Can You Predict the Winners in the Olympic Hockey Pool Championship?

  • Thread starter EL
  • Start date
  • #36
PerennialII said:
Jagr wasn't hurt bad

So what will happen to this chicken Ruutu? How many matches do you think he should be suspended? The journalists here in Sweden aren't too impressed by him, to say it kindly...:wink:
Physics news on
  • #37
EL said:
Meet you in the final tomorrow!

Unfortunately, work commitments (my time is Turino - 7) will not allow me to follow much of the game.

  • #38
EL said:
So what will happen to this chicken Ruutu? How many matches do you think he should be suspended? The journalists here in Sweden aren't too impressed by him, to say it kindly...:wink:

... I think he can take the 'heat' personally if need be :wink: , 5+20 suffices IMO... he should've been more careful, Jagr should have kept his head up & wear a proper helmet ... enough "shoulds" and unfortunate stuff happens (from what have heard Ruutu will be on the ice tonight against Canada). Besides, if he was suspended our 4th "gritty" line would likely be supplemented with Nieminen, just might notice a difference but just might.
  • #39
I was so angry when Canada lost.

They gathered up a terrible team. I can't believe Staal didn't make it. Goes to show how retarded people like Quinn is. (He could have influenced the decisions.)

I can't even cheer for the Leafs anymore. I hate Quinn and Mats Sundin, so how am I suppose to cheer for a team that doesn't follow what I think is best for the team. It's like cheering for George Bush.
  • #40
k, you hate last years gold means nothin? who would you have replaced to insert staal?, personally i woulda picked spezza over staal and kariya
  • #41
JasonRox said:
I hate... Mats Sundin
May I ask you why?
  • #42
PerennialII said:
... I think he can take the 'heat' personally if need be :wink: , 5+20 suffices IMO... he should've been more careful, Jagr should have kept his head up & wear a proper helmet ... enough "shoulds" and unfortunate stuff happens (from what have heard Ruutu will be on the ice tonight against Canada). Besides, if he was suspended our 4th "gritty" line would likely be supplemented with Nieminen, just might notice a difference but just might.

Yeah, heard he would get no suspension.
Actually a similar situation occurred between Sweden and USA today, but this time Paulsson (luckily) just missed Chelios head...
  • #43
Congrats to PerennialII! He's the only one who picked more than half the games correctly. (Everyone picked Canada to win the tournament, so the rest of the medal round is a moot point).

Who'd a thunk I could finish second going 5/13! :bugeye: I could of done better flipping a coin - especially if the ground was muddy (if it sticks in the ground sideways, it means "pick a tie")
  • #44
BobG said:
Congrats to PerennialII! He's the only one who picked more than half the games correctly. (Everyone picked Canada to win the tournament, so the rest of the medal round is a moot point).
I know I didn't get my but in gear fast enough to get in the pool, but I did say that Sweden was the team to beat waaaaaayyyy back in December.:-p
  • #45
BobG said:
Congrats to PerennialII! He's the only one who picked more than half the games correctly. (Everyone picked Canada to win the tournament, so the rest of the medal round is a moot point).

Who'd a thunk I could finish second going 5/13! :bugeye: I could of done better flipping a coin - especially if the ground was muddy (if it sticks in the ground sideways, it means "pick a tie")

Thank you with a deep bow. The philosophy was pretty straightforward ... just pray for Finns to win everything, likewise Swedes lose everything and hope Canada/Russia to clear the table in the end. If Russia doesn't nuke us tonight (which may well happen) our guys will have no problem taking the gold on Sunday ... losing to our neighbors on the west-side is really not an option (who made their game look so easy today btw) :wink: .
  • #46
PerennialII said:
... losing to our neighbors on the west-side is really not an option
You know how it ends!:biggrin: Congrats to the silver!

