Calculating average daily temperature

  • #1
I have a automated weather station and I'm collecting data from it. And I was wondering about something. I calculate average daily temperature like this: (T07+T14+2*T21)/4 . During the summer I am calculating it like this (T08+T15+2*T22 )/4 . That's taking into consideration daylight saving time which puts the clock one hour forward. Is that the correct way to do it during the summer?
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  • #2
The average over 24 hours should be independent of the time zone. Why do you use this formula? Especially if you seem to have more data points than you use?
  • #3
Thanks for your answer mfb.
I save data every hour. I use that formula because I found it at my country's meteorological service web page.
When I first started calculating average daily temperature I used all 24 data points but later I found the formula in my original post and decided that I should use that.

Actually, my weather station reads data from sensor every 128 seconds but I am not sure if there is any use to store all that data.
  • #4
Maybe the web page doesn't have hourly data. It looks like a weird weighted average. Averaging over all 24 hours should be better.