Calculating Deflection and Buckling in L-Shaped Square Tubing Legs

  • Thread starter ksukhin
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In summary, the conversation discusses the necessary calculations for determining the appropriate radius for an L-shaped leg made of square tubing. The questions raised include the general formula for calculating the required radius based on the length and height, the method for calculating deflection and buckling on the vertical part, and the consideration of the moment created from the load on the end. However, it is noted that more information is needed about the purpose and applied loads of the structure for accurate calculations.
  • #1
I need to know how big of a radius I need to use on an L shaped leg made out of square tubing. Is there a general formula depending on the length and height required?

How would I calculate the deflection at the end and the buckling on the vertical part?

For the deflection part, would I ignore the vertical component of the leg and assume that the end is fixed, and just deal with the horizontal part of the L shape?

For buckling on the vertical part, how do I account for the moment created from the load on the end?
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  • #2
These are pretty specific questions about a situation which is otherwise only vaguely described. More information is required about the intended purpose of this structure and the loads applied to it.

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