Can microwave radiation penetrates building materials?

In summary, Microwave radiation penetrates building materials and is not harmful. If you are really concerned about possible health effects from cell phone radiation, you could build yourself a Faraday cage.
  • #1
Can Microwave radiation penetrates building materials? I'm living within 120 meters from a mobile phone base station and I'm concerned with possible health effects from it .
Science news on
  • #2
Sure, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use your mobile phones or have wifi networks inside.
  • #3
There are many things you should be more concerned with than the idle speculation being thrown around about the possibility cell phones cause cancer.
  • #4
If you're REALLY really concerned (and I don't think there's reason to be, like Russ said, there's lots of other things you should be worried about before radiation from cellphones), you could build yourself a" around your house. A Faraday cage is the reason you can see through the window on your microwave, instead of it being a solid sheet of metal.

BUT, enclosing the walls of your house with a Faraday cage would be obscenely expensive after the house has already been built, having to remove drywall, install the cage, re-install the drywall, paint, etc...

For the incredibly low possibility of someone being adversely affected by a cellphone tower, the cost/benefit ratio is very low. You and your family are much more likely to be the victim of a crime in your house than to be affected by the cell tower. You'd be much better off spending $1000 to buy a pistol and a touchpad safe to help prevent the unlikely event of a home invasion, than you are to help prevent the absurdly unlikely event of being adversely affected by a nearby cellphone tower.
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  • #5
The microwave radiation penetrates building materials effectively, unless you have aluminum foil as an insulator in your house or on your head. A tin foil hat will protect you. An antenna for a microwave measurement could be useful too.

The signal power from a cell phone mast is approximately at the wavelength as of a mobile phone.
There has been research showing that mobile phone microwave radiation can place users users at risk of brain conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and cognitive effects.

For the cellphone mast to have the same effect on the brain as a mobile phone, while being 120 meters away. The signal power of the mast has to be at least 5.7 million times stronger than the signal power of a mobile phone held to the ear, assuming the phone is held 5 cm from the brain. (120m)^2/(0.05m)^2=5.76*10^6 . Since the power from a 2G mast is max. 100W, and a cellphone 2W. Then the effective signal power of the mast 120m away on the brain is less than 0.0009% of the signal power from a mobile phone held to the ear.

According to Wikipedia. Reported symptoms of living close to a cell mast are. Fatigue, headache, sleep disruption and loss of memory.

But if you hear voices, then perhaps you have evolved some reception circuits in your brain.
  • #6
Barwick said:
If you're REALLY really concerned (and I don't think there's reason to be, like Russ said, there's lots of other things you should be worried about before radiation from cellphones), you could build yourself a" around your house. A Faraday cage is the reason you can see through the window on your microwave, instead of it being a solid sheet of metal.

BUT, enclosing the walls of your house with a Faraday cage would be obscenely expensive after the house has already been built, having to remove drywall, install the cage, re-install the drywall, paint, etc...
Meh - a simpler and less expensive solution would be to encase the entire house in chicken wire. I'd be very interested in seeing how well this works.
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  • #7
russ_watters said:
Meh - a simpler and less expensive solution would be to encase the entire house in chicken wire. I'd be very interested in seeing how well this works.

That's what I was thinking, chicken wire. I haven't looked at it for shielding from cellphone radiation (not that I think that would be necessary), but IIRC, chicken wire is sufficiently sized such that it would effectively shield everything in your house from an EMP blast as the result of a high-altitude nuclear detonation (assuming you don't have a skinny little wire connecting you to the grid, in which case, sorry for your luck).
  • #8
Barwick said:
but IIRC, chicken wire is sufficiently sized such that it would effectively shield everything in your house
Sure but what are you going to do about the neutrinos?
  • #9
microwaves have wavelength ranging from 1 metre to 1 mm. So, they simply bend around the corners( Diffraction). Microwaves are not ionizing so i don't think they have any negative health effect and i haven't seen any good, reliable paper on microwaves stating that they have negative effect on human health.
  • #10
Sakriya said:
i haven't seen any good, reliable paper on microwaves stating that they have negative effect on human health.
But don't try and dry your dog in the microwave.
  • #11
When you use a cellphone, you are getting far more radiation from the cellphone than you get from the tower. Cellphones adjust their power based on how strong the signal is from the tower. The stronger the signal from the tower, the less power the cellphone needs to transmit. So ironically, the closer the tower, the less radiation you are getting.
  • #12
It's quite amazing that people suddenly got aerated about cellphone transmitters in their midst when they all clamoured for UHF TV relay stations to be put up nearby to enable them to watch their telly with no snow on the picture. Same wavelengths involved and, very often, much higher field strengths. A little learning . . . .
  • #13
NobodySpecial said:
Sure but what are you going to do about the neutrinos?

Not worry about them... Why would I be concerned about Neutrinos?
  • #14
Barwick said:
Not worry about them... Why would I be concerned about Neutrinos?
Cos not only are they radiation, they are nuclear and subatomic. That's three scary words in one particle. And they go straight through you and nothing can stop them!
  • #15
NobodySpecial said:
Cos not only are they radiation, they are nuclear and subatomic. That's three scary words in one particle. And they go straight through you and nothing can stop them!

Well thank God! It's not the traveling part that worries me but the sudden stops that can happen along the way inside my body.
  • #16
NobodySpecial said:
Cos not only are they radiation, they are nuclear and subatomic. That's three scary words in one particle. And they go straight through you and nothing can stop them!

I was starting to wonder about you... :)

FAQ: Can microwave radiation penetrates building materials?

1. Can microwave radiation penetrate through walls?

Yes, microwave radiation can penetrate through walls and other building materials. The amount of penetration depends on the thickness and composition of the material.

2. How does the type of building material affect microwave penetration?

The type of building material can greatly affect the ability of microwave radiation to penetrate through it. Materials such as glass, wood, and drywall allow more penetration compared to metals or concrete.

3. Is there a safe distance to be from a microwave source inside a building?

The safe distance from a microwave source inside a building depends on the intensity of the radiation and the duration of exposure. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from the source to minimize exposure.

4. Can microwave radiation from a neighboring building affect my health?

Yes, microwave radiation from a neighboring building can affect your health if you are close enough to the source. It is important to take precautions and limit exposure to microwave radiation, especially if you live near a high-powered source.

5. What can be done to reduce microwave radiation penetration in buildings?

To reduce microwave radiation penetration in buildings, special shielding materials can be used in construction. Additionally, distance from the source and limiting the use of devices that emit microwave radiation can also help minimize exposure.
