Centripetal Force/ conservation of momentum/ etc

In summary, the conversation revolved around solving various physics problems and seeking reassurance on the answers. The problems included determining the radius of a plane's vertical loop, finding the average force to stop a bullet, calculating the average force during contact between a baseball and a bat, determining the height of a ball after being propelled by a compressed spring, and finding the velocity of a rock before hitting the water after being shot from a sling shot. The conversation also discussed the dimensional changes in a circular Pyrex watch glass when heated. The individual sought feedback and clarification on their solutions.
  • #1
Hi guys! I have solved some physics problems and was wondering if anyone would check over my work to reassure me of my answers? That would be great!

1) A pilot having a mass of 75 kg flies a plane in a vertical loop. At the top of the loop, where the plane is completely upside down, the pilot hangs freely in the seat and doesn't push against the seat belt. The airspeed indicator reads 120 m/s. What is the radius, in meters, of the plane's loop?

To solve this, i used the equation g= v^2/r. I am not 100% sure that this is the correct equation, but i was baffled as to what else would work. 9.8=120^2/ r
r= 120^2/9.8
r= 1469.39 m

2) In the process of running a ballistics test in a police laboratory, an officer fires a bullet having a mass of 6 g at a speed of 350 m/s into a container that slides .3 m across the table top. Assume the direction of the bullet is positive. What average force stops the bullet?

I began with the equation for momentum. p=mv
p= (21)
Next, i think I need to find the time using v=d/t
t= 8.57 x 10^-4
to find the average force, I then used F= v/t
F=350 (m/s)/8.57 x 10^-4 (s)
F= 408401.4 N

3) A baseball having a mass of .145 kg is pitched at 42 m/s. The batter hits the ball horizontally toward the pitcher at 58 m/s. If the ball and bat were in contact for 4.6 x 10^-4 s, what was the average force during contact? Assume the direction of the pitch is positive.

When the ball is first put into motion, it is going at 42 m/s. It is then returned at -52 m/s. (Negative due to the direction in comparision versus the original pitch).
(change in)p= m(change in)v
p= (.145 kg)(-100m/s)
p= -14.5
so... F= (change in)p/(change in)t
F= (-14.5)/(4.6 x 10^-4)
F= -31521.74

4) A ball of mass .18 kg is placed on a compressed spring of the floor. the spring exerts an average force of 3.2 N over a distance of 19 cm as it propels the ball upward. How high, in cm, with the ball travel above the spring at the highest point of release?

I used W= Fd (J) --> 9change in) PE= mgh to solve this
W= 93.2 N) (.19m)= .608 J
.608 J/ (.18*9.8)=h
h= .34 m or 34 cm

5) A rock of mass .4 kg is placed in the pouch of a sling shot. An average force of 8.2 N is used to pull the pouch and rock back a total of 43 cm. The rock is shot downward from a bridge that is located 18 m above a river. What will be the velocity or the rock, in m/s, an instant before it hits the water?

First you have to find the total energy of the system, correct? I used the equations W=FD and PE=mgh
W= (8.2 N)(.43 m)
W=3.526 J

PE=(.4 kg)(9.8)(18m)
PE=70.56 J

total= 3.526 J+ 70.56 J= 74.086 J

Then you can plug this energy into KE= .5 (mv^2)
v= (square root) 74.086 J/.5(.4)
v= 19.25 m/s

6) A circular Pyrex watch glass of 10 cm in diameter at 21 *C is heated to 510*C. In cm, what dimensional chage will be found in the circumference of the glass?

OK...the orginal circumference can be found by C= 2(pi)r
C=2(pi)(.05 m)
C= .314 m
Next I use the following:
(coefficient of linear expansion)= (change in) L/ Li (change in)t
3 x 10^-6=L / (.314)(489)
L= 4.52 x 10^-4 m or 4.52 x 10^-6 cm

Im really not sure if these are correct- any help/comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated! i am trying to expand my knowledge in physics as much as I can! Thank you so much for your time!
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  • #2
I'll do the first one:

You are correct, but you'll wnat to know why. In circular motion, you want to know what force (or combination of forces) cause the centripetal acceleration.

