Charge produced at end of an insulator rod using electric induction

In summary, charge is produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction through the process of polarization. The amount of charge produced is affected by factors such as the strength of the external electric field, length and material of the rod, and dielectric constant of the insulator. This charge can be controlled by adjusting the strength of the electric field and can be useful in creating a static electric field for various applications. However, charge can only be produced at one end of the rod due to the stronger force experienced by the end closer to the electric field.
  • #1
When a charged body is brought near one end of a rod, opposite charge is produced at the opposite end of the rod. This is written in my book.

Why is charge produced at only the opposite end?
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  • #2
No, there is something wrong with your statement/understanding. Opposite charges attract each other.
  • #3
Thank You. My mistake . I edited my post.

FAQ: Charge produced at end of an insulator rod using electric induction

1. How is charge produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction?

Charge is produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction through the process of polarization. When an external electric field is applied to an insulator, the electrons in the atoms of the insulator are slightly displaced, creating an imbalance of charge at the ends of the rod.

2. What factors affect the amount of charge produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction?

The amount of charge produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction is affected by the strength of the external electric field, the length and material of the rod, and the dielectric constant of the insulator.

3. Can the charge produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction be controlled?

Yes, the charge produced at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction can be controlled by adjusting the strength of the external electric field. It can also be controlled by varying the length and material of the rod or by using a different insulating material with a different dielectric constant.

4. What is the purpose of producing charge at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction?

The purpose of producing charge at the end of an insulator rod using electric induction is to create a static electric field. This can be useful in various applications, such as in electrostatic generators, electrostatic precipitators, and particle accelerators.

5. Can charge be produced at both ends of an insulator rod using electric induction?

No, charge can only be produced at one end of an insulator rod using electric induction. This is because the end of the rod that is closer to the external electric field will experience a stronger force and therefore produce a greater amount of charge compared to the other end.