Btw, sorry for not summarizing this pool yet. Will do it as soon as I find the time...
  • #47
... :smile: right, the Russian 'figure skaters' couldn't touch us, and if our guys get their feet moving & Nitty has half a decent day you'll see the Finns making '8s' around the Swedish Ds - but it'll be tight anyways. Don't think either team will have much of a problem finding motivation to win, no matter which one loses will hear about it the next decade. However, don't know how to survive that 60 mins without a pacemaker, it'll be brutal...
  • #48
... thanks for the congratulations EL :cry: :cry: :cry: ... after & as a result of the game don't have to shorten my nails for a few months, we'll (better) get you next time ... and btw, congrats to the Swedes of Pf as well (man that was hard to write :biggrin: ). Our guys chose a bad day to rev down ... some more :cry: :cry: ...
  • #49
PerennialII, you know that we Swedes feel for you! (:rolleyes: or not...:biggrin: )
I almost broke my sofa, jumping up and down in it, during the third period.
I just have one thing to say: Lidstrom.

We've had a great olympics, 7 golds, but most important is that we're way ahead of Norway in the medal league!

It seems like you have taken the role we have had the last two winter olympics, that is winning no gold at all...know how it feels, you have my compassion...(:rolleyes: :wink: )

Anyway, thanks for the congrats, I can hardly say I would have been that kind myself!
  • #50
... here everyone is crying about Koivu's broken stick which led to Lidstrom getting his shot ... anyways, if someone's got to score I prefer Lidstrom, one good thing about this is that he finally won something internationally (? if remember about right). BUT there is something to golden the day yes, everyone can 'laugh' at Norwegians :biggrin: . Have to start waiting for 2010, and perhaps there'd be a world cup somewhere in between to return the favor...
  • #51
Actually Lidstrom won World Championship gold -91, if that counts...

Time for a dream team:

A. Niittymaki (Finland)

N. Lidstrom (Sweden)
Z. Chara (Slovakia)

S. Paulsson (Sweden)
T. Sellane (Finland)
E. Malkin (Russia)
  • #52
dream team ...

Goal: Antero Niittymaki
Defence: Kimmo Timonen, Teppo Numminen
Forward: Teemu Selanne, Saku Koivu, Aleksandr Ovechkin

... would fly even if replaced Timonen with Lidstrom/Salo and Ovechkin with Malkin/Lehtinen/Peltonen. Perhaps a somewhat colored selection...
  • #53
Facit: 22X 12X 212 X122

Tournament winner: Sweden

Number of goals: 67


1. PerennialII, 7
2. BobG, 5
3. ek, 4
4. EL , 3 (one "X")
5. Check & George Jones, 3 (61 and 73 goals respectively)
7. Just some guy, 2

Congratualtions to PerennialII, the PF olympic hockey pool champion!

(At least you won this competition...:-p)
  • #54
I have a serious opinion that Lidstrom SERIOUSLY benefitted and turned into the player he is today because he played for so long with Paul Coffee. So, in a way, Canada was responsible for the Swede's gold medal.
  • #55
Thanks EL, got to make myself a puck like avatar, perhaps one with 'CH' in it ... next time the guy scoring the goal will be Pitkanen ... :-p ...

Yeah, Lidstrom has been enjoying good company throughout his career ... although Finns as a whole play so Canadian like hockey (+Canadians have their priorities in this respect about right :wink: ) have a tough time blaming them for teaching the thick skulled Swedes a few tricks, although many hockey 'fanatics' here are hoping for a match between Dallas & Detroit in the playoffs to eliminate the latter one as retribution...
  • #56
It's a no brainer as to who would walk away from that one:-p
  • #57
:smile: Found your "inner Swede" then...
  • #58
In that case, Stars would only have one chance to win: By putting Johan Hedberg as keeper...:wink:
  • #59
while ago was completely oblivious Hedberg was in Dallas ... not 100% convinced either of these teams has a decent playoff goalie, if remember anything right Turco turned into quite a hoover against Colorado last time around. Well, it is anyways pretty obvious that Calgary is going to finish what they failed to previously. Only need 4 goals in 4 games :-p ...

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