Cnetripetal force must always be supplied by a recognizable force such as tension, gravity, electromagnetic, or normal forces.

If the pilot is not straining against his (or her) straps and the seat is not pushing into him, then he is under the influence of gravity alone. At that moment, at the top of the circle, gravity supplies centripetal force.
  • #3
Oh, BTW. Sig figs, please.
  • #4
I'll do number 2...

2) In the process of running a ballistics test in a police laboratory, an officer fires a bullet having a mass of 6 g at a speed of 350 m/s into a container that slides .3 m across the table top. Assume the direction of the bullet is positive. What average force stops the bullet?

I began with the equation for momentum. p=mv
I would have thought energy considerations is the best for this one. And how come you didn't actually use this in your calculations?

p= (21)

Oopsy, factor of 10 out. 6g is 0.006 kg...

Next, i think I need to find the time using v=d/t
t= 8.57 x 10^-4

Ah... this is your big mistake. To use that formula for time, you are assuming the velocity is constant - but obviously it isn't.

to find the average force, I then used F= v/t
F=350 (m/s)/8.57 x 10^-4 (s)
F= 408401.4 N

Second big mistake - change in velocity/time is acceleration, not force.

Let's try a different method.

The key assumption to make is that the acceleration is more or less constant.

This let's us use a number of equations. The most useful is:

v^2 = u^2 + 2 * a * s

0 = 350^2 + 2 * a * 0.3
a = 204167 m/s^2

Kinda crazy, no?

But now this is the acceleration... F = ma... So multiply by your mass in kg to get a much more reasonable number in Newtons.
  • #5
centripetal force/conservation of momentum/etc

Regarding number 4:

There are initially two forces acting on the ball: gravity and the spring. The net force is the force of the spring, less weight = (3.2 N)-(9.8*0.18) = 1.4 N

The work done on the ball and therefore its kinetic energy at the point of release is
W = Fd = (1.4 N) * (0.19 m) = 0.27 J

This is eventually transformed into gravitational potential energy at the top of the ball’s rise
0.27 J = mgh = (0.18 kg)(9.8 N/m)h
h = 0.15 m = 15 cm above the point of release.
  • #6
Regarding number 6

It looks as though you know the coefficient of linear expansion is 3 X 10^(-6) /C. Sounds about right to me: I’ll take your word for it. However, it is linear not area.

If the final temp. is Tfinal and the initial temp is Tinitial, then
3 X 10^(-6)(Tfinal-Tinitial) = (change in length)/(initial length)

I believe your are being asked to solve for change in length.

FAQ: Centripetal Force/ conservation of momentum/ etc

1. What is centripetal force?

Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. It acts towards the center of the circle and is necessary for an object to maintain its circular motion.

2. How is centripetal force related to conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. Centripetal force is responsible for changing the direction of an object's velocity, and therefore, its momentum. However, the magnitude of the momentum remains constant, in accordance with conservation of momentum.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of centripetal force?

The magnitude of centripetal force depends on the mass of the object, the radius of the circular path, and the velocity of the object. The greater the mass or velocity, or the smaller the radius, the greater the centripetal force required to maintain circular motion.

4. Can centripetal force and tangential force act on the same object?

Yes, an object moving in a circular path experiences both centripetal force and tangential force. Centripetal force acts towards the center of the circle, while tangential force acts tangentially to the circle, in the direction of the object's velocity.

5. How is centripetal force related to uniform circular motion?

In uniform circular motion, the object moves at a constant speed along a circular path. This requires a constant centripetal force to maintain the object's velocity and prevent it from flying off in a straight line. Uniform circular motion and centripetal force are closely related concepts.
