Calculating term in Virial Expansion

In summary, Homework Equations, Second Term in Virial Equation, P-Pressure=10.13 \frac{N}{cm^2}; R-constant= 8.31 \frac{J}{mol*K}=831\frac{N*cm}{mol*K}, V=98.13cm^3 using the virial expansion and V=82.03cm^3 using the ideal gas law.
  • #1

Homework Statement

...For each of the temperatures...compute the second term in the virial equation ##B(T)/(V/n)##, for nitrogen at atmospheric pressure.

Homework Equations

##PV = nRT(1+\frac{B(T)}{V/n}+\frac{C(T)}{(V/n)^2}+...)##

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm given a list of temperatures and values for B(T), for starters, Let T=100K giving B(T)= -160 (cm^3/mol).
I think I'm misunderstanding the question maybe. I'm confused on how I'm supposed to calculate the second term when I need the volume, but to find volume I need the second term. I'm also assuming I can just consider 1 mol of nitrogen.
Physics news on
  • #2
You know P, R, T, and B(T), and you need to solve for V/n. Substitute y = V/n, and then solve for y. It will be a quadratic equation in y, and you will need to use the quadratic formula (or you can probably solve it iteratively by using successive substitutions).

  • #3
Ok, that's what I tried doing. I did get an answer. It was close'ish to the answer I got when calculating V just from the ideal gas law, but off by a couple of factors of 10. I must have made some sort of conversion mistake.
  • #4
MostlyHarmless said:
Ok, that's what I tried doing. I did get an answer. It was close'ish to the answer I got when calculating V just from the ideal gas law, but off by a couple of factors of 10. I must have made some sort of conversion mistake.
Show us some of your work and maybe we can help.

  • #5
I'm going to try it a couple more times carefully before I subject my self to typing the quadratic formula with units and what not. :)
  • #6
MostlyHarmless said:
I'm going to try it a couple more times carefully before I subject my self to typing the quadratic formula with units and what not. :)
If you are using the quadratic formula, you may be encountering a roundoff problem. Is the 4ac term very small compared to the b2 term in the discriminant?

  • #7
Ok, I found my problem. I left out T^2 when I substituted numbers into the variables on my white board. So I kept making the same mistake over and over.

Here's what I got, V=98.13cm^3 using the virial expansion and V=82.03cm^3 using the ideal gas law.

Does this seem like a reasonable difference at 100K?
  • #8
MostlyHarmless said:
Ok, I found my problem. I left out T^2 when I substituted numbers into the variables on my white board. So I kept making the same mistake over and over.

Here's what I got, V=98.13cm^3 using the virial expansion and V=82.03cm^3 using the ideal gas law.

Does this seem like a reasonable difference at 100K?
Well, if B(T) is negative, wouldn't you expect V from the virial equation to be less than V from the ideal gas law? And, in addition, from the ideal gas law, I get 8203 cc/mole.

  • #9
I wasn't converting one of the constants, so I'm in the right degree of 10 now.

It would make sense that V from the virial equation should be less than V from the ideal gas law. But now I've got 8358 cc/mole. Not really sure where I'm going wrong so quadratic formula madness is coming..
  • #10
##P-Pressure=10.13 \frac{N}{cm^2}; R-constant= 8.31 \frac{J}{mol*K}=831\frac{N*cm}{mol*K}##

##PV^2 - nRTV - B(T)n^2RT = 0##
##V = \frac{-(-nRT) + \sqrt{(nRT)^2 - 4(P)(B(T)n^2RT)}}{2P}##
##V = \frac{(831*100) + \sqrt{(831*100)^2 - 4(10.13)(-160)(831*100)}}{2*10.13}##
##V = 8358 cm^3##
  • #11
MostlyHarmless said:
I wasn't converting one of the constants, so I'm in the right degree of 10 now.

It would make sense that V from the virial equation should be less than V from the ideal gas law. But now I've got 8358 cc/mole. Not really sure where I'm going wrong so quadratic formula madness is coming..
Just do it by successive substitutions. Start by substituting the result from the ideal gas law into the virial term, and then resolving for V/n again on the left side. Keep substituting the previous solution into the virial term and then resolving until the answer stops changing.

  • #12
Ok, cool, now I've got V/n = 8147cc/mol. Which seems much more reasonable. Thank you!

On the other hand, though, why would the quadratic formula fail to give an accurate V?
  • #13
MostlyHarmless said:
Ok, cool, now I've got V/n = 8147cc/mol. Which seems much more reasonable. Thank you!

On the other hand, though, why would the quadratic formula fail to give an accurate V?
There's a sign error in the 4ac term of your discriminant.

  • #14
Where exactly? I've been working on it so long it's harder and harder to find my mistakes.
  • #15
MostlyHarmless said:
Where exactly? I've been working on it so long it's harder and harder to find my mistakes.
  • #16
Ah ok, thank you. And just for completeness' sake, I found another error, I wasn't dividing by P and was misreading my calculator, my actual V/n was 8042 cc/mol.
  • #17
MostlyHarmless said:
Ah ok, thank you. And just for completeness' sake, I found another error, I wasn't dividing by P and was misreading my calculator, my actual V/n was 8042 cc/mol.
So, how come it doesn't match the solution you got by successive substitutions? They should give the same answer.

  • #18
No, that is the answer I get from successive substitution, the previous 8147 that I posted, was actually 8.147x10^4, and I still needed to divide by P to get my final answer.
  • #19
MostlyHarmless said:
No, that is the answer I get from successive substitution, the previous 8147 that I posted, was actually 8.147x10^4, and I still needed to divide by P to get my final answer.
So you get the same answer doing it both ways, right? (I too get 8042 using successive substitutions).

  • #20
Yes, I get 8040 using the quadratic formula.

FAQ: Calculating term in Virial Expansion

1. What is a Virial Expansion?

A Virial Expansion is a mathematical technique used to express the thermodynamic properties of a gas in terms of its intermolecular forces. It is a series expansion in terms of the ratio of the gas's intermolecular potential energy to its kinetic energy.

2. How is the Virial Expansion used to calculate terms?

The Virial Expansion is used to calculate terms by taking the ratio of the gas's intermolecular potential energy to its kinetic energy and then expanding this ratio as a series. Each term in the expansion corresponds to a different order in the intermolecular forces. Higher order terms are usually negligible and can be neglected in the calculation.

3. What is the purpose of calculating terms in the Virial Expansion?

The purpose of calculating terms in the Virial Expansion is to accurately predict the thermodynamic properties of a gas, such as its pressure, volume, and temperature, based on the intermolecular forces between its particles. This allows for a deeper understanding of the behavior of gases and can be used in various applications, such as in engineering and chemistry.

4. What are the limitations of the Virial Expansion?

One of the main limitations of the Virial Expansion is that it is only applicable to dilute gases, where the particles are far enough apart that their interactions can be approximated as point-like. It also assumes that the intermolecular forces are weak compared to the kinetic energy of the particles. Additionally, higher order terms in the expansion can become significant at high pressures and low temperatures.

5. How is the Virial Expansion related to other thermodynamic equations?

The Virial Expansion is related to other thermodynamic equations, such as the ideal gas law and the van der Waals equation, by providing a more accurate description of the behavior of real gases. It can also be used to derive other thermodynamic equations, such as the compressibility factor and the second virial coefficient. Overall, the Virial Expansion is a valuable tool in the study of thermodynamics and helps to bridge the gap between idealized and real gas behavior.
