Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?

In summary, the type of surface we walk on can affect our body's alignment and posture. Walking on a flat surface tends to keep our body in a neutral position, while walking on an arched surface requires our muscles to work harder, leading to better posture and alignment. Both flat and arched type designs can improve balance and stability, with flat surfaces strengthening core muscles and arched surfaces improving proprioception and foot strength. While walking on a flat surface is generally safe, walking on an arched surface may increase risk of injury without proper form and caution. The choice of design should be based on individual needs and goals, and both types can positively impact overall health and well-being.
  • #1
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.
Physics news on
  • #2
1. Golden Gate Bridge.
2. I used to live in the Bay Area. We'd cross it all the time.
3. If I can manage to get to the edge to look over, always.
4. Of course!
5. Carpet, because I don't need shoes to do it.
6. Flat. It's easier.
7. Blue, but I don't think it'd work for a bridge.
8. Absolutely.
9. No.
10. Sure.


  • #3
1. The George Washington bridge.
2. A classic Spiderman comic book character was thrown to her death from it.
3. Sure.
4. Of course!
5. Anything that won't break and send me to my death.
6. No preference, whichever is least likely to break and send me to my death.
7. White
8. Only if it's also revolutionary
9. Absolutely not
10. Not particularly, but so long as they would not interefere with my bridge-traversing capabilities, I would not object.

  • #4
1. London Bridge.
2. Because of that godforsaken nursery rhyme that I was force-fed.
3. Always.
4. Only if I'm crossing it.
5. Plush carpets.
6. Arched. Flat bridges are mundane.
7. Green/Red.
8. Who wouldn't?
9. Definately not.
10. I don't exactly see the point; but it wouldn't hurt.

  • #5
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
Cooper River Bridge

2. Why?
I was stationed in Charleston for a year and drove over this two lane monstrosity every weekend.

3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?

4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
Sure, who wants to drive over a rickety popsickle stick bridge.

5. What material surface do you like walking on?
Shag carpet.

6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?

7. What is your favourite colour?
Ford engine blue

8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
Sure why not.

9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
No pun intended huh? No, bridges just don't do it for me.

10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?
Only if I gives me a good view of Jacobs field so I can watch the Indians play.
Last edited:
  • #6
1. The Tacoma narrows bridge

2. It's an impressive example of "resonance".

3. Not if I'm driving a car! Otherwise, yes.

4. Yes!

5. I prefer walking on sod.

6. Flat is easier, arched is more impressive.

7. Gold

8. "Innovative" is not always better.

9. No.

10. No.
  • #7
Ray >50

Tower of London
full of history
will but prefer not to
Narrow feels unstable
Non slip
I'm not going to walk over an arch(seriously older people don't need slopes)
yes but i'll let someone else go first
No too far from anywhere
sounds dangerous -- usually not enough space
  • #8
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
Sydney harbour bridge
2. Why?
Most known bridge here in Australia
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
of course
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
hmmm slightly
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
not water
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
no too much poloution
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?
haha nah not really

16 Australia
  • #9
Hypercase said:
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.

1. The Tacoma Narrow Bridge

2. It was a disaster due to engineers who designed the bridge not being able to calculate the possibility of resonance/oscillation due to small input of wind force.

3. Yes

4. Let's just say I wouldn't cross ANYTHING that swung great vertical distances like the Tacoma Bridge.

5. Hard, concrete cement reinforced with wires.

6. Arched. They give a more classical roman-era feel

7. Red/yellow

8. As long as it's cost-efficient & practical

9. No. Too many cars=loud noises

10. Definitely.

16 yrs-old as of 2004.
  • #10
Answers are bolded

Hypercase said:
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

2. Why?
It's an interesting example of resonance in action.

3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
If walking, yes. If driving, no.

4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
Depends what you mean by safe looking. If the bridge is clearly a piece of crap, of course that freaks me out.

5. What material surface do you like walking on?
Smooth concrete like that found at indoor skateboard parks.

6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
Arched because it makes me feel more secure.

7. What is your favourite colour?

8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
I always like seeing innovation.

9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?

