Circular Motion of Mass m in a Uniform Plane: Analyzing Forces

In summary: Tr}{m}}In summary, when a ball of mass m attached to a string of length L moves in a circle in a uniform vertical plane, the total force at the top is equal to 2mg, the speed at the top is 2gr, the speed at the bottom is \sqrt{\frac{Tr}{m} - gr}, the tension at the bottom is mg, and the speed of the ball when the string is horizontal is \sqrt{\frac{Tr}{m}}. This can be determined using the concept of conservation of energy, where the sum of kinetic and potential energy remains constant in a conservative system.
  • #1
A ball of mass m attached to a string of length L moves in a circle in a uniform vertical plane. When the ball is at the top of its path, the tension in the string is equal to its weight. Assume that air resistance is negligible.

1. Total force of the ball at the top in terms of m, L, and g:

Okay, total force in a circular motion diagram is:
Centripetal Force= mv^2/r

Centripetal Force=mg+tension
Since tension is the same as weight on the top of the circle, then:
Centripetal Force=mg+mg=2mg

is this the correct way of thinking?

2. speed at the ball at the top?



3. speed at the bottom?

it would be the same as on the top right?

4. Tension at the bottom:

T=mg correct?

5. Speed of the ball when the string is horizonal:

It would be the same correct?
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  • #2
3 and 5 are not correct. Consider using conservation of energy.
  • #3
what is conservation of energy? Could you expand on this a little more?

is it Total force=KE+PE?
  • #4

Energy must be conserved
  • #5
U=potential energy
  • #6
Set either Ui or Uf to zero... zero being the bottom of the loop sing U=mgy and y would be zero
  • #7
Conservation of energy means in this case (actually most of the time friction and such forces aren't applied) that:

[tex] \frac{1}{2}mv^2 + mgh = k [/tex]

where k is a constant

if you use that you will find that

[tex] \frac{1}{2}mv^2_t + mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv^2_b[/tex]

where h = 2r (the difference in height between the two points)

you can use conservation of energy in the same way to calculate the speed when the string is horizontal.

oh, one more thing. 4. is also not correct you must insert the new speed calculated at the bottom to get it correct.
  • #8
Actually to be more precise with what Fannelmel (his definition only considers potential gravitational energy) is saying

Conservation of Mechanical Energy says:

This works for conservative systems (For Example: those without friction)

[tex] \Delta \Omega + \Delta K = 0 [/tex]

I see you are not familiar with this, that's because you don't need it to solve the problem.

Now for the problem analysis:

At the top the ball will be affected by the tension and its weight pointing the same way, so

[tex] T + mg = m \frac{v^2}{r} [/tex]

Its speed at the top will be

[tex] \sqrt{\frac{Tr}{m} + gr} = v [/tex]

There is still more to do because the problem states at top [itex] T = mg [/itex]

At the bottom the will be affected by the tension and its weight pointing the opposite ways, so

[tex] T - mg = m \frac{v^2}{r} [/tex]

so its speed will be

[tex] \sqrt{\frac{Tr}{m} - gr} = v [/tex]

When the ball is horizontal (forms an angle of 90 degrees with the vertical)

[tex] T = m \frac{v^2}{r} [/tex]
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FAQ: Circular Motion of Mass m in a Uniform Plane: Analyzing Forces

1. What is circular motion in a uniform plane?

Circular motion in a uniform plane refers to the movement of an object, with a constant speed, around a fixed center in a single plane. This motion is characterized by a circular path and a constant centripetal acceleration.

2. What is the role of centripetal force in circular motion?

Centripetal force is the force that acts towards the center of the circular path and keeps the object moving in a circular motion. It is responsible for changing the direction of the object's velocity, but not its magnitude.

3. How is centripetal force related to the mass and velocity of the object?

The centripetal force is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the square of its velocity. This means that a larger mass or a higher velocity will result in a larger centripetal force needed to maintain circular motion.

4. What other forces may act on an object in circular motion?

In addition to the centripetal force, other forces such as friction, air resistance, and tension in a string may act on an object in circular motion. These forces may affect the object's speed, direction, or both.

5. How can we analyze forces in circular motion?

To analyze the forces acting on an object in circular motion, we can use Newton's laws of motion and the concept of centripetal acceleration. By setting up a free body diagram and applying the equations for centripetal force, we can determine the magnitude and direction of the forces involved.

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