Coleman's QFT lectures on video

In summary, Coleman's QFT lectures on video are a series of recorded lectures, typically 1-2 hours long, presented in a standard lecture format with visual aids. They are recommended as a supplement to introductory QFT courses, but may be too advanced for complete beginners. There is no specific viewing order, but it is recommended to start with earlier lectures. These lectures are not intended as a replacement for a traditional course and may lack interactive components. While recorded in the 1970s, the concepts presented are still relevant and accurate in modern QFT research, but additional resources may be necessary for a complete understanding of current research.
  • #1
Coleman's QFT lectures on video!

Everybody check out John Baez TWF 264 where he reports Coleman legendary QFT lecture notes are now online!
Physics news on
  • #2
You can get them if you go to Harvard's physics page.

Highly recommended to anyone who is learning field theory (or if you need to learn how to teach the subject). No one ever did it better.

I watched them years ago, since we had some copies in our library (as well as some of his Erice lectures).

Bonus points for the 70s vibe and the hilarious chainsmoking.
  • #3

That's great news! Coleman's QFT lectures are known for being extremely insightful and thorough, and having them available in video format will be a valuable resource for both students and researchers. I highly recommend checking them out.

FAQ: Coleman's QFT lectures on video

1. What is the format of Coleman's QFT lectures on video?

Coleman's QFT lectures on video are available in a series of recorded lectures, typically ranging from 1-2 hours in length. They are presented in a standard lecture format, with Coleman speaking directly to the camera and using visual aids such as slides and diagrams to explain concepts.

2. Are these lectures suitable for beginners in quantum field theory?

While Coleman's lectures are often recommended as a supplement to introductory QFT courses, they may be too advanced for complete beginners. The lectures assume a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and special relativity, and may be challenging for those without this background.

3. Is there a specific order in which the lectures should be viewed?

There is no specific order in which the lectures should be viewed, as they cover various topics in quantum field theory. However, it is recommended to start with the earlier lectures and work your way through the series in order, as the concepts build upon each other.

4. Can these lectures be used as a replacement for a traditional QFT course?

Coleman's QFT lectures on video are not intended to be a replacement for a traditional course, but rather as a supplement or review for those already familiar with the subject. They lack the interactive component and feedback that is typically found in a traditional classroom setting.

5. Are these lectures still relevant and accurate in modern QFT research?

While these lectures were recorded in the 1970s, the concepts and principles presented are still relevant and accurate in modern QFT research. However, it is important to note that there have been advancements and developments in the field since then, so additional resources may be necessary for a complete understanding of current research.

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