Calculus of Variations - Fermat's Principle

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the speed of light and the time it takes for light to travel between two points, as described by Fermat's principle. The first part shows the calculation for the time of travel along a specific path, while the second part deals with the corresponding equations and special cases. The final part involves using these equations to determine the path of light in a specific medium.
  • #1
Light travels in a medium in which the speed of light c(x,y) is a function of position. Fermat's principle states that the time required for light to travel between two points is an extremum relative to all possible paths connecting the two points.

1) Show that the time for the light to travel from point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) along the path y(x) is
T = INT[x1,x2] Sqrt(1+y'^2)/c(x,y) dx - Completed

2) Write down the Euler-Langrange equation for this functional
b) and its special form for when c is independent of x.

(1+y'^2)^(1/2) d(1/c)/dy - d/dx[y'/(c (1+y'^2)^(1/2))] = 0
Is as far as I can get, how should I continue this? Perhaps by noting d(1/c)/dy = (-dc/dy)/c^2 ?

(1 + y'^2)^(1/2)/c - y' (y'/c(1+y'^2)^(1/2)) = constant (A)
(1 + y'^2 - y'^2)/c(1+y'^2)^(1/2)) = A
1/c(1+y'^2)^(1/2)) = A
c(1+y'^2)^(1/2) = B = 1/A
c^2 (1+y'^2) = D = B^2 = 1/A^2; is this correct?

2c: If light is emitted from the origin making an angle t (0 <= t <= pi/2) with the positive x-axis in a medium in which c(x,y) = 1+y, show that the light travels in a circle centre (x,y) = (tan(t), -1)

Presumably for this I need to make the substitution c = 1+y into the equation derived in 2b (since there will be no dependence on x) and work from there to obtain the equation of a circle?
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  • #2
I actually have this exact same problem and I'm stuck in exactly the same places.

FAQ: Calculus of Variations - Fermat's Principle

1. What is the basic concept behind Fermat's Principle in the Calculus of Variations?

Fermat's Principle states that light travels between two points along the path that takes the least amount of time. In the Calculus of Variations, this principle is used to find the path that minimizes the action functional.

2. How is the action functional defined in the Calculus of Variations?

The action functional is defined as the integral of the Lagrangian over the path of interest. The Lagrangian is a function that represents the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of a system, and is used to describe the dynamics of the system.

3. What is the Euler-Lagrange equation and how is it used in the Calculus of Variations?

The Euler-Lagrange equation is a necessary condition for a path to be an extremum of the action functional. It is derived by setting the functional derivative of the action functional equal to zero and solving for the path. This equation is used to find the optimal path that minimizes the action functional.

4. Can Fermat's Principle be applied to other physical phenomena besides light?

Yes, Fermat's Principle can be applied to a variety of physical phenomena, including particle motion, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics. In each case, the principle is used to find the path that minimizes the action functional of the system.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Calculus of Variations and Fermat's Principle?

The Calculus of Variations and Fermat's Principle have many practical applications, such as in optics for designing lenses and mirrors, in mechanics for determining the path of a projectile, and in control theory for optimizing the motion of a system. They are also used in economics, biology, and other fields to model and analyze various systems.
