Many old bridges in Portland (OR) with steel grating. Used to love to drive across those in my gramma's car :biggrin:)
6. Arched
7. Lavender
8. Yes
9. YES!
10. YES!

Evo! I love that cantilever truss bridge! Awesome!
  • #19
Tsunami said:
Evo! I love that cantilever truss bridge! Awesome!
"sob" It is beautiful, isn't it? :smile:
  • #20
Hypercase said:
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
Ouse Valley Viaduct
2. Why?
Long high bridge for trains. Impressive looking bridge, and I like trains too. Beautiful view of countryside.
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
To catch the view, yes.
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
Arched. Flat. Arched. Don't know. Arched.
7. What is your favourite colour?
For a bridge? Iron grey.
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?
11. Hate to leave you with missing data, but I don't like to give that kind of info on the internet.
  • #21
There is a picture here at the bottom of the page.
  • #22
1. Golden Gate
2. I live near it.
3. Of course.
4. If I'm going to use it, I need some reason to trust it, but "safe-looking-ness" per se is not something I would care about. (Go ahead, make one out of spider silk fibers...)
5. Does grass count?
6. Probably depends on the setting. I like both.
7. My favorite is generally blue, but light grey or russet or brown or teak might be better for a bridge. A matte black bridge might look good also, though it would probably have unfortunate thermal properties (maybe you could arrange to have the heat shunted to fins on the side that would glow orange in the twilight...).
8. Sure.
9. Sure.
10. Sure.

age: 34

FAQ: Crossing Bridges: Take Our Survey!

What is the purpose of the survey?

The purpose of this survey is to gather data and feedback from individuals who have crossed bridges in order to better understand the public's perception and experience with bridge crossings.

What type of information will be collected through the survey?

The survey will collect information on a variety of topics related to bridge crossings, such as frequency of crossings, preferred modes of transportation, safety concerns, and overall satisfaction with the experience.

Who can participate in the survey?

Anyone who has crossed a bridge is welcome to participate in the survey. We are looking for a diverse range of individuals to provide their thoughts and experiences.

How will the data collected from the survey be used?

The data collected from the survey will be analyzed and used to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement in bridge crossings. This information will be used to inform future research and potential improvements to bridge infrastructure.

Is the survey anonymous?

Yes, the survey is completely anonymous. No personal information will be collected or linked to survey responses. Your privacy and confidentiality are important to us.

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