10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.
I'm 18
  • #11
Well, if it helps you:

1. The train bridge under which I spent the night from April, 30th to May 1st in 1998.
2. Because I was completely drunk and stoned and had to write my final school exams on May 2nd. Scored my best grades I ever got in english.
3. usually not.
4. yes, especially when I have to cross it.
5. none except perhaps I prefer a construction where you can´t look through,
6. flat
7. judging from my clothes that would be green but I never thought of that before.
8. yes
9. no
10. never thought of this be4, but yes: Sounds nice

Age is 25
  • #12
1. Balina Bridge
2. good fishing , crystal clear water, tidal river, golden sands
3. yep
4. no
5. metal
6. arched
7. electrified blue
8. yes
9. yes
10. yes

I'm 15
  • #13
Hypercase said:
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.

1. An arc style
2. I guess its because its very common?
3. Yes?
4. Yes, if its a bridge only Indiana Jones would cross I wouldn't?
5. Carpeting, but that wouldn't be reasonable for an outdoor bridge
6. Definitly flat
7. For a bridge... maybe one of those paint jobs where it changes color depending on what angle you are from the bridge.
8. Definitly
9. Definitly
10. Definitly

I am 12 years of age though I am in the 10th grade and this is my out of 90, this is my 3rd post in this forum. I reside mostly in the quantum physics, classical physics, General Physics, Atoms, Molecules, & Solids, Michio Kaku's and Nuclei & Particles forums.
  • #14
1. A typical straight grey bridge with a small curve like one you would find on a country road. It didn't have guardrails for some reason either.
2. I live in a small area and I also read a lot of medieval fan-fiction, which could account for the bridge having no rails.
3. Almost always, I like the view below.
4. Not really, inless it looks clearly dangerous to go on.
5. I like a hard stone rather than a pavement.
6. A slightly arched design is fun.
7. My favorite color is dark blue.
8. Innovative designs are always nice. Sure.
9. I wouldn't inless it was a large bridge. I don't like to feel like all the cars are watching me.
10. As long as they didn't interfere with walking and biking, ect. Lines would have to be drawn that symbolize where their feet can't slide anymore.

I'm 16.
  • #15
Hypercase said:
We're doing a project for my engineering tech class, and i need to conduct a survey, we'd be really obliged if u could answer the survey questions.
1. When thinking about bridges, what is the first bridge that to your mind?
2. Why?
3. If crossing a bridge, do you look over the edge?
4. Is a safe looking bridge important to you?
5. What material surface do you like walking on?
6. Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Would you like to see an innovative design?
9. Would you consider using a bridge as a hang-out spot?
10. Would you like the bridge to have seating facilities?

Also if u could mention ur age it would help us in compiling the data better.
1. The bridge across the tram-line by the university
2. I see it every day
3. Not always
4. Yes
5. Something hard
9.Not for me
10. Only if it is really long

FAQ: Do you prefer walking across a flat or arched type design?

1. Do flat or arched type designs have any impact on our body's alignment and posture?

Yes, the type of surface we walk on can affect our body's alignment and posture. Walking on a flat surface tends to keep our body in a neutral position, while walking on an arched surface requires our muscles to work harder to maintain balance, leading to better posture and alignment.

2. Which type of design is more beneficial for improving balance and stability?

Both flat and arched type designs can improve balance and stability, but in different ways. Walking on a flat surface can help strengthen our core muscles and improve overall balance, while walking on an arched surface can improve proprioception and foot strength, which can also contribute to better balance.

3. Are there any potential risks or benefits to walking on a flat or arched type design?

Walking on a flat surface is generally considered safe for most people, but it may not provide as much challenge for our muscles and joints. Walking on an arched surface may provide more of a challenge, but it can also increase the risk of injury if proper form and caution are not taken.

4. Is there a specific type of design that is more suitable for certain individuals or activities?

It depends on the individual's needs and goals. Walking on a flat surface may be more suitable for those with joint issues or balance concerns, while walking on an arched surface may be more beneficial for those looking to improve foot strength or challenge their muscles in a different way. As for activities, it may also depend on the specific goals of the activity.

5. Can walking on a flat or arched type design have any impact on our overall health and well-being?

Yes, both types of designs can have a positive impact on our health and well-being. Walking on a flat surface can improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness, while walking on an arched surface can improve foot and ankle strength, which can benefit our body's overall movement and stability.

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