How Can I Succeed in My Undergraduate Calculus of Variations Class?

In summary, the speaker is an undergraduate student seeking advice on the topic of calculus of variations. They are feeling overwhelmed and are seeking guidance on how to approach homework assignments and understand concepts. They have acquired books on the topic but are still struggling. Another speaker mentions a double integral and provides a helpful substitution. The original speaker mentions the "Euler-Lagrange" equation and asks for further assistance.
  • #1
Hi all,

I seeking some advice about the calculus of variations.
I am an undergraduate and i am enrolled in a topic of the above mentioned. After successfully completing the requirments for the topic, 3 weeks after commencement i am feeling way out of my depth. I understand that the calculus of variations is dealing with the optimization of functionals but already the homework assignments have me stumped.
ie: with r as the independent variable, find the polar equation of a straight line by minimizing the integral between the points in a plane P & Q


Geez! where do start?. I have acquired some books on the topic by Bliss, Weinstock and Sagan which at this stage are not much help (no fault of the authors). Can anybody point me in the right direction or offer some advice as to how i should tackle this topic, I AM DETERMINED! to succeed.

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  • #2
this is a double intergal in which you need to make a worthy substitution in which will replace dtheta
  • #3
[tex] \sqrt{dr^2 + r^2 d\theta ^2} = d\theta \sqrt{\left (\frac{dr}{d\theta} \right)^2 + r^2} [/tex]
  • #4
I see that we get

L = int:dtheta*sqrt((dr/dtheta)^2+r^2)

which is the length of the polar curve r=f(theta)

how do i decide what is a worthy substitution for dtheta?
  • #5
Malleus Scientiarum gave you what you needed:

The integral that you want to minimize is [tex]\int \sqrt{\left(\frac{dr}{d\theta}\right)^2+ r^2}d\theta[/tex] and the problem is to find r as a function of θ to minimize that integral.

Surely after 3 weeks in the class you know the "Euler-Lagrange" equation?
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FAQ: How Can I Succeed in My Undergraduate Calculus of Variations Class?

What is the Calculus of Variations?

The Calculus of Variations is a mathematical field that deals with finding the optimal values of a function or a functional. It involves finding the maximum or minimum value of a functional by varying the function in question.

What are some real-life applications of the Calculus of Variations?

The Calculus of Variations has many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and biology. It is used to find the shortest path between two points, the optimal shape of a structure, and the most efficient use of resources, among others.

What is the difference between the Calculus of Variations and traditional calculus?

The Calculus of Variations deals with optimizing functionals, while traditional calculus focuses on optimizing functions. This means that in the Calculus of Variations, we are interested in finding the best value of a function, rather than the best value of a point on a curve.

What are the fundamental concepts in the Calculus of Variations?

The main concepts in the Calculus of Variations are functionals, variations, and the Euler-Lagrange equation. A functional is a function that takes in a set of functions and returns a real number. Variations are small changes made to a function, and the Euler-Lagrange equation is used to find the optimal function that minimizes or maximizes a functional.

Is the Calculus of Variations difficult to learn?

The Calculus of Variations can be challenging to learn, as it involves a combination of advanced calculus, differential equations, and optimization techniques. However, with practice and a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts, it can be mastered.
