Chances and Preparation for Fall 2012 Math PhD Program

In summary, the conversation discusses the individual's interest in pursuing a PhD in applied math, but their limited options due to their funding situation and graduation timeline. They also mention their academic background, courses taken, and research experience, as well as their interests in mathematical biology and ordinary differential equations. A ranking of PhD programs in applied math with funding is also provided, along with a reminder that most graduate schools will not see the individual's senior thesis in time for their application.
  • #1
Would I be able to get into any PhD Program for applied math? Would you please recommend some PhD and/or masters (with funding) programs to apply to? I'll be graduating in Spring 2012 and unfortunately, my undergrad institution only funds for an extra semester, so my only choice is to apply to a PhD program and/or a funded masters program (if I can find a masters program that gives funding) meaning that I don't have an extra year to prepare for PhD admission.

Currently, I have a 3.1 gpa in my upper div math classes (around 3.2 if lower div math classes are included) and a 3.38 overall. My university is a top 25 undergrad and in the top 50 of math grad schools.

Classes I've taken so far:
Lower Div:
Calculus II A-
Calculus III B+
Linear Algebra B

Upper Div:
Intro to Probability Theory: C
Number Theory (Withdrew)
Statistics B+
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (Dynamical Systems) A
Real Analysis I currently taking at a UC (University of California campus)

I will take Real Analysis II, Advanced Linear Algebra, a 2 semester reading course on Dynamical Systems using a grad text (Guckenheimer and Holmes), Abstract Algebra, and an Engineering Math Course (on PDEs) at my university.

Research Experience:
Summer 2010 REU in Mathematical Biology- created research project, which was presented in undergrad research poster presentation at the Joint Math Meetings
Planned- Undergrad senior thesis on ODEs/Dynamical Systems (either applied or theoretical based) with professor during Spring 2012

Bank of America Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship through my university
Received travel funding from the MAA to fly to the Joint Math Meetings 2011

I am mainly interested in Mathematical Biology and Ordinary Differential Equations, but I am open to other subfields of applied math.
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  • #2
Here is a (subjective) ranking of phd programs in applied math. Its rankings are focused on programs with more funded students.

EDIT: I should also say that there are very few masters programs out there with funding available.
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  • #3
Also, if you're doing your thesis Spring 2012, grad schools won't see it in time when you're applying during Fall 2012. And saying "I will complete a thesis on '...' next semester" doesn't hold as much weight as "I am currently doing a thesis on '...' this semester".

Just a heads-up. Grad schools only get to see your work in the first half of the year that you're applying to them (excluding wait-lists, etc.).

FAQ: Chances and Preparation for Fall 2012 Math PhD Program

1. What are the minimum requirements for admission into a Math PhD program for Fall 2012?

The specific requirements for admission into a Math PhD program for Fall 2012 may vary depending on the university and program. However, in general, most universities will require applicants to have a bachelor's degree in mathematics or a related field, strong letters of recommendation, a high GPA, and a competitive GRE score. Some programs may also require applicants to have completed specific coursework in math and have research experience.

2. What can I do to improve my chances of being accepted into a Math PhD program for Fall 2012?

To improve your chances of being accepted into a Math PhD program for Fall 2012, you should focus on strengthening your academic background. This can include taking advanced math courses, getting involved in research projects, and maintaining a high GPA. It is also important to have strong letters of recommendation and a compelling personal statement that showcases your passion for mathematics and your potential as a researcher.

3. Is it too late to apply for Fall 2012 admission to a Math PhD program?

It is best to check with individual universities for their specific application deadlines for Fall 2012 admission to a Math PhD program. Some universities may have extended deadlines, while others may have already closed their application process. It is always worth contacting the admissions office to inquire about their deadlines and any potential opportunities for late applications.

4. What are some tips for preparing for the Math PhD program application process for Fall 2012?

To prepare for the Math PhD program application process for Fall 2012, it is important to start early and be organized. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements for each program you are interested in and begin working on your application materials well in advance. It can also be helpful to reach out to current graduate students or professors in the program for advice and guidance.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when applying for a Math PhD program for Fall 2012?

Some common mistakes to avoid when applying for a Math PhD program for Fall 2012 include submitting incomplete or incorrect application materials, not paying attention to specific program requirements, and not spending enough time on your personal statement or letters of recommendation. It is also important to carefully proofread your application materials for any spelling or grammatical errors. It can be helpful to have a friend or mentor review your materials before submitting them.